
Counted Fate: Pretend Couple

I knew it was him! The baby daddy. Having to get married to his rude ass in such a degrading manner was something I couldn't deal with, just one holiday and my whole life has gone down the drain!

Quinnwrites · Urban
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9 Chs


MR Lakewood..

"I hadn't expected our plans to turn out this good, friend," I said excitedly.

" At Least their truancy led to something good " he concluded and we had a good laugh.

" And the news would carry them as couples for long," I said."You know the media tends to believe anything as long as it is juicy and sparks controversy. '

He only nodded and seemed to be thinking about something else.He actually brought up the idea of forcing them into this relationship and of course it has always been good working and sharing ideas, and now our legacy can go on forever.

"Bringing them together will eliminate any stale news and clear the air about both of them, at least they both had their shame covered up, silly children. "I haven't told him the reason for accepting this yet, I hope Alexa sorts this out.

" What's it you're thinking about?"I asked after he was silent for a few minutes, sipping his drink, his eyes distant.

" I'm trying to devise ways to get them married knowing how stubborn they both are, they might each do something more stupid now and the media will gloat, leaving all I ever worked for crumbled and trampled upon by the useless media." he said while I choked on my drink.

"What's that?" He asked.

``We didn't add this to our plan.

" Nothing, old age is taking its toll on me, Bourbon too strong pal" I replied.

"But seriously this will do us some good, think about it. "" Okay, do you have any idea how we can make this work??" He asked.

" Let's leave them to do that, you don't have to rush or are you planning on leaving soon?" I was amused." I'm not done revising my plans," he said and we laughed." It feels so good lazing about all day" I yawned while stretching." That's what you get when you establish yourself early in life," he said and I nodded in agreement.

``I was going to involve myself in golf though wanted to ask if you are interested. "In our late fifties, we still looked young and agile, we still kept turning heads.My wife looks pretty each day but unfortunately, Anderson's wife has passed on.

''Me, kind of ,don't know yet. "We discussed some more while having a good time before retiring to our homes

.—----------------------Alexa's POV

It was quite unfortunate that I had to tolerate all these from Steve. I came here in the morning and it was almost noon but he hadn't shown up. I was so worked up and when he did show up he stayed on the phone all through talking to some silly idiot on the phone while promising to take her on a date this weekend.

"God damn it. " I threw the files in my hand on the glass table and stomped to his office.

" You're so annoying ,why do you keep pissing me off ?" I spat immediately and I got into his office interrupting his call.

"I will call you back Stacy. " He half covered the receiver with his palm

" Would you just stop being stupid and wait for me to end my call ?" He said nonchalantly."Why do you have to show your ugly face here"

." Me? Ugly? I give you Steve five minutes, five minutes ,I'll be working in the conference room thank you " I said trotting to the room

" Would you come back here!!" He thundered and it fell on deaf ears.

.I went in and dropped the files I had picked up on the table.He stood by the door looking at me angrily.

" What's your problem?"

" What's my problem ? I ruined my life to save you and you still want to get involved in another scandal " I bellowed."How many women are you dating? "

He snorted," You did what ?" And what's your darn business with the women I date, at least I turn heads but you don't ,guess you are just jealous. "I ignored him and started opening the files.

"Last I checked you also needed saving."

"At least I wasn't moved from one social media platform to another and nobody hid to take pictures of me with some random guy and I have covered it up with some '"' I'm not pregnant, you all assumed stuff, now fuck off press' "

" Really," He cocked an eyebrow. "And I could have covered mine with some random girl who didn't have baby daddy issues.Who is sweet and loving not an old nag. "I lifted my head and he was giving me a daring look.

I wanted to tongue-lash him but that is what he is probably expecting, I won't give him that satisfaction. I took a deep breath and smiled.

He was confused as to why I was smiling.

" Why the hell are you smiling?" He asked.

"It's one guy I had sex with, one time and this happened." I sighed "You probably have a lot of women on your list, you never can tell they might set you up again and have you go down, since you can't think with your head and you know we do not want to have that conversation so let's pretend this never happened and get back to work, Shall we?"He gave me this really sad look.

Like he was going to apologize or something, I did not say all that to be apologized to. Hell was I even thinking of saying all that? I was just vulnerable in front of this goddamn asshole. God, please let him not say anything I'd regret … Fingers crossed.

He sighed, "Okay, let's get working." And he took the seat across from mine.

