
Episode 6: Suzune Horikita 1 [18+]

[A/N Episode contains flashbacks and POV changes. Plus R18 scenes]


[Kiyotaka POV]

I was sitting on the white bed alongside Horikita.

Suzune Horikita is an honors student and the democratically elected leader of Class-D. Or at least, that's how I see it.

She can study well and is trusted by both students and teachers. Not only that, she is a girl with impeccable looks. Naturally, she is very popular with the boys, but I have never heard of her dating anyone, perhaps because she is so perfect that she is difficult to get a hold of.

Or maybe it's because she's too much of a pain to date cause of her silver tongue. I'm inclined to believe the latter.

That same Horikita is within easy reach. What's more, in order to get out of here, I'm going to need to have sex with her.

''You seem hesitant, are you perhaps having second thoughts?"

Horikita spoke to me with a troubled look. Her long, straight black hair sways with her movements. Once again, I'm forced to admit that she is a beautiful woman.

''Not really, on the contrary, I'm very excited, can't you see it in my face?"

''You have a poker face....'' She said with an annoyed growl.

''Horikita, I never took you for such a shallow person, it's what's inside that counts.''

''Didn't you once tell me you would ignore a pregnant lady on the streets going through labor, saying it's too much trouble?''

She just silently glared at me with killing intent, I had to look away.

My gaze was naturally drawn to the girls seated across from us, four of them sitting with their backs to us in a polite manner.

''Are you going to, you know, really do it?''

I asked casually. I was about to do something in a room full of other girls in my class. It was tough to brush away my agitation.

''Of course, I'm serious. I don't think we need to think too much about it, because it's probably not real here. Um, it's like a test run."

''Well whatever, let's just get this over with.''

''Yes. But don't get me wrong, I'm not doing it cause I l-like you or anything, but. ... er, maybe it is annoying for Ayanokouji-kun?"

''Not necessarily. You usually take care of me in many ways, albeit in a weird and convoluted way but I think its ... nice. That's why, think of this as me paying you back. This situation is not your fault, so you shouldn't feel responsible and assume that you have to do something about it."

When I said boldly, Horikita looked at me with wide eyes.




~~Flashback {Compass-lady route}~~

As I lay on my bed, mindlessly staring at the ceiling, I felt my phone vibrating. I frantically looked for where I had put it, hoping to eventually find it and see the name of the person who had disturbed my slumber.

And, as if it were a bad joke, just reading the person's name on the screen of my phone made me sigh tiredly.

I let it ring for a while before turning it off. I eventually summoned the energy to look up her name in my contact list and dial her number. When the call finally arrived, it rang for a few seconds before being cut off.

She had rejected my call.

But, she called me back the next second.

"You know you can answer my calls, right?" Lazily, I complained.

"And you mine..." she replied, her voice tight, is this some sort of petty revenge?

"I'm outside your room. Open up"

''Why? There will be no special exams or anything for a while... "I said, staring at my door from a distance. ''Anyway bye.''

I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone. She returned the call almost immediately after hanging up the phone.

So I just turned off my phone. Sadly the witch didn't leave me alone.

She started banging on my door. I had no choice but to open it. Just as I opened the door Horikita gave me a sharp gaze before ignoring me and walking past me.

"Horikita, do you know what time it is?'' I asked annoyed.

''The perfect time to talk to you.''

"What, did you find out anything about the upcoming special exam?" I inquired about her presence in my room.

''No. It has nothing to do with special exams or school.''

She denied to my surprise.

"So... why are you here, then?" I insisted on asking.

''I wanted to know why... you've turned away from me. Despite sitting next to me, we don't converse as often as we used to," she stated, rather irritably.

''Huh, I guess you're right. I never really thought about that. I suppose I was always under the impression that you don't like me very much, based on our interactions. I mean don't you usually just glare at me during class. Am I wrong?''

That was basically the reason for the distance between Horikita and me. It's not really a complicated explanation.

"I see— well, you're kind of right.'' She said as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

''You could've just asked me that on the phone. Anyway, you can go now.''

''— One moment.'' She refrained from leaving. I noticed the grocery bags in her hand. ''I have a reward for all your hard work.''

She almost stuttered as she let the words out in front of me.

Not this again. She really needs to find a new hobby, instead of just blackmailing me with food.

