
Crashing into an Old Flame

"What if I say it's too risky?" she asked. "Then I will respond with—you are worth every risk," he smiled. ... With a troubled past and financial issues, Maxim Warner never had it easy. Coming a long way from a small town, he never stopped despite the hurdles thrown his way. Charming and aloof, now the hotshot neurosurgeon has no use for emotions and even less use for love. However, things get twisted when he takes a familiar blonde as his tenant despite the jarring red flags in his mind. She is the same woman who once held his heart within her grasp. But she crushed it back then and he would be damned if he let her do it again. He would be a good friend to her. Nothing more. End of the story. Diana Chen, an American-Chinese heiress finds her life flipping upside down when she holds an infant in her arms. A tiny life that she is supposed to protect now but it comes at the expense of everything she has. Nevertheless, on the worst day of her life, she moves to another country and decides to start a new life. And probably it is a good sign that her new house owner is a familiar face. "Oh my god, Warner, I almost didn't recognize you!" She ruffled his hair but unlike how he used to laugh or blush in the past, he did not react and the atmosphere suddenly felt strained. Let her take it back. The new house owner being a familiar face is making things awkward because the broody neurosurgeon might not be the beautiful boy with haunted dark eyes she used to know once. He is a man now... mysterious and stunning with eyes that strangely smolder her. And she is beginning to feel things that she should not feel for him. God, is it too late to find rent somewhere else? Maxim has yet to get over what the young Diana did to him while Diana has a baby to raise in her penniless state. Amidst this, the last thing they want is to look at each other across the dining table like the world lacks oxygen and their mouths are the only strategy for survival. When the thin string of patience snapped, she made a proposal, "Take all my firsts," As he looked at her in stunned silence, she continued, "I want you to take all my firsts. If you can't, then I can go find someone who will—" her words were lodged back in her throat by his consequent actions. _ When the mysteries from the past unveil themselves gradually, will the two be able to get over their differences and own up to their feelings? Or will it be the final 'The End' for them this time?

Auroraaa · Urban
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316 Chs

How could he...?

''6 years, I see," he nodded.

Diana's brows furrowed. I see. What did he mean by 'I see'?

"So, in the past 6 years, as a sweet friend, how many times did you look for me? Did you even care if I was alive or dead?" Maxim tilted his head to the side, ''Did you try to call me as the friend that you say you are?"

''I didn't have your number…'' Diana did not meet his gaze, ''How could I have known how to look for you?"

''I still have the same sim card that you gifted me on my 16th birthday,'' Maxim said.

Diana's lips parted. That sim card… It shared two same digits as the one she had put in her burner phone. That year, she was really confused about what she should gift him on his birthday. Her sister suggested a phone but she did not want to make Maxim uncomfortable nor did she want to come off as some spoiled rich brat who squandered her money so she ended up gifting him that sim card.

When he got a phone, he used it but she never thought… ''I didn't know you are still using it,'' she murmured.

''You would have known if you tried to call me,'' Maxim said, ''But you didn't. That's why you don't know so don't come to me and give me this 'we are friends' crap when you haven't done anything that makes me feel like it.''

Diana's fingers curled into a fist. She inhaled a deep breath, ''What gives you the right to lecture me? What have you done? Did you reach out to me? You just went up and left after graduating all of a sudden. I didn't even know…''

''Why would I reach out to you?" Maxim stepped back from her, ''I am not delusional. We were friends because it was convenient. We were in the same place and shared similar thoughts so we became friends. After I left, you moved on with your life and so did I. Our lives did not stop for each other nor did we stop to miss each other at any part.''

Diana's lips wobbled. She bit the insides of her cheeks so hard that it hurt.

''And right now, you are living under my roof. It's convenient again. You feel like it's fate or some miracle or whatever. You started feeling like our friendship still holds so much potential and you want to give it a go once again,'' Maxim paused for a moment before he continued speaking, ''But you know what? When you leave again, your priorities would change. Our lives won't stop for each other... So, let's not make each other uncomfortable.''

Diana watched him as he turned around and walked away.

''It's late. Go back to your room,'' he paused on the cobblestone path for a moment before he walked inside the house.

Diana kept standing in the garden for a few minutes before she shrugged, ''Whatever,'' she walked inside the house.

''She just fell asleep,'' Ivy, who was guarding the door spoke up when she saw her.

Diana nodded, ''Good night," she whispered and stepped inside the room.

Ivy left.

Diana locked the bedroom door and glanced at the sleeping baby before she walked towards the bathroom.

She locked the bathroom door and washed her face a few times, feeling the cool sensation on her face.

"Washing face with cold water really has a way of making one feel refreshed. Mmm," she continued splashing water on her face until the water started feeling salty on her lips as it got mixed with her tears.

Diana turned the faucet off and leaned back on the wall. Her body slowly slid down the wall as she sat on the floor, hugging her knees closer to her body, ''How could he say that to…me?" she panted as warm tears rolled down her cheeks.

Diana stubbornly wiped her tears with the back of her palm but the more she wiped them, the more they fell.

Her face turned red at some point as she sobbed, ''He ignored me for 2 whole months then he suddenly turned in for exams and left. I… I even went looking for him but…''


10th standard

''This is the first time, you know?" Maxim crossed his arms in front of his chest as they walked down the streets, side to side.

Diana glanced at him questioningly, ''First time for what, Warner?"

''First time you didn't disappear for weeks during the time of our result announcement,'' Maxim said as he stopped walking.

Diana rubbed her arms before she blew into her palm, warming them up, ''I don't disappear. I usually just go back to the main mansion. But this year, my parents are busy with their work. Also, Daisy will be here to visit me soon. She was asking about our results.''

It was a good thing that the last year when her elder sister visited her, she introduced Maxim to him. This grumpy guy needed more friends to socialize with. He wanted to be a doctor but with his expressions, there were chances he would scare away his patients.