
The Boy With No Memories(1)

As the night sky fell upon the lively city of Lucis a young man named Luka with hair as white as snow and eyes darker than space itself was working diligently within his room on a new project he was hoping to sell online.

Playing various chords and melodies he struggled to find the perfect sound for his song. Though to many this wouldn't be much of an issue, this was far more than stressful.

"Damn it..." Releasing a soft sigh from his lips, he stopped working the moment he heard the growling of his stomach.

"If only I had the credentials to get a decent job..." He thought.

With him only graduating a few days ago, it was hard for him to get a proper job in a city that only wanted professionals. But even if he passed the needed requirements for even the simplest of jobs, the competition would be far too high for him to get one in time.

"Forget it, it wouldn't make a difference if I started whining about my situation." He muttered. "But even then if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be in such a dire position." He thought.

Clenching his fist, he couldn't help but feel bitter towards his extended family. After the death of his mother, they immediately took custody over him before taking all of the money she saved and disowning him once the chance came.

"Damn it..." He thought as the anger within his heart began to stir violently. "One day I'll get revenge on those bastards!" He thought.

Motivated by his emotions, he put his hunger aside and began working like a madman with his fingers dancing gracefully atop the keyboard and mouse creating a melody and rhythm far more than pleasing to the ears. Finally able to produce the sounds that had been echoing within his mind and display it onto his computer, a sense of happiness spread throughout his soul as he about to save it on his flash drive.

But as if the god of misfortune was waiting for this exact moment, his computer crashed, deleting everything that wasn't saved.

"Damn it!" Roaring out in anger, he punched a hole into his wall in a fit of rage. "Damn it. Damn it. Damn it!" He yelled furiously.

With nothing but rage coursing through his mind he couldn't help but feel as if the very world was against him.

"Why the hell does this bullshit need to happen to me!" He thought.

As the rage in his heart began to build up and corrode his body more and more, his blood pressure rose to extreme heights.

"Does God hate me or something?!" Yelling out in a final burst of anger, he soon fell to the ground abruptly as a sharp pain stabbed at his heart.

Not able to handle the current state of his body, Luka entered cardiac arrest and died a pitiful death. If not for his anger getting the best of him, he would've easily achieved the revenge he desired so much against his 'family'.

But tis not the end of his story for with every end, there is a new beginning, and with every new beginning, a legend is made.


Resting atop a beautiful hill, a breathtaking mansion cast its shadow onto the territory of the Crimson Baron, Margan Vale.

Inside, the infamous nobleman stood over a youth wrapped head to toe in bandages painted red by the blood that seeped through his wounds, waiting for his awakening nervously.

As he watched him silently, he couldn't help but feel a little bitter. "To think this of all things would occur." He muttered.

The youth that was being watched by the battle-hungry nobleman, was in fact Orion, his son. After starting a fight with a group of criminals, he was beaten to pulp. Though the majority of the wounds were shallow and very few of them would take some time to heel, one stood out amongst the rest.

"He's taken far too much damage to his brain. Though he'll come out fine physically, his mental capabilities will be on the level of a newborn." Remembering the words of the doctor that treated his son, Morgan couldn't help but feel bitterness in his heart.

"If only I took care of him after the wedding." He thought.

Not long after Orion's sixth birthday, his mother died due to a disease known as Possession. Its symptoms were the blackening of the skin, weakness in one's body, and decrease in body heat. There was no cure to disease and everyone who falls ill to it would be brought to the church for spiritual purification so that their souls would be sent into the cycle of reincarnation.

But due to her death, Orion's behaviour grew violent and brash, this fall from grace would only increase even faster after he remarried. Seeing his father's act as a betrayal to his mother, he passed the point of no return and isolated himself from the entire family. Often doing foolish acts to destroy the families already dirty reputation.

This, of course, led to him making many enemies with both civilians and other nobles.

"This might be for the best." He thought. "He can live a quiet life while Zeik inherits my territory. He'll be out of harm's way and won't have to suffer thinking about his mother." He rationalized.

"I can only make the best of this situation and hope for the best..." He muttered.

Descending as slowly as ever the sun no longer shined down upon a radiant light onto the land.

Releasing a soft sigh, Morgan made his way out the room to get his dinner, but just before he could even take a few steps into the hallway, he heard a soft groan.

"Damn..." the voice said. "Where the hell am I?" the voice continued. "Why am I covered in so many bandages?"

Turning around abruptly, Morgan could only stare at shock at the sight before him.

Standing tall with eyes filled with confusion, the bloody bandages that wrapped around his son had fallen to the ground revealing a perfectly healthy body filled with immense vigour.

"Y-your healed." Rushing to son he pulled him into a tight hug. "Orion you're perfectly fine!" He yelled.

With tears of happiness falling from his eyes, he couldn't help but rejoice in his heart. But like all things, there had to be to end to it.

"Sorry, but who is Orion?" With a confused expression on his face, Orion continued. "In fact, who are you?"

Hearing the two questions, Morgan's heart shook.

"Orion, don't you remember? It's me your father!" He said in distress.

"Remember..." He muttered. "I-I can't remember anything..." He replied.

"Y-you can't?" Morgan muttered. "Don't tell me he's..." As a sense of sorrow washed over him, he could face the undeniable truth that stood before him.

His son had lost all almost all of his memories.