
Cracked Reality

Jason tried his best to hide from his past but when monsters start to appear out of cracks that appear in the sky he must face his demons in order to save those closes to him. Will he be a hero that everyone needs or will the shadows of his past consume him? ************************************************************

S_D_Long · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Goddess of the Shadows

Jason was laying in an in a dark room,

"Where am I?" he asked himself.

"Welcome this is my realm a place between all worlds." Jason jumped up and saw a young woman in her late twenty's with jet black hair done in a simple braid, she was wearing a low cut maroon dress that tightly hugged her hourglass figure.

"Who are you," Jason asked.

"I am Selnyx goddess of the shadows," she replied. "I am here to tell you that your world is on the verge of collapse and only you have the power to stop it." Jason looked at her thinking one of those drunks you see going around say the world gonna end.

"I have kept you here for longer than I should have and it seems your finally waking up so for now, I will just say this, soon you will be faced with hardship and make sacrifice unlike any you have ever made before." after saying this Jason vision blurred and when he opened his eyes again he was in the hospital. He tried to move his head but it sent pain shooting in his neck. He just laid there for a while trying to remember what happened. The last thing he remembered was some giant tiger swatting him like he was a fly and then, nothing. he felt as though he was forgetting something important but he couldn't quite remember what it was. Suddenly the door to his room flew open and, despite the pain, he turned and looked to see who had entered and saw Amanda standing in the doorway her hand over her mouth with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You're awake." She cried, running and jumping on him squeezing him. Once she finally calmed down they sat and talked about what happened, apparently, Jason had been unconscious for a whole week.

"After you passed out some guy with a sword jumped down and save both our lives" She explained," But after he did the tiger disappeared into a light and the man just left." Jason was shocked by the monster that nearly killed him just disappeared like that. Just then the news came on.

"BREAKING NEWS, the world has seen a sudden appearance of monster after the cracks that appeared in the sky which people have now The Shattering, but along with these monster people also gained sautés window and the ability to grow stronger after killing said monsters. While no one knows why this is happening people have started hunting monsters for the hope of getting stronger. Also, it is said that only primitive weapons can hurt these monster modern weapons have no effect on them." Jason realized that his peaceful life was about to come to an end along with the current world.