
Crazy in Gunpla Tournament : Gundam Build Fighters Try Fanfic

In this story the MC is reborn into the GUNDAM BUILD FIGHTERS TRY universe and also the Gunpla MC will be using is Barbatos So..... Check it out.

Royan_the_Great · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Timeskip 1 month:-

In the virtual desert field, Barbatos, Jun's Gunpla, moved with calculated precision, showcasing a blend of aggression and strategy that mirrored Jun's determination and skill. The sandy expanse became a battleground where Barbatos roamed, its every move deliberate and calculated.

With its sniper rifle mounted on the right shoulder, Barbatos attacked from a distance, aiming with precision and firing at the approaching computer-controlled enemies. Each shot was well-timed, taking down foes before they could even get close. The rifle's sharp report echoed through the virtual landscape as it picked off adversaries from a distance, showcasing Jun's keen eye and steady hand.

But Barbatos wasn't content with just ranged attacks. It closed in on enemies with remarkable speed, its sword in one hand and mace in the other. As it swung its sword, enemies fell before it, while the mace crushed through opponents with devastating force. Jun's strategy involved both precision and power, using the versatile arsenal of Barbatos to its fullest potential.

The virtual battlefield became a symphony of destruction as Barbatos moved seamlessly between long-range precision shots and up-close melee combat. Its movements were fluid, almost dance-like, as it weaved through the chaos, avoiding attacks with agility and striking back with lethal force.

The virtual enemies, once menacing and aggressive, now lay defeated, scattered across the digital desert. Barbatos stood tall amidst the remnants of the battle, its silhouette illuminated by the fading glow of the virtual battlefield. 

As Barbatos finished its relentless assault, systematically dismantling every opponent it faced, the artificial voice of the computer chimed in, its tone monotonous and decisive, "Battle Ended."

With the command given, the plavsky particles that had brought the battlefield to life began to disperse, leaving Barbatos standing on the table, its triumphant aura undiminished.

Jun's eyes glowed with satisfaction and pride as he observed his Gunpla, its performance a testament to his dedication and skill.

Eugene spoke, his tone tinged with amazement, as he pressed the stopwatch on his neck and jotted down the time on his notepad, "Your progress is going crazy."

Jun acknowledged his friend's observation with a nod, silently appreciating the affirmation of his hard work. he replied, "When is the meeting with Ryousuke?"

Eugene checked the time and responded, "In about 15 minutes."

Jun acknowledged the timeframe with a simple "Okay,"


In the fully light of the room, everyone gathered around the table, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the overhead lamp. Ryousuke took his place at the center, his eyes focused, and his voice firm as he began, "Let's talk."

He continued, his words carrying the weight of their upcoming battle, "First, our first battle will be a week later. Second, it will be against Shin'en Academy." Draken's eyes widened with recognition as he recalled the name. "Wait, isn't that the academy of the boys we beat up because they messed with Mikey?" he asked. Ryousuke nodded solemnly, confirming Draken's suspicion. "Yes, that's the one."

"And thirdly," Ryousuke continued, his gaze shifting between his friends, "the fighters I choose will be me, Jun, and Shino as our main force. The rest of you will be the backup." The room fell into a thoughtful silence.

Ryousuke's attention then turned to Jun and Shino, his expression expectant. "I want Jun and Shino to customize their Gunpla for the upcoming battle." Jun nodded in understanding, fully prepared for the challenge. Shino, however, seemed a bit uncertain. "Wait, aren't Draken or someone else going to customize it for us?" he inquired, seeking clarification.

Ryousuke's response was straightforward, his words carrying a sense of responsibility, "It's your Gunpla, correct?" Shino nodded in agreement. "Exactly," Ryousuke affirmed. He then shifted his focus to Draken, his tone holding a note of anticipation, "Draken, I hope your Gunpla will be ready for the Meijin Cup." Draken's confidence shone through his reply, "I've already designed it. It will be ready for the tournament."

Mikey and Eugene chimed in, their determination evident, "Ours will be ready too." Ryousuke nodded approvingly, acknowledging their commitment. With a final statement, he concluded the meeting, "So, these were the things I wanted to discuss with you all. The meeting is ended."

Jun, always one to break serious moments, teased Ryousuke with a playful tone, "Well, Ryousuke, you sure do act like a good boss." Ryousuke, slightly embarrassed, scratched the back of his head and replied, "Well, it's because all of you were acting pretty serious, that's why."