''Can you just go home?''

''Just prepare yourself, because I'll give you to chance to experience what real food tastes like.''

''No need, I got plenty of those in my fridge.''

''You mean those instant cup ramens on your fridge? Please spare me the embarrassment. By calling that 'real food,' you are degrading the culinary culture.''


Without saying another word, she went to my kitchen, as if it was her own.

Horikita was enthusiastically pounding eggs and pouring them into the mold to produce rolled eggs in the kitchen. She seemed confident in her cooking abilities. Though she couldn't beat me in any tests, she was far superior to me at homemaking. Then again I'd never taken cooking seriously before.

Horikita twirled her chopsticks to roll the fried egg into shape. The dish was fluffy and good-looking. The aroma of the egg and sauce was carried throughout the room. She could make a shiny cut by delicately slicing at the tip with a knife.

''Alright.'' Horikita was satisfied with the result.

She was aware that I was stealing a glance here and there. Horikita proceeded to glare at me, maybe she doesn't like being watched.

She placed the boiled pork on the plate and decorated the sides with tomatoes and pickles. She also sprinkled some minced baby carrots, capsicum, and cheese on top. Finally, she poured some tomato sauce over it.

For some reason, she used the sauce to paint a heart over the dish. A weird choice of decoration but whatever.

''What's up with the heart, don't tell me it's your way of confessing?'' I humored her, knowing full well she won't take my comment seriously.

''How d-delusional. I'm just making dinner for you.''

''My last dinner huh.... I wonder if there's poison inside...''

Horikita sighed and kept on cooking.

Dinner finally came. I was sitting at the table looking at the food Horikita presented before me.

Normally, a girl like Horikita would not do something like this on the spur of the moment. Perhaps she threw poison in the dishes. Maybe she laced it with drugs? Otherwise, she would never serve me her food in this manner.

With that in mind, even though I was watching her attentively while she was cooking, I couldn't catch her slipping in any poison or drugs.

I have zero doubts that Horikita has ulterior motives. Even though this was my first time eating a girl's cooking, there were no signs of excitement on my face.

"Please dig in, I never cooked for anyone apart from my brother, so this itself is a great reward, no?"

Horikita organized the dishes while saying things with a scary expression.

I used his chopsticks to dig around the rice. Though it seemed impolite, my life was more important.

"Looks pretty normal... I can't smell any traces of drugs, apparently."

"Of course not! Dig in."

"That means, the poison is designed for consumption...."

"There is no poison? Dig in."

''Don't tell me you laced it with an aphrodisiac?''

''DIG!..... IN!''

Horikita didn't even touch her chopsticks, she was just observing me.

—Since it's drugged, she doesn't want to eat it...?

Half hesitant, half curious, I picked up the pork and put it in my mouth. I took a big breath and chewed, and to my surprise.

It's delicious.

Horikita supported her chin with both her arms and looked at me, her eyes seems brighter than usual. A gaze filled with expectations.

The boiled pork was great, and the spices consisting of minced vegetables, garnish, and cheese accentuated my taste buds. When I bit into the tomato, I could feel the sourness and the sweetness of the juice on my tongue.

''So, how is it?'' Horikita asked.

"Meh...It's okay I guess."

I thought I would tease her to see her reaction.

"Then stop eating!"

However, her reaction was far more volatile than I expected. Horikita was angry and grabbed my plate. It's a good thing I reacted fast enough to grab her wrist before she lifted the plate up.

"If it's not good then you don't have to eat it! I'll just feed it to the dogs." She glared at me.

"How wasteful! I was just teasing you."

"You didn't say it's good!"

I didn't really understand why Horikita got mad. Actually, now that I gave it another thought, if I were to put in the effort to prepare food for someone only to have him remark it's mediocre, I probably won't feel appreciated at all. Regardless of it being a joke.

''Look I was just messing around, it's delicious.''


''Yes really. In fact, it's so good I might ask you to cook for me every day.''

I grabbed the plate from Horikita's hands and devoured it at max speed. I think I did a fairly good job of diffusing the situation. Horikita doesn't seem mad anymore.

She let out a sigh of relief and slumped back into the chair.

''Since this is the first time you are jesting with me about food, I'm willing to overlook it. However, if there is ever a next time, you will find..... special surprises in your food.''

