
Once I imagined it

Once,I imagined the enthusiastic moments with you, set up millions of expectations, and started to smile for no reason... instantly, I realized your goodbye and my smile concluded like yours.

Nights are hard to pass away cause my sleep no longer takes my side, It holds up my stress every second and resides in my head each moment.

The biggest Moral of my existence is to never give my whole heart to the external ones because there's someone named 'ownself' who'll be there every moment. Olden days brought the heels to my tall present. I wanted to utter every single piece of my heart to you and I want you to reverse and discover the correction. Cheeks were disappointed with me and my eyes because every time the eye releases a tear, silly cheeks have to absorb it no matter what. I don't want you to stay by my side 24/7, just stay there. A sudden goodbye is a sudden injection in my soft heart that cracked up a specific shiftless cardiac. I feel like everything is gone and your addiction is due to the unfortunate habit you placed upon me. I sense a bad overthinking that shouldn't have occurred. My love losing your love has put my life at risk, separation from you is like poison, it's killing my soul. First heartbreak but a literal giant lesson to the coming days.!!!!.

I had never written this amount of writing during the delighted times compared to the broken days. It always consumes your everything! Human nature prioritized the negative more than the positive so, this was expressed fully. I learned a lot after this incident and I hope to never dip myself into such conditions. I laughed a real hard at myself visualizing the memories of throwing such generous words to someone with an unexpected crippling outcome.