
COTE:Oreki Houtarou's Strength-Supreme Classroom

[For advanced chapters join my Patreon for only $2 or 5$! https://www.p@treon.com/Sol_Pendragon Just change @ to a It already has 25+ chapters more than WebNovel. Discord: https:// discord. com /invite/ mWw5zmrn Just remove all the spaces in between the words. Tell me if it's not working.] Oreki was admitted to an elite educational institution and placed in Class A. With his keen sense, he quickly understood what was different about this school. Just when he feels it might be troublesome, he awakens a system and he can get superpower rewards by completing tasks. Teleportation can allow him to go home and fall in love at any time, and transparency can eliminate his sense of existence. This life seems good and very energy efficient. Then he got telepathy. Sakayanagi Arisu: This school is so boring, but Oreki-san is very interesting. You can [play] with him. Horikita Suzune: Oreki, who doesn’t study at all, got higher scores than me. Sure enough, I didn’t work hard enough! I studied for 16 hours today. Karuizawa Kei: Houtarou, thank you for saving me when I was in junior high school. Please date me on the condition of marriage! Kushida Kikyo (regret): Clothes can’t retain fingerprints at all, so I just gave them away for free? ! (angry) “……” So even though you usually act serious, in the end, you are thinking about this? [T/N: I'm just translating it, not the real author.]

Sol_Pendragon · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

65.5 Blackening Kushida: Oreki Houtarou, you saw it, right?

Kushida-san is like an angel, cute and cute, and the price to drive her is quite cheap.

But his impression of her had declined recently.

She actually evaluated him as a lustful boy or something.

Oreki-san wanted to resist this.

What's surprising is that he usually sees her cute side, but now, she shows an extremely unfamiliar side when she is alone.

Because elegance, politeness, and excellence have all disappeared from her.

She kicked the railing without any temperament as if she was venting her anger.

But she always thinks about others and never speaks harshly to others.

"That bitch Horikita!"

"You are so arrogant all day long just because you are cute and have good grades. Do you think everyone will like you?"

"Obviously I got the test paper, but no one thanked me today!"

"Everyone is thanking Horikita, and they think Horikita is particularly awesome——"

"This kind of thing, this kind of thing——"


So Kushida kicked the railing.

Oreki-san, on the other hand, stared ahead.

He confirmed that he was not in a dream, but in reality, Kushida-san was kicking the railing.

She also unreservedly exposed her envy, jealousy, and disgust towards Horikita Suzune.



What is this scene?

Did he... come to the wrong place?

"Do you want to use the transparency capability?"


However, Oreki reacted quickly.

Add a superpower.

Because as soon as he heard it and felt it, Oreki-san felt that... this was a super troublesome scene.

Because Kushida Kikyo-san, the truest side that she didn't tell him at noon...has been shown.


And Kushida-san really got worse.

She kicked the railing and continued to curse.

"Why don't people like Horikita die? Die, die, die!"

"Bitch, that bitch Horikita..."

The girl was kicking the railing as hard as she could while speaking vicious words. Her originally sweet and cute face also had a twisted and ferocious expression, as if it had completely turned dark.

And this feeling, this performance.

Completely different from the ordinary little angels.

If someone sees her like this, I'm afraid Class D, no, everyone who knows her will collapse, right?

After all, the cute angel-like girl that I usually admire and have a crush on is actually this kind of person.

Yes, Kushida-san is actually such a person.

And... Oreki-san is also someone who just wants to use it but doesn't want to know more about it or have any contact with it.

Because such people... are very troublesome.


He took out his phone and checked the time.

He is now in a transparent state.

Even if the phone is held, the phone will not be observed by people.

So it's very convenient.

But he has to tell Ichinose-san not to come to the railing for now. If Ichinose encounters this scene, the scene will be too horrendous.

Then the subsequent processing will definitely be troublesome.

So Oreki-san immediately chose the most energy-saving option.

Act like nothing happened.

Kushida is here to vent, so let her vent.

Then she finished venting and left.

He leaves again.

Judging from the way Kushida interacts with Horikita Suzune, she is a very perseverant person.

Therefore, if someone like this discovers that she is exposed terribly, she will definitely be entangled more terrifyingly.

For his energy conservationists, it is the type he most wants to avoid.

And when he thinks about it.

[Beep! ]

[1 million personal points have been credited to your account, transfer party: unknown. ]

[Note: Monthly maintenance. ]

Mobile phones can be made invisible without being observed due to transparency.

But the phone is there.

So it will have sound too.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the financial supporter of Oreki-san would transfer the money.



"..." Kushida.

As soon as the voice sounded, Oreki-san felