
Country of angels and demons

MrCornelismalan · History
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5 Chs

Vol2 - chaper 2,

I woke up a while later on a boat that leaves for Mexico... With the feeling leaving my past life behind me, thinking about what i saw and what is truly real... How does anyone know what is truly real.... Is this al a dream, i know everybody ask this question...

But in this moment... I felt like life was just beating the shit out of me.... Doing things out of my control, but this blame it all on me...

I got the nick name crazy red. As most wanted man.

Everybody is asking whyyy serail killers got so cool names and not stupid names to make them feel shame or whatever, it because you dont make a killer mad... Or feel shame or stupid he will show you by killing 20 more....

You make them feel good like the best oncw you feel like the best then you make mistakes thinking that you can't make a mistake.

And then they would continue killing people in the way that they do so police can beter know where and beter understand the killer i and who killed them. I mean 1000deaths daily... If their is 3 serail killers. Police can catch them faster hy knowing how day move how fast all that kinda staff.

When i got into Mexico things turned bad....

Waking up in mountains, random houses with 30 armed guard dead around me.

News turn bad fast... Talking about a hero raising up killing drug, sex trafficers gangster all that bad people...

Makes sense because i always wondered why in Science fiction movies werewolf and all that dont go for drug dealers and all that. Instead good people... I understand it but if you think like what if it was real no understanding then. If you understand what i trying to say.

I never knew where i was living on the money i took from people i killed wich is suprising alotttt.... 5million per week on average.

Everytime if i get upset of maf of sleep i wake up 100miles away from my home.( I walked) for whatever i did i didn't use my kar.

People started asking me how i got my money i just told them im famous in america i moved to Mexico because i was tired of living a lie. No idea what that means but for some reason they believed and understood....

I prayed and trieddd sooo muchhhhhh to control this lock my self up building steall rooms withh big ass dooors. That was funny.... When they asked me what in thw hell do i need this room for. I just said Americans rigth. It worked every time.

I tried go bigger and bigger... But no door seemed to work... When i got home... From my rage like the alll blackout killing thing. Everytime i saw clawmarks... Door on the other side of the room broken folded. Or smashed. Kinda impressive if you think about how incredible strong that is.

When i gave up trying to control it... After few years... I remembered more and more.

I felt one and the moment i felt that connection you couldn't believe what happend nexted

I didn't feel like that i was just in rage