
COTE: Sexcape Room

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji wakes up in a strange white room with nothing but a bed. In the same room are five beautiful girls from his year. Confused, a mysterious message appears before them. They are surprised to learn that they can only exit the room if they have sex. The inexplicable situation creates an awkward atmosphere between Kiyotaka, the only boy, and the five girls. Not only is he locked in for who knows how long with five other (ahem, horny) women, they're all women who have secret feelings for him. How long before he himself finds out? [It has a slow start, but things get better from Episode-6] [Kiyotaka X Horikita] [Kiyotaka X Kei] [Kiyotaka X Ibuki] [Kiyotaka X Sakayanagi] [Kiyotaka X Ichinose]

Exotic_Animator · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Episode 2: Putting the situation in perspective

[Kiyotaka POV]

Horikita explained the situation so far.

When they awoke, they found themselves in a white room where everyone seemed to be sleeping. She appeared to be the first to awaken, but no new information had been discovered.

Nevertheless, listening to her still behaving like class D's leader was strangely calming. I look around the room again.

There are no doors, windows, or even ventilation openings in the walls of the room we are in. It really is just a white box. There is no furniture, just a bed in the corner of the room. Is it a place to take a break?

There are six persons confined in the room, including me. Weirdly enough, apart from me, they are all girls.

Suzune Horikita [The puppet leader of class D]

Mio Ibuki [A student from class-C and a close associate of Ryuuen's inner circle]

Honami Ichinose [The naive leader of Class-B, with the attitude of a pure angel]

Kei Karuizawa [The queen bee of class D's girls, and the only one closest to me]

Arisu Sakayanagi [Smug loli]

They are all pretty girls, although of different types. Like flowers spread across a garden, each with its unique scent, shape, and color, but beautiful nevertheless. The only oddity in this floral paradise is me, the only boy. I wish I wasn't put in such an incomprehensible situation.

''This whole room is so bizarre. But Ayanokouji-Kun must be having fun. This must feel a bit like a harem. You being the only boy and all.''

Ichinose looked at me and smiled. A few minutes ago she looked anxious, but now she seems to be enjoying herself.

''I don't know if I'd call it a harem. It's not like you guys like me or anything."

The room was strangely silent, the five of them were nervously looking at their feet, trying not to meet my eyes.

The fact that there are more girls does not mean that anything is going to happen. Even in this group, the only one I get on with is Kei. I can easily talk with Ichinose because of her personality, but I don't have much intimate interaction with the other three.

To stop the awkward silence, I decided to talk again.

''I wonder if the six people here are random or deliberate. Hopefully, it will give us a clue to get out of here."

Ibuki narrowed her eyes as she folded her arms. This is in contrast to Ichinose, who looked easy-going.

''Don't overthink. This is a dream, and of course, you'll wake up sooner or later. Don't be so uptight, just take your time.

Horikita spoke out loud.

''But is it really a dream? For someone like Horikita, who is the leader of class-D, you seem awfully optimistic.'' Ibuki stated.

''What is it if not a dream? It's quite difficult to abduct six people, even if they're students. Besides, kidnapping is a pretty serious offense, so I don't think the rewards outweigh the risks. Realistically speaking, I don't see how this is possible."

''That's true, but ..."

Horikita's opinion silenced Ibuki. Normally, Horikita would be right. However, it is also true that she herself feels somewhat unsure.

I agree with Horikita's sentiment, but that is only applicable if they abduct normal students. There is a chance, that's not the case here. For example, the risks are well worth it if they were to kidnap someone of a high profile.

Like if a desperate father hired a bunch of professionals to bring his precious son back to him. What a great father. He should win the 'dad of the year award'.

Could this be one of that man's ploys? It doesn't help that this room is almost identical to one of the compartments in the white room. However, I will continue to believe this is a coincidence. I see no reason why my father would even bother bringing 5 other girls along with me.

''Hey Kiyotaka, is this really just a dream?"

''Who knows? Probably.''

When Kei asked me anxiously, I answered in the affirmative, despite my hesitation.

It's been a while. No, it may have been quite some time. After all, there was no change in the windowless chamber, and we didn't have anything that could tell the time.

''Oooh, no. I don't even have my phone to call for help. Hey, hey, Horikita, I wonder if we'll ever really get out of here.''

''I think we'll be fine but ...''

''But we've been waiting for you for a while now and there's no sign of you waking up at all. Is this really a dream?''

Ichinose was the first to start complaining. I don't think there was any malice behind Ichinose's words, it was most likely a nervous reaction. Horikita, who is usually so calm, seems bewildered indeed.

She kept peeking at me, trying to ask for assistance. She does the same thing in class, whenever she wants my judgment on a special exam.

''Hey Ichinose, don't embarrass the ice queen. Besides, it's not Horikita's fault, and nobody knows how to get out of a white locked room like this."

''Umm, well, Ayanokouji-kun is right. ... Sorry, Horikita."

Ichinose apologized sincerely by bowing and seemed crestfallen. She is generally a cheerful young lady, yet she may be feeling unsettled. It's also unusual to realize you're in a dream but not wake up from it.

Everyone else grew silent as well. They must have noticed how unusual the scenario was.

''Is there perhaps a requirement for getting out?''

Suddenly, Sakayanagi murmured. Perhaps she was trying to change the atmosphere of the place.

''Sakayanagi, what do you mean by conditions? Um, do I have to do something?"

Saying this, Horikita pinched her own cheek with a curious look on her face. Looking at the way she frowned, it seems that it was painful.

''Yes, I saw a film once, where the protagonists were locked up in a strange room and had to complete missions that the villain gave them in order to escape. But in this room, there's nothing."

I had seen movies similar to what Sakayanagi mentioned. I think they were trying to escape by utilizing the special skills of their friends and making good use of items in the room. An escape room of sorts. But the only thing in this room is the white bed.

''It's nice to join forces with others to solve a mystery. I've always wanted to try that kind of attraction. But I don't want it to be like a death game. ... You know the kind where one person has to be sacrificed in order to get out of here.'' Ichinose crossed her arms deep in worry.

''Sorry, Ayanokouji-kun,'' Ibuki muttered loudly enough for everyone to hear.

''... What the hell." Kei complained in my stead.

Ibuki grinned nihilistically as she murmured something awful. I'm not sure why she thinks I'll be sacrificed first, but I don't think she's serious.

"Be that as it may, if there aren't any hints in the room, we wouldn't know anything. There seems to be no way for us to think or act. I don't want to imagine how long this situation will last."

Everyone fell silent at Horikita's words. It is not that we are in danger, but it must be frightening for them to imagine being locked up in an empty room for a long time. It must have occurred to everyone that this was a possibility.

In the white room, an indescribable silence followed. Any empty white room is especially eerie when it is silent. I'm already used to it, but it must be a terrifying experience for the girls.

People are social by nature, they start to lose their minds when they are trapped in a room with nothing to do. In that sense, they are lucky that they aren't alone.

I looked next to me and saw Kei staring at me anxiously. I was about to say something as the only man in the room.


The white room suddenly became pitch black.

I didn't see any kind of light fixture in the room, but it was like when the power went out.

Instinctively the girls huddled together around me.

Before I could utter a word of confusion, one wall became slightly brighter than the other.

Letters appear in white against the darkness.

'You can't leave this room without having sex.'