

Trillions of existence!.. They were chilling under the ground and They were chilling above the ground. They were crying, stepping on the crust and They were weeping to scold themselves. You own 2 feet, 2 eyes, 2ears, 2 hands, and unlimited more. Have you ever tangled the nerves of your mind asking yourself why you deserve these? What was the reason? Why aren't you among the black vision and 24 hours of silence? Why aren't you among the ones who could never eat with those five fingers and step on mother earth?

Having all the facilities and owning everything that someone considered the only desire. We often compel our hearts to slip against the blessings and reverse towards the unpleasant emotion holding.

Look at the hands of the beggar lying down in front of the temple expecting YOU to drop the penny which would lessly affect your large property. Right? Just dip your 2 fingers into your pocket and take out the tiny bit. You don't need to give many, just a penny!.

We rarely realize the inner cheers of the heart after doing something right. But again, there is the exception which projects thousands of more beggars depending on the money we give them. You definitely can't help them all but you can change the hungry night of one person. You can determine one's happiness and who knows your 1 dollar would be the reason for someone's success.

Being a social organism you can interact and clearly illustrate the concept for someone else. Good news! You got the sketch pen in your hands to illustrate one.

Do the best if you are capable!!