
The Bride

She was and is in the core heart of the family

Mom always gave her pinky fingers to clutch it every second

She held her in her arms and hugged her forever

Dad was the cream of the crop and proudy of her triumph

Raising and seeing her tiny hands grow was their biggest delight

Who knew those hands were going to get held by someone else after decades

She was someone else's bride now,

Away from the family love

And away from the dear

She had a new surname

Away from own and away from home

His bride was his property

But why not him with her property?

Her infancy could be a load to some

And chasing her away as the bride was the tremendous penalization

She was in a red sari

With a bride shawl on her head

Indicating her distance

That was too heavy for the parents to bear

How did they let the love go away in those few hours of being a bride?

They couldn't stop

The culture was bigger than togetherness

And culture was bigger than her

They gazed her since infancy

And caring her since their immaturity

What about the other family, who has to accept another's daughter with a curse?

Why can't he get to her?

She has been surrendering the 20-30 years of her life just for him

And he couldn't even take care of her

She got a dangerous at home

She found hate at home

She missed the olden days and her parents

No one could take her back

Wish she is okay and wish she is happy

Let the girl breath

Let the girl smile

And let the girl free

She kept her feet on the next

Which was externally accepted and not emotionally

a piece of piece of mind

searching for peace but it's piece is shattered to pieces

i have the threads but I am afraid of stitches

I know what I want but lazy to seek it

i wish a lot of wishes you would hear the words i am too afraid to say it

The knitting set for the pieces is found and again lost

Words could tangle with the threads

No worries it will find its ways

Get it to the point for it to shine

The tangles are never impossible to be solved

fate is like a thread it comes again to where its meant

i want to own it and dont want to be in rent

moon and sun are different but the important thing is they understand their difference

we humans are not perfect by itself

thats why we tend to attract what we are lacking

Sometimes what we want is upon the shadows

Giving directions

We don't realize its wheels and remain a constant forever

One needs to and no one is the one for that one

This way or that someday or now

The thing will happen if its on fate

and wouldn't if its not, fate needs a flow determined by us

Just be a audience to see the revolving earth

In a different book in a same page

In a same shoes with different size

In a same road with different vehicle

In a same moon with different night

In a same life with different purpose or mission

The same page upon the books can refine

The different sizes are never a problem to combine

Vehicles can move with a same pace

And moons are always 1 to race

Difference attract,similar repel

Life already is hard enough , something very easy to rest

moon goes through different phases from our eyes

But it's always the same

It is the same

but our hands are never long enough to reach it

Just a feel upon the hear and a belief upon the brain

I cannot and you cannot

Concluding compelled end