"So what are we working on? "

I gave him a funny look. "Really? "

"Uhmm.. Sorry. "Steve and I had been at odds for as long as I can remember.

Our parents had always hoped that we would eventually make a perfect match and merge their families' businesses. But we were determined to prove them wrong.As we sat in the conference room, arguing over the latest deal and the business trip we were supposed to go on in two days, the tension between us was palpable. I know he couldn't stand my smug attitude and constant need to one-up him, but I couldn't help it.

His stubbornness and competitiveness were infuriating. That's a win-win right?Somehow he was so confident that my father was going to agree with his choice rather than mine, he had no idea.

I leaned in, all the anger I felt evident on my face. "You're never going to win, Steve," I hissed.

"My father will always choose me over you.I'm.intelligent ,a critical thinker and have a high problem solving skills. "Steve's face reddened with anger, but before he could respond, there was sudden calmness to him and a mischievous glint in his eyes and he started moving toward me. Oh no, I had a bad feeling about this.

"You are not all you said, you are only compensating yourself for being stupid and sleeping with a random stranger. "This hit me hard.

"I'm better than you, you are a big disgrace, you will forever be in the news, the media never forgets. " I retorted, jumping up to my feet in anger.

He got up angrily too. "What did you call me. " He approached me menacingly.

"Stop it..…" I started, moving backward, "Steve, don't come any closer." He wouldn't hurt me, would he? He wouldn't dare, I kept going backward until there was nowhere to go.

"Stuck, Princess?" He asked with a smirk. This is bad, really bad. I had a thousand and one thoughts of what girls usually do in such situations but my head was blank.

Kiss him in the shin, bite him, no. Curse me for not taking self-defense classes. In one slow, swift motion he grabbed me by the waist, pulled me close to him, and placed his lips on mine even before I could dodge. My first thought was to push him away so I flattened my hands on his chest but before I could apply any pressure, my insides betrayed me.

As I felt his lips on mine, soft, and sweet, I melted into his embrace and let go of all my anger and frustration. The kiss was slow, intense, and passionate, and at that moment I got drowned in his soft embrace. It seemed had any feelings I had for him before buried inside, were now brought to the surface… I'm in deep shit.He deepened the kiss, pressing me to the wall.

"Alexa. "He muttered. "I love you."He whispered into my lips. My eyes quickly flew open.

Alexa's POV

Paris, who would have thought my fate would lead me back here. In fact, who would have thought that such a small place could have a large impact on my life?


Dad and Uncle sent Steve and I on the business trip after I gave reasons as to why I couldn't make it and why it'd be best for me to go alone but no, they weren't having any of it.

"Seriously, I'm competent and can take up this job full time. " I had argued.

"You can't. " Dad said for the first time in years. Disbelief stuck in my face.

"Really. " I said and tried to argue further but he couldn't hear it.

And they had gone ahead and booked our flight.

The plane ride was a really long one, Steve was such a bore, after the little kiss we shared we hadn't seen each other a lot.

It was as though we were avoiding talking about it but I swear I wasn't avoiding Steve, if anything he was on my mind all the time, well not him, his lips.

Get it together girl, stop thinking about it.

"So do you like flying, because I actually hate it. " I asked hoping to get him talking but he only nodded and looked away.

I was kind of pissed, so the kiss meant nothing to him.

We finally got to the hotel. The first problem was it wasn't five stars because our Dads didn't inform us on time. The second problem was we had to share a room, me and Steve… This was going to be a two whole days.

We settled in, sorry I settled in, tried unpacking my box but the devil wouldn't let me.

"You do know we're here for just two days right?" He asked.

"Okay, and your point is?.." I asked back clearly, not seeing his point.

"Nothing, just saying." He shrugged.

And there I was thinking he'd changed even a little,

"You know you seem like a better person when your mouth is not moving." I was going to have the last laugh.

"Well it was moving the other day and you seemed to like it a tad bit too much." He said without sparing me a glance. Good choice because I swear my face was beet red at the moment. But I was going to make him pay for that, nobody messes with Alexa Stones and gets away with it.

"You kissed me. " I defended

He only shook his head. "And you kissed me back. "

"I didn't. " I said not even remembering who kissed who.

"It means. " He said and came closer to me, his cologne filtered into my nostrils. "You like it. "

His lips were just inches from mine, I stared at those sexy lips, the temptation to kiss them was so strong but I was stronger.

"Get lost. " I pushed him aside and went to unpack.

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