
Country of angels and demons

MrCornelismalan · History
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Chapter 1- working for what i need

Its been 3 years i saved up i been working everywhere.. Taking job offers working with friends, family, girlfriends family her friends anywhere that i can get money... Hey im dave im a 21 year old man with a wonderfull girl...

I met her this year and i never knew what was love until i met her... I always thought loved made a guy weak but no it makes you do things you couldn't do in your wildess dreams, i will do anything for her...

I lived on a farm and then my grandmother died and we lost the farm... My grandmother was the only person i cared about... All i ever knew was lost.. And pain.. Until this year

But sorry i got depro...

My t... mmm okay i don't want to call her that so im just going to call her my good old friend is helping me with my head mental health things my mother got bipolar so im scared i will get it if i carry on like this.

Cherize wouldn't like that... My friend thinks me writing this story will help me. So here we go... I don't really know how to write but i will try... Know this story im going to write in twoo eyes. From cherizee eyes and from my eyes.

So i will write cherize- then the life through her eyes got it.

A long time ago i saved up money to buy my own farm and remake my childhood... In memory of my grandmother. My life was simple and amazing every year we would write horses me my family and all my families friends and all that good stuff.

We had so much back then... My father my mother died soon agter we lost the farm couple years back.

But sorry anyway I've been working everywhere... And one day i got a job over over seas. Know its 250k a year.

I need 100k more to buy the farm and all that i need for a amazing future...

Then i met this amazing girl... Who i lovee with all my hart... I told her few months after meeting her my plan and i what i needed she offered to come along and work with me so we both will make 250k a year and save up enough to buy the farm and start that future.

Remember when i told you i will tell the tail im her eyes also...

Well i kinda hear her.. And she can take over after it all happend. You will know soon enough what this all is about.

Cherize- i just want to explain why i wanted to build a future. First of all i love him with all my hart like for real and i want him to succeed and the first time we met when i looked him in the eyes i knew and a saw this is the man of my dreams i was scared but he took that fear away hy being him self. I wont pop in so much after you know why i do it and how i would do it more often. Because its weirdd rigth? So exuse me.

Dave- well as i was saying what was i saying

Oo well i wont bored you to death with all the details basically we went we saved up money... And we searched for few weeks for the perfect farm... Or piece of land as you will.

Then we bougth it... Was amazing... The first time we stepped on the grounds of our future home we made love on the grass... Not as romantic as its sounds m grass in my but ground in my nutsacks. But it was special because it was with my girl of my dreams so i just noticed and felt all the shit after we stopped and stoood up.

Btw grass and sex doesn't go weelll together... Don't try that shitt... Do it in a car like normal people. We wanted to become one with the place some weird shit i tell you but it made sense because when you look someone you love in the eyes and you are young and honry and she tells you something it sounds like a good idea. Sometimes it is.

But damn that was the best time of my lifee...

We decorated the house... Bought future all that good staff led stuff i could never remember. Anywayy...

We bought a few wild animals... 20 bucks and all that we started a hunting lodge for tourists who want a real African existence...

They can choose gun bow spear. But i would walk with a gun infront just to be safe.

Iike it was going great money was flowing like crazyyy.....

We got a few workers... And then it alll broke down.... One nigth the workers played music hard and i wanted them to turn it off we had the tourist there 6 people who paid alot of money....

So i went and they had alcohol and they with dancing... The tourists liked it... But everything thing went bad from there...

So one of the workers told hes friend that the farm is so great and alot of money in the safe we we're jong be bragged we gave them big tips. So they bragged they killed him for the information... Burn hes hands...

Pulled hes teeth out... I knew because next day they told me when i saw my girl lay on the ground in a pile of blood...

I couldn't tell you the pain i felt... I had a gun i didn't do anything i wanted to die... They hated us farmers soo muchh...

They killed the only person i had and then they killed 4 tourists and left the other to tell the tail... Just so people wont come here anymore...

I helped everyone and this is what i did to me. They didn't carw who i was just what color my skin was. And i could see in their eyes they loved seeing a white guy broke down like that.

I lost everything.... My grandfather died a year later and i got millions. But i didn't carw a year later and it felt like it was happening over and over to me everyday every second....

I was so maddd... I paid guys to find the people who did it and bring me their mothers hart fathers hart... Sisters... Cost me nearly everything i that well half of what i had. And it helped....

I didn't feel as uselessss but i wanted for her to get beter... And what wantwd nexted changed my life...

My friend who helped me with my head and i payed her of course told me i had bipolar...

Well yes so i knew that because every nigth i saww her.

Well im in a mental hospital btw. And they give me pills and all that but i stopped taking it because i wanted to she her... Not only did i see her... I could feel her touch her....

Hear her voice... I was mentalll....

And i lied and said i was doing fineee.... And i was happy.... But i was always i bad liar. So she kept on oo btw this isn't a mental hospital with like steal doors you can walk out. I didn't hurt someone.. So i was fine.

I walked out the day i noticed i can talk to her.... But then i saw a person walking down thw street... And i thought it was the person who killed my girl well i saw hes face and all that hes skin color was the same.

I run and struck him down with a mitty blow to hes head... Then i grabbed my knife and stapped him i heard people screaming help and all that... Then all of a sudden everyone had the faces of the people who killed my girl i killed 7people that day before the police shot me n i suffered unlikely on the time but im happy now.

Luckily the police in south Africa can't shoot for shit

Im in a mental hospital with steal doors now im better now soo they let me write my story...

Chapter 1. the end