
Intro to my horrible and messy life!

There I was at the table at Black Cat Coffee minding my own business when I just so happened to glance his way and see him. Hi im Brooklyn Stone. I live in Columbus Ohio and I am 18. My dream boy is kinda funny to some people, my dream boy is accually Asian. weird right? Heh yeah as you can tell im not really noticed much around school. This boy that I've chased for years had always thought of me as as SERVANT!!! Like what the heck dude! That is low! The day that he told me that, I slapped him and told him off. Him name was Alex Lee. I've honestly never liked him ever again from that point on. Now I don't even know what kind of a mess I've gotten myself into.

Lying in bed with my cat Perdita thinking about what he said. "You're just not my type, you're more like a little servant that follows me around! GET A LIFE BROOK!" We've known each other since kindergarten, so how could all the popularity go to his head so quick? Like all he did was get invited to one party and now he's prince jerk?! I realize during all that day dreaming I forgot I was in the middle of a test to be come a real-estate agent. " Oh crap! No no no," Terrified to look at the timer I slowly glanced down. 5 MINUTES! THAT MEANS I HAVE TO DO 7 QUESTIONS PER MINUTE! I frantically rush through the test picking nearly random answers. I smashed my pointer finger on the mouse praying I did ok. 60% was dimly displayed. Oh no this is really bad! I'll ask Mrs. Rodgers to redo it tomorrow.