
The Holy Great World War

On the last millennium of the Worshiping Era, a war between The Church of Caleris and The Cult of Deravon escalated to involve and engolfe the entire world, and connected realms, bringing destruction to everything and everyone, year after year, decade after decade, until the world

could not be recognized even by the Gods that created it.


The Gods felt rage for the first time.

Every church become dust.

Immortals felt they souls be torn apart as they bodies tuned to nothing.

Mages become trapped in they on minds, living the most painful and fearful memories of they kind.

Rulers were made to fell the death of every soldier they send to death and every innocent that died by they choices.

But the Gods rage did not pass, and so they took the path to power and immortality.

And man is now forever weak and never old.