Changing the subject, Jun continued, his curiosity piqued, "Anyway, you haven't shown me your Gunpla yet." Ryousuke, with a hint of mystery in his voice, responded, "I will show you next week when we battle Shin'en Academy." Jun nodded, looking forward to the reveal.

Draken, showing his concern for his friends, addressed Jun, "Do you need help with your Gunpla? Shino has already asked for my help." Jun, confident in his abilities, shook his head and replied, "No need, I think I'll do just fine." Draken, understanding but still supportive, said, "Okay, if you get stuck at anything, know that you can always come to me." Jun appreciated his friend's offer, grateful for the support within their close-knit group.


As Jun stepped into the Gunpla store, a voice greeted him, belonging to a woman in her 40s. Despite her age, she exuded a timeless beauty. Amazed, she exclaimed, "How do you look so young, Asuka?" Jun, slightly puzzled, clarified, "Hmm, I'm her son." The woman, understanding now, nodded and said, "Ohhh... I see. What can I do for you, Jun?"

Jun, slightly taken aback by the woman's familiarity, asked, "How do you know me?" She smiled warmly, "Simple. Your mother is my friend." Jun nodded in realization, "Ah, you must be Auntie Rinko." Rinko confirmed with a grin, "Yes, that's me. So, what do you need, kiddo?"

Before Jun could answer, Rinko continued, "Just take what you need. I don't exactly know the specifics. Actually..." She trailed off, noticing Jun's confusion, "You don't look like a woman. I was just messing around, thinking you were related to Asuka. She did tell me you'd come by."

Jun scanned the shelves filled with various Gundam models. His eyes fell on the kit he was looking for, and he picked it up with a sense of determination. A few moments later, he found himself in front of the counter, placing the chosen models down.

Rinko, the friendly woman behind the counter, smiled at him. "Ah, you found what you were looking for, I see."

Jun nodded. "Yes, thank you. These are the ones."

Rinko studied him for a moment before a thoughtful expression crossed her face. "You seem quite passionate about Gunpla. Are you preparing for a tournament or something?"

Jun hesitated for a moment before deciding to share a bit about his plans. "Yeah, my friends and I are forming a Gunpla Battle team. We're going to compete in the regional tournament."

Rinko's eyes lit up with interest. "That sounds exciting! Best of luck to all of you. I will sure come at your match."

Jun nodded, appreciating her enthusiasm. "Thank you."

Jun was about to pay for the model kits he had selected when Rinko, the woman at the counter, interrupted him. She kindly spoke, "Young man, there's no need for you to pay me."

Jun was surprised by her generosity and tried to protest, saying, "But..."

Rinko cut him off with a warm smile and a firm tone, "No 'buts.' You can take whatever you want from this shop."

Grateful for Rinko's kindness, Jun nodded appreciatively, his heart warmed by her generosity. "Thank you, Auntie Rinko. I really appreciate this."

Rinko waved him off with a smile, her eyes twinkling with kindness. "You're welcome, dear. Just focus on your Gunpla battles and make sure to enjoy every moment of it. And don't forget to say hi to your mother for me!"

With a final wave, Jun left the shop, his arms filled with the Gunpla kits he needed for their upcoming battles.

As Jun left the store, he turned back one last time to express his gratitude to Rinko. With a curious look in his eyes, he asked, "Auntie Rinko, are you here just for a while in Kawagoe?"

Rinko nodded, her smile still warm. "Yes, dear. This shop is a branch of my main store in Tokyo. I'm here for a short break, taking some time off from the bustling city life."

Jun was intrigued. "It must be nice to have a break. Tokyo can be really busy."

Rinko chuckled softly. "Indeed, it can be. Kawagoe offers a serene contrast, and it's lovely to be here, even if it's just for a little while. I enjoy meeting young Gunpla enthusiasts like you. It reminds me of my son when he was your age."

Jun smiled back at her, feeling a connection beyond the world of Gunpla. "Thank you for your kindness, Auntie Rinko. If you ever need anything while you're here, don't hesitate to ask."

Rinko patted his shoulder gently. "You're a sweet young man, Jun. Take care and have fun with your Gunpla battles. And don't forget to say hello to your mother for me."

With a warm farewell, Jun left the shop, his heart filled not only with gratitude.