''Uh, what exactly do you mean by special surprises.''

''Needles and pins.''


Despite the fact that she had just threatened me directly to my face, her lips curled up into a little smile. It was unusual to witness someone as serious as Horikita just let go and smile freely and brightly.

I wonder if anyone else has seen her smile like that.

Perhaps noticing my stare she coughed and straightened up.

''B-By the way, since you ate my food, you owe me. Far more than you can ever pay back.''

''Why am I not surprised....''

~~Flashback END~~




''You seriously remember that?'' Horikita said with a grumpy face.

''Kinda hard to forget.''I sighed.

I stretched my arms while staring at the white ceiling.

''By the way, why were you cooking for me in the first place?''


''I mean I can understand the first time, but why did you keep returning only to cook for me? You even came over seven times a week at times."

''We have.... more i-important things to do... than to reminisce the past...''

She quickly came closer until our shoulders touched as if to dodge the question.

Horikita gently closed her eyes. Her long eyelashes trembled faintly. Her face is red and flushed.

Horikita right now is like the sea. Best case scenario, I can swim over it and have a good time; worst-case scenario, I drown on it. However, I don't exactly know what will happen, unless I dive in.

As I lean in closer, I breathe in the scent of Horikita's perfume, her nose lightly brushing against mine and her breath warm against my cheeks. My fingers guide her chin, and I gently turn her head till my lips press softly against hers.

''... mmmm...''

Her lips were moist and pleasant to the touch. Horikita tensed for a minute, then leaned in meekly. Her silken black hair brushes against my cheek, and a lovely fragrance envelops me.

''Nnnn...n... kissing you... Feels way too real.''

''I thought you insisted this was a dream?''

''Hmm, I don't know a-anymore. Hey, do you want to try... again?"

Now I kiss her a little harder. I sensed a warmth that almost made me swoon. It feels extremely real. I let my inner urges take over and taste Horikita's lips. She seemed to be becoming more and more aggressive.

She presses too, a little tighter, a little warmer, parting her lips slightly and teasing my kiss with the tip of her tongue.

''... mmm ... mmm ... hah, hah."



[Horikita POV]

I pull back and look at him, but much to my disappointment he was the same as always. That iconic apathetic face that I've gone accustomed to. It annoyed me like nothing else, thoughts like 'Am I not good enough' breezed my heart.

He looked like he was about to say something. I kiss him again before he can get out a single word. As I brush his brown hair and draw his lips to mine, my passion pours into my embrace. My mouth opens eagerly and his tongue greets me in a slippery, warm, intoxicating embrace.

I pressed against him, feeling the warmth of his body and the inviting softness of my breasts against him.

''A-Aynokouji,'' I whisper between kisses. ''Did you ever kiss a girl before?...mmmmm.''

''Not really.'' He shrugged his shoulders.

''So I'm your first, huh.... Good.''

Knowing I was his first made me feel like I had accomplished something meaningful. I felt the barrier between our hearts narrow as we have done something he'd never done with any other girl.

The moment our lips parted, I felt his breath. The depths of my body begin to heat up, and desire rears my head. My excitement had quickly overpowered my nervousness.

He casually reached out his hand to my breast.

''Kya, yah, ... Wait....''

My body shudders and I look at him puzzled, as his fingers teased the outline of my breasts.

''Sorry, did I overstep my boundaries?''

He tilted his head innocently. It pisses me off how calm he is in a situation like this. My pride won't allow me to be the only one worked up about his actions.

''No, I'm fine. I was just a bit surprised. You can continue. ... Nnn."



[Kiyotaka POV]

Carefully touching her breasts over her blazer revealed a surprising amount of volume. Even, through the thick fabric, a modest bulge could be seen. While distracting her with a kiss, I slid my hand through the gap in her red blazer

''Oh, ... mmm, mmm, ah.'' She moaned in my mouth.

Gently touching Horikita's breasts from the top of her shirt. The bra inside felt surprisingly hard, but I could clearly sense that it was hiding something wondrous. Like treasure inside a tomb. Although a little frustrated, I stroked the whole thing as if to check the shape.

''D-Do you want me to... take it off?"

''You are being weirdly generous today. It's starting to creep me out.''

''How rude! You think I want you to t-touch me? Stop filling your own ego by thinking that you are making me feel good. Cause you most definitely are n-not.''

