

It's just goal

Goal to reach the top

Goal to gain love

Goal to prove it possible

And the goal is to stand by

Will I climb the stairs I desired for

Will by paws take me that miles

He said I won't do it

But I just was my goal to meet

Should I believe him?

He has a reason for his theme

Should I follow him?

He has an experienced stream

I stance to be me

But me is what my goal doesn't want

My hands dwindle

My legs shrink

My brain flutters

And my heart questions

Is that my field?

Am I planting it on the proper allotment?

Who knows?

It's just me clutching a big dream

Wanting to make it a pleasant scream

All there exists is a question mark.

a question mark bigger than a shark

I getting bugged by their words

And the words arrives asks me will I afford?

Many say that it's the spike on your strike

Regardless I perceive it as a failure mike

Tons of negatives

Just let me live

Live by the dream

And convert it into a reality stream