
Chapter 1

A few days ago, Giovanni Bianchi started to feel a little anxious. Out of nowhere, a soft red light or glow started to envelop his best friend and police partner Lucca Caccini and, apparently, he was the only one to see him. whatever it meant, Giovanni wouldn't like it, he was sure of it.

During an invasion, where some mobsters tried to escape, Giovanni suddenly felt someone giving up on his life. It looked strange and it wasn't right, it was idle and strong ... And then, out of nowhere, he heard the shot fired by a gun

He knew. He knew the shot was for Lucca and the only thing he could think of was to protect his best friend and co-worker, that his reaction was to throw him across the room with a strange and powerful force. Lucca fell on a shelf that collapsed on top of him and left him unconscious for a short time. Even so, it took him to the other side of the room and probably hurt him, it also threw him away from the deadly shot.

There was so much blind anger in Giovanni's body when he turned to the man who had tried to kill his best friend that he seemed to have lost his memory of what happened next, as the next thing he could remember was all five mafia members killed on the floor.

Across the room, Lucca groaned and stood up, brushing the dust off his clothes and pushing the books away from him. When he turned around, he seemed to notice his enemies on the floor. He ran his fingers through the blond hair that was now only half caught by the ponytail and sighed.

"Giovanni, that was not our plan!" Lucca said and shook his head. "We should take them and find out who their leader was!"

Giovanni nodded silently, but was happy to notice that the mysterious red glow had disappeared around his best friend. "I'm sorry, Lucca. They wanted to kill you, I just tried to protect you"

Lucca smiled weakly and climbed the wrecked room around the people lying on the floor. "They might as well have caught you!" Picking up his weapon lying beside him, he stretched again and checked for bruises on his arms.

Once again, Giovanni nodded, although somehow he was sure that they did not try to kill him, but Lucca. They scanned the rest of the house and found nothing alive inside, except for them. So there were no mafia members around and apparently they had no plants. Harry liked this new method very much, as it eliminated the possibility of being surprised by someone who was not willing enough to fight

that he was not willing enough to fight with others, but decided to stay behind and take revenge. With this new method of observation, everything has been revealed.

"Well, then, let's bring Matteo here and let his team do the rest" Lucca summed up and started making one of the newest technologies in the Italian police manual, which he was supposed to tell police in the investigating department, (The investigators led by Matteo Lucchese), that a crime had happened and the scene was ready to be examined.

In a short moment, the place was invaded by people from the investigation department and Giovanni along with Lucca made their way to the police department to finish the report, before going home. Lucca wanted him to get together for a few drinks, but Giovanni was extremely tired and postponed the drink until a later date.

Giovanni also decided not to go home via the subway. A walk through the streets of Rome would certainly help you to calm down a little. He just realized that the red glow he had seen in Lucca was probably a sign that he should die. There was no way of saying what would have happened if Giovanni had not seen and had also not felt the death shot running through the air. Probably the worst thing ever. He couldn't even imagine what he would have to say to his best friend's wife, Antonella Caccini! How could he have told her, his best childhood friend, that her husband died while they were in what appeared to be a surprise attack?

His line of depressing thoughts was interrupted when someone got in his way and made him stop walking too. "I'm sorry" the other man said and Giovanni looked up to find a younger man standing there. "I must have lost my way around here, could you help me get to the Coliseum?"

His sharp blue eyes were just extremely prominent due to his extraordinarily white hair and white skin. He looked like a walking snowman with light blue eyes. His wardrobe seemed to be from the late seventeenth century and Giovanni realized that he must have been a man who had no idea how to dress appropriately for the present day.

Giovanni waited for a second, before smiling back at him. "Sure, I need to go over there anyway."

"Perfect!" The young man smiled. He seemed a little strange to any human being and Giovanni's newly awakened sense of death (which he didn't know he had until now) was on high alert. He risked another look, but that didn't change the image of this strange man. He really had silver and white hair and piercing blue eyes. He was so pale that even Matteo seemed to have been in the sun for months.

As they walked side by side for a few moments of silence, Giovanni noticed something else: his steps seemed ... not to be there. Was he floating ?! What was he thinking, doing something like that around the streets of Rome? Was he crazy ?!

Suddenly, the young man stopped and smiled at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Dearil Mortem. I am death."


Forgive me for any mistakes. English is not my mother tongue. I hope you enjoyed it.

by: Ana