
Craving Him

He wants him, He needs him, He promised him, He is craving him.

MayUcee · LGBT+
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1 Chs


A pair of bloody red eyes shone in the fairly large room where there was only a dim low light. The sleeping person in the bed was the focus of intense glare from the eyes. Every time those chests rise and fall, letting out a few light gentle snores, the eyes glisten with an indescribable emotion.

The owner of the eyes moves forward slowly, wanting to lift the annoying hair that blocks the face of the young man it is staring at, until finally, in dim light, the owner of the eyes reveals its features.




Anyone who looks at it will be reminded of these words. So different from the fantasy of a handsome man staring at you while you sleep, admiring and loving you.

The owner—the man appears to be a beast. The man doesn't have animalistic features, but beastly is a good word for him as his mouth drips slimy saliva and he lets out a few low groans, grunts, and roars. He has long curly brown hair that draws attention to his features, and his mouth contains razor-sharp teeth instead of the lining teeth that humans should have.

The bloodshot-eyed man's hand came to a halt in the middle of his motion. His eyes are now filled with hunger and annoyance. He wants the time to move faster because he has already waited long enough; he can feel himself being taken over by instinct, which he despises.

"Wait a few more years, Damian, and you'll have him." He jerked his head to the voice. He is greeted by the sight of a woman dressed casually in a big shirt and 3/4 shorts. The woman has platinum blond hair that is medium in length.


The woman sighed. She should have anticipated it. This man before her waited for centuries and managed to keep himself hidden for so long, an incredible feat given his identity. She turns her gaze to the young man in bed. He appears at peace, completely unaware that these people are on his property.

'What a pitiful human being...' She shook her head and asked a question to Damian, the red-eyed man. "Could you wait? I understand time flows differently, but try something and he will die and you will suffer."

Damian did not respond; instead, he simply turned to face the young man before turning to face her and abruptly vanishing. She moved closer and, feeling sorry for him, patted the young man on the cheek. "A century for him, ten years for you... Live life to the fullest."

Before quietly vanishing, Alya kissed his forehead. The atmosphere of the space went back to being calm and quiet. While the young man was still dozing off, the air conditioner was making gentle noises.

In the midst of this, another figure emerges from the shadows. Standing at the foot of the bed, its identity was completely obscured by the shadows.

The figure stayed for a while, looking like it was thinking about something, before also vanishing. "Ha...what a fuck up situation," it said.

A minute passed after another minute. The young man on the bed slowly sat up and turned to look around his own room after opening his eyes and focusing on the ceiling.

"Fucking trespassers."
