
Counted Fate: Pretend Couple

I knew it was him! The baby daddy. Having to get married to his rude ass in such a degrading manner was something I couldn't deal with, just one holiday and my whole life has gone down the drain!

Quinnwrites · Urban
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9 Chs

The Agreement.

The office buzzed with the familiar rhythm of productivity as I navigated through the sea of cubicles, my mind occupied with the demands of the workday.I pressed the intercom for my P. A to come in. "Do we still need to go over to the television house regarding the sponsors we have to make? "I asked to go through some files on my desk.

 She looked down at the notepad she was holding. "Yes,two T. V houses need our presence urgently and we also have to make an appearance concerning the launch of the new product in the market.

 "I smiled thinly and nodded. My secretary hadn't arrived today and she had refused to pick up my calls. I actually knew the reasons why, remembering it made my blood boil. 

I nodded "You can go,once it's 3pm ,just let me know so we can leave. "Little did I know, an impending storm of scandal was about to descend upon my carefully constructed professional world.The first hint of trouble came in the form of a discreet email from the HR department. 

"Steve, urgent meeting in the conference room," it read. 

My pulse quickened as I wondered what could prompt such urgency.As I entered the conference room, the tension was palpable. My father, Richard, sat at the head of the table, his face etched with a seriousness that sent a shiver down my spine. He saw me and quickly looked away like I was a cursed entity. The HR director, Ms. Anderson, cleared her throat before delivering the news that would shatter all that I had ever worked for. 

"Steve, there have been allegations of an inappropriate relationship between you and your secretary, Ms. Thompson.and ..." 

She cleared her throat and tried to look away as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "...some other women.... I mean strange women and your girlfriend Meg. 

""She is not my girlfriend. " I almost yelled before I could stop myself.

 "Will you shut up and allow her to finish unless you want to get all of us into more mess. " My father shut me up, anger dancing in his eyes. 

 "We need to address this immediately."The words hung in the air, a heavy cloak of accusation. I tried to form a coherent response, my mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation

"We have to buy more time and advertise the face of the media from this issue. I really don't know what might happen. " she said, shaking her head sadly.

"And you, you know we were going to launch a new product next month, why now, why now, the next coming week is the new month. " 

My father got up angrily, shaking his fist at me. "Pray nothing happens else I skin you alive and send you to my dogs. "

"Mr Lakewood,I beg you to be calm, all this won't help the situation at hand. " Ms Anderson implored.

"You can go ahead and yell Dad, half of those women in those pictures are strangers, I do not know them, can't you see it's a set up. "

 I defended myself but my father wasn't having it. "Indeed, you don't know half of them but you know the remaining half. "

 He clapped his hands. "The abortion you secretary did was also a set up, interesting. "I heaved, I was already having blisters in my mouth from explaining. 

"I think we should make lots of inquiries and investigations to clear this hullabaloo, we will have to speak to the media. " Ms Anderson suggested. 

"He is not well! " My father yelled. 

Days turned into a whirlwind of inquiries, interviews, and a constant barrage of media scrutiny. As the investigation progressed, I found myself facing not only professional repercussions but also the strain it placed on my relationship with my father.He had even banned me from coming over to his place. In a private conversation, Richard's disappointment was palpable.

 "Steve, you've worked too hard to let a scandal like this tarnish our family name. We need to get ahead of this, address the public, and take decisive action within the company."

"I know my father but I'm lost, believe me when I say I was set up. "

"Shut the hell up let me finish, you disgrace of a son. "His words stung, but I knew he was right. 

The scandal had become larger than a mere workplace issue; it had morphed into a threat to our family's legacy.

"We need to salvage this situation quickly. I have an idea," Richard continued, outlining a plan that caught me off guard. 

"You need to be in a fake relationship with Alexa. It'll divert attention from the scandal, and we can repair the damage.Confuse the media for once. "I blinked, processing the unexpected proposal. 

"Alexa? But why her?""Why her. " He asked, bewildered. 

"So you have another woman in mind? Christ. " He raised his hands in the air in disbelief. 

"Not just that, why do I have to choose her. "

"Shut up and listen. She's respected, and successful, and our collaboration during the recent crisis showcased a strong professional connection. It'll be believable, and it'll shift the narrative away from the scandal. You both need to be seen together, attending events, and supporting each other publicly. It's a strategic move, Steve," Richard explained.

"Besides since that brainless ex of yours said you called off the wedding, seeing you and Alexa together will let everyone know what happened, not some nonsense shit. "I sighed in defeat realizing the gravity of the situation. 

"I understand, Dad. If it helps salvage the company's reputation, but I can't be in a relationship with her. Can't you understand? "

"Understand what, so you are looking for someone curvy or what. You are going to do this whether you like it or not. " Richard got up and bang his fist on the table, sending some files flying as he did so. 

"Else say good-bye to having this company as an inherit

ance when I'm gone, I will rather give it to charity.