''I mean, we can stop anytime you want, I honestly have no issues with it.''

''S-Shut up!''

Horikita blushed and carefully removed her blazer. She seemed lost for a while but slowly started unbuttoning her white shirt. With each unbuttoning, her white skin and the fullness of her breasts are revealed.

''Well, it's embarrassing to be seen so much. Rejoice Ayanokouji-kun, for I am wearing my favorite lingerie. That's the only reason I'm allowing you to l-look at me."

A rich cleavage appeared before my eyes, encased in a light blue bra. It was much larger than I had expected.

''Do you like the color blue, Horikita? I always had the impression that black or red will suit you more."

''I don't particularly like them, but that aside do I even wanna know why you were imagining me in a lingerie inside that thick head of yours?''

She glared sharply at me. As expected of Horikita, getting mad at me for picturing her half-naked when she herself is half-naked in front of me. Truly the heart of a Kudere is hard to comprehend.

But that aside, I'm probably the only one who has seen her in this state. The boys in the class have no idea that Horikita has such a mature side to her. I felt a hint of guilt for Sudo.

''Um, I'll take off my bra, too.''

Horikita then folds her arms behind her back. Her modest breasts peeked out when she moved her bra. It wasn't as big as Ichinose's, but it was just right in shape and size. They kept their lovely spherical shape.

''Go ahead, you can ... um, touch it..."

After confirming, Horikita nodded her head, and I reached out my hand. I trace my fingertips over one of her breasts and tickle them against her pale, pink nipple. My fingers sink in as if I'm touching marshmallows.

''Anh, ... nn, it's so different when someone else touches you. Anh,... ah."

She sighs with lust

When I slowly rubbed her breasts, which fit perfectly in the palm of my hands, Horikita let out a troubled breath. I can't believe she's letting me touch her like this. If I did this in reality, I could imagine her hunting me down with her compass. Shrugging my shoulders since this is a dream, I use both hands to enjoy her breasts.

I slide my hand to her other breast, gathering her plump mound and fondling it as my thumb plays against her sensitive nipple. She leans down, speaking with her lips against mine.

''Ah, anh, ... Ayanokouji-kun, why you're so good at it? I can't believe I'm feeling this much. Ooh."

Horikita's breath was laced with something sweet. In the center of her large breasts, I could feel her light-colored nipples rising up.

I don't really have an answer to her question, after all, I'm just doing what I have seen on the internet. I'm not putting more effort than necessary.

She sighs, breathing hard, but craving more of my touch. I lean down, still looking into her eyes, my mouth gently engulfs her pink bud. Hotikita jerks with pleasure and her breasts quiver.

''Kyah, ... ah, ah, ... your tongue,... I didn't give you permission!...''

I lick the nipple with my tongue and caress the other breast with my free hand. When I sucked lightly, I felt Horikita's body tremble along with it.

Horikita's moaning stimulates my instincts. The desire to rub her as I please wells up, but I manage to suppress it. This is an act to escape from the room. I mustn't let my desires take over and do something disorderly.

Instead of squeezing her breasts, I used my tongue and fingers even more boldly.

''Anh, ... ugh, hah. ... ah ah ah ... hey, ... please, stop."

At the sound of Horikita's voice, which sounded like a plead, I immediately stopped my hand. Did I perhaps, overdo it?



[Horikita POV]

''Sorry, I think I got a little carried away.''

''No, no.''

I looked away and said in a fading voice. My cheeks heating up.

"... If you keep going like this, ... well, you'll get my undergarment wet. ..."

He just stared at me for a while with his apathetic face, perhaps baffled such a sentence came out of my mouth. Before I could say anything he leaned in.

It is his turn to silence me with a kiss. His tongue slides into my mouth, tasting me and sharing the sweetness of my wine. He uses his body to push me onto the bed, the soft weight of my breasts pressing against him and his hand caressing my thighs over the black tights.

All of this is nothing more than a dream, there is no way such development between me and Ayanokouji-kun will ever happen in real life. However, the raw feelings I'm currently experiencing is sending an onslaught of doubts to my brain.

But if all of this really is nothing more than a dream.

An imaginary world my brain created.

Some sort of hidden... desire of mine.

Then I hope.... I never wake up.