
Could be Me-an ?

Everyone meets a “mean girl” once in their lifetime ; could be at school or someone who you know deeply. In my case it was me due to a toxic BFF who left me lonely. Read to find out the crisis I faced .

Emaanaly · Teen
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5 Chs

2. Falling to the Mean

Things got weirder and weirder and my suspicion grew , my eyes were concerned about what it saw and my ears were cautious of everything , especially VANESSA HUMBLE. Oh yes ,the sweet girl who was known for her innocence had become oppressive on everyone in the class after the incident that happened in math period. I still hadn't knew what could've been that all my classmates were so terrified to tell me about. Maybe the girl was , I don't know … PHYSCO! All I thought of was that she had something that was related to Venessa because she wasn't acting normal. And yes facts shall be followed by a proof , so let me briefly introduce Vanessa Humble.

As soon as I entered my class after the incident in math period . My classmates were quite as if they couldn't talk . My heart wanted to ask ,what the commotion was all about but my guts told me not to. The teacher was unnoticeable when she walked into the class because everyone couldn't believe what they saw. As soon as she stood in front of the class she was staring right at the new girl , she immediately went white and without asking who she was ; she carried on to start the new lesson.

" E-e-elizabeth was born in t-t-the Tudor's dynasty." , she stuttered with anxiety. Her hands would shake whenever she wrote and her voice would tremble when she explained . It was all really clear that she was frightened when she heard about the incident . That was one point I never sat or hanged out with Vanessa. It wasn't that I was choosing my friends or being like the boss of everything ,but you'll find out what exactly made me to do this so.

After coming back from school that same day . My mother told me that a girl named Vanessa had called her and asked her this peculiar question :

" Does Kate know my reality." , Vanessa asked .

My mother was all blanked out, first she thought it was a prank but when she started to threaten my mom and told her not to tell me anything .She took it seriously . The thing that made me furious was that my mother had agreed with her and decided that she wouldn't tell me . I found this out, when she was talking to her once on the phone , I repeatedly asked who it was , finally she told me the truth. I was like boiled tomatoes hearing this news and didn't talk with my mother for a week.

Vanessa did many things to grasp my attention like telling my friends to fake kidnap her or her falling off the stairs . She did these things to make me care about her rather then thinking that she was the one who was behind the incident because I was the only one who didn't know her reality yet .

There were different rumours spread in the school about the incident and different theories like ,the girl who had rushed from the corridor tried to kill the new girl or that the new girl was a celebrity and her fan was so crazy about her . Some even thought that the girl who rushed from the corridor was a zombie who tried to attack our class. Lots of them were leading towards Vanessa. Who could she be ?