
COTE: Sexcape Room

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji wakes up in a strange white room with nothing but a bed. In the same room are five beautiful girls from his year. Confused, a mysterious message appears before them. They are surprised to learn that they can only exit the room if they have sex. The inexplicable situation creates an awkward atmosphere between Kiyotaka, the only boy, and the five girls. Not only is he locked in for who knows how long with five other (ahem, horny) women, they're all women who have secret feelings for him. How long before he himself finds out? [It has a slow start, but things get better from Episode-6] [Kiyotaka X Horikita] [Kiyotaka X Kei] [Kiyotaka X Ibuki] [Kiyotaka X Sakayanagi] [Kiyotaka X Ichinose]

Exotic_Animator · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Episode 5: Horikita's resolve

[Horikita POV]


My older brother's personality is not the most approachable in this vast world. Nonetheless, despite some of his harsh characteristics, I had a huge admiration for him, a respect that would last forever.

Despite my respect for him, our relationship wasn't smooth sailing. I was irritated to observe how that connection strengthened and improved as a result of a certain individual.

How much involvement did Ayanokouji-kun have in my life?

My brother informed me that Ayanokouji-kun has a lot of potential, and that if I want to move closer to the top, I should make use of it. But I must be careful. He is not like the other "leaders" in my year. He has no comparison with any of them.

Sadly, he's also a pretty apathetic person... if he doesn't want to use his abilities, there's nothing I can do to make him.

It wasn't my problem if someone with extraordinary abilities didn't use them for himself or others... he had his reasons. And, while I don't agree with his reasoning, I shouldn't intervene so forcefully.

He had already told me once. Not to pry in his life. But what right did he have to do with mine?

I'm not sure I understand him at times. He is an unpredictable existence. He made me realize that I lacked a great deal of skill and expertise. And, though I'll never confess it, he was the first person I firmly referred to as a friend.

What made Ayanokouji-kun so prominent in my older brother's mind? Was his supposed talent so impressive that he even startled the student council president?

But without him, my and nii-san's relationship would never have improved. That's an undeniable fact.

When compared to the beginning of the school year, I felt as if Ayanokouji and I are gradually drifting apart. I don't even think we talk about anything apart from the special exams.

And I'd.... like to fix that.

As I remembered the task, the action that would define my future. Almost instantly, my body reacted by raising its temperature. But that wasn't the only unusual thing that happened.

I could see a certain light in Ayanokouji when I saw him. A brightness that was not at all bothersome, on the contrary, I felt it luring me in, an odd way.

He was, unfortunately, attractive.

They say you see your deepest desires in your dreams...

Is this... one of them...?




[Kiyotaka POV]


''If that's what you want and it's the only option left on the table... I'm not really opposed to it.''

I shrugged my shoulders and had casually agreed to Horikita's proposal. I responded in the same way as I had before, when she had asked me to do some chores, but when I thought about it, it seemed like a bigger deal than I anticipated.

The girls around me started to buzz.

''Huh, that, that means Kiyotaka and Horikita are gonna h-have...s-s-sex, uuuh.''

Kei shouted out late and turned red when she saw my face. She looked like she wanted to say something, but when her eyes met mine, she silently slumped down.

''Hey Horikita, do you even know what you're saying? Are you insane? I can't believe that... you be like this."

Ibuki narrowed her eyes and looked at Horikita and me in turn. Ibuki always looks cranky, and as expected, she can't seem to hide her agitation. In contrast, Horikita-san looks calm, or rather, reopened.

"Of course, I'm serious. I've come up with a few possibilities, but I think this area is more likely to be a dream. So all I'm saying is, let's give it a shot since there's no risk. It makes no difference because this is my dream in the first place. The task could have been an expression of something psychologically suppressed. Locked away feelings I mean. Why don't you try to solve it if that's the case? I believe I will awaken before committing that... deed."

So she thinks this is some sort of wet dream. And just like any wet dream, you always awaken when you get to the good parts.

But what did she mean by locked away feelings?

''Repressed desires appear in dreams, it seems likely. If that's the case, then I'm ... no, never mind it's nothing."

Horikita's words caused Sakayanagi to say something and then she fell silent.

I kind of understand what she was thinking. For me, it would mean that I was unconsciously hoping for this kind of situation. Which is odd since I'm positive I have never seen the girls in that light. I mean I would be lying if I said I never thought about it, but those thoughts only ever lasted a few seconds.

''H-Hey, hey, are you really, really going to do it? Or maybe Horikita and Ayanokouji-kun are actually in a relationship, so that's why you don't have any r-resistance?"

Ichinose asked me with a frightened expression. She always showcases herself as a playful person, but she can be surprisingly pure-hearted.

''No, we're not dating. We're just normal classmates."

