
Could be Me-an ?

Everyone meets a “mean girl” once in their lifetime ; could be at school or someone who you know deeply. In my case it was me due to a toxic BFF who left me lonely. Read to find out the crisis I faced .

Emaanaly · Teen
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5 Chs

1. Plunged into a newbie


The alarm clock was screaming its lung off to wake me up from a frightful nightmare. In the nightmare ,I saw a girl who became my best friend and soon we went of to destroy the world , unfortunately I saw a glimpse of my school's fate ,the whole school building was in dilapidated ruins , the massive garden in front of the school was burned up ; I felt melancholic even though I was in a dream. As soon as I got into the school what I saw was a bright light and someone saying my name :

"Wake up , you sleepy head " , it was my mother , she was shouting because the sound of the alarm clock was too intense.

I got out of my cozy , furry blanket and suddenly started to scratch my head with my hair tangling in between my sweaty , wet fingers. I was still wondering about who the girl was ,I couldn't see her face vividly ; all I remembered was that she had black hair and hazel brown eyes. I changed into my school uniform and was having a feeling about meeting something or someone up to the minute, but I wasn't really sure. I went downstairs and saw a plate full of chocolate pancakes ;as I was getting late , I quickly shoved all of them in side my mouth.

"Have a great day!" Shouted my mother.

As soon as I got into the bus I saw a new face sitting right next to my seat . The astonishing thing about her was that she looked exactly like the girl who assailed the world in my dream. She had the same black hair and hazel brown eyes , she was tall and thin. There was a pin - drop silence in the bus and everyone was staring at the new girl as if she was the most beautiful thing on this planet.

" Hi , how are you and what's your name." , I asked politely.

"Hey, I'm Vanessa and I just transferred to this school." ,She replied looking nervous and stressed out.

I patted her on the shoulder and smiled to make her calm . She smiled back and said that she was grateful to meet me . We got out of the bus and went to our classes , it was surprising to see that we were in the same class.

" Ok students today we are going to do prepositions." ,The teacher said ," Oh and we have a new student Vanessa ; if she needs any help please be good and help her right away. Well Vanessa would you like to introduce yourself to your new classmates ."

" Hello everyone , I-I am Vanessa. Vanessa Humble and I just got transferred here I hope to cope up will all of you." , she bravely delivered her speech and sat down.

The day had been going great and we were getting along really well, until math period . A girl came rushing through the corridor into our class. I couldn't see anything that was happening because I was in the washroom . But I did hear the girl screaming and saying :

"SHE BETRAYED ME , MY LIFE IS RUINED." The teacher was so irritated that she had to take her to the principle's office.

Entering my class I had a blur vision of what was happening ,all my classmates were quite as if they couldn't talk. That was the time I thought I had missed something important that would change my life forever…..