People have been asking whether we are dating since the beginning of the school year. Saying 'no' to that is basically muscle memory at this point.

''Oh yes, good. That's ... good?"

Kei reacts mysteriously to my words. She seems to be very upset.

"Ayanokouji-kun, I'll check again, but are you ready...? It may seem unusual to question a dream character, but you have to be courteous, don't you? If you don't want to do it, simply say no.... I still haven't decided that this is the only way out."

Horikita inquired about my intentions. Her tone was calm, but the end of her words trembled slightly.

Even though it was a dream, it was probably a bold decision for her.

Her talk about this place being repressed feelings might hold some merit to it, since it's a white room. A big chunk of my past, that I have been ignoring since coming to this school.

I genuinely don't want to spend time here longer than needed. If the means of escape, is to do the deed, then so be it. It's a small price to pay. And to be honest, I am also curious to try it.

''If Horikita says she'll do it, I'll help. But if you change your mind during the process, just tell me. I'll stop immediately."

At my words, Horikita looked relieved.

''Oh, um, Kiyo-...uh, it's ... uh, it's nothing."

Kei tugged at my sleeve, but when she saw my face she fell silent. I wondered what it was, but it was hard to ask in this current situation. When I was wondering what to do, Horikita opened her mouth.

''Okay, everyone listen up. I'm going to try the ... task conditions now, but I need a favour."

''I'd like everyone to move as far away from the bed as possible, so they can sit with their backs to us and cover their ears. Even though it's a dream, I think we need privacy."

Horikita admitted that she was embarrassed. You probably don't want to be seen, or heard by others during sex. This is especially true if it is in front of a classmate.

''Then I have an idea. Look over there."

Sakayanagi approached the bed and picked up a small box.

''Earlier, when I was resting, I noticed a box of tissues under the bed. Oh, there are also wet types. This would be more convenient for you. Please wait a moment."

Sakayanagi began to work on something, cutting and rolling up wet wipes. On closer inspection, there is not only a box of tissues under the bed, but also a trash bin and a change of sheets. It looks very graphic or rather, very obvious what we are supposed to do with it.

''Look, if you roll up a tissue like this, it becomes an earplug. I was taught this while I was in hospital and it works quite well. Just be careful not to put it in too deep or you won't be able to get it out."

Sakayanagi may be speaking seriously, but the phrase "if you put it too deep in" sounds meaningful. No, this is just me being steeped in impure thoughts. I must calm down.

''Hmm, quite effective. If I keep my distance with this, ... yeah, I think I'll be fine."

Horikita is experimenting with earplugs while walking around the room. The other girls also seem to be going through a trial-and-error process, and if you only look here, it is a friendly scene.

''Hey, hey, I'm serious. Maybe we can wait just a little bit longer."

Ibuki reluctantly rolls up the tissue with an unenthusiastic look on her face. For a woman who is strict about self-discipline and public morals, she is probably not convinced.

''We've waited long enough. So we're going to take action from here. Don't worry, it's probably just a dream.''

''Tch, you are still so annoying, even in my dreams.''

''For me, Ibuki is more of a dream character. And you are surprisingly stubborn, just like in real life.''

Does everyone think this is their dream? For me, they are the ones in my dream. It's weird. Am I a dream character who went sentient?

While I'm thinking about this and that, they seem to be ready. Horikita nods in satisfaction when she sees the earplugs everyone has made.

''Well, you can all sit over there by the wall and wait. I'll call out to you when I'm finished at ..., you know. So don't look back or take your earplugs out until then. If you break my promise, even if it's only in my dreams, I'll cut you off."

''You know, Horikita is quite particular about this place, saying it's her dream. You must dream of Ayanokouji a lot don't you, heh."

Ichinose made a lighthearted joke, but she was quickly hushed by Horikita's cold stare. I've seen Horikita get angry before, but it must be frightening for others to witness a stoic lady like her get angry.

''Eeek... it's a joke, a joke. Don't look at me like that!''

''We're leaving, but if you need anything at ..., um, just call us right away. No one will blame you if you stop in the middle. ... Ayanokouji-kun, Horikita can be surprisingly reckless at times, so I want you to be careful."

I nodded at Ibuki, who looked at me with serious eyes. Ibuki insists that she and Horikita are firm rivals with each other, of course, Horikita always denies and ignores that claim. But surprisingly Ibuki seems to be worried about her.

The four girls moved away from each other in their own way.

Ibuki walks with a straight back even at a time like this, while Kei looks back at us repeatedly. Sakayanagi walks slowly with her cane in her hand, acting as if she is thinking about something. Ichinose looked the same as usual, but her backside was filled with a sense of hesitation.

Me and Horikita were left by the bed in the white room.

I wonder if this is some twisted form of fate, the whole story started with me meeting Horikita at the bus, and now... this new story will start with her as well.

How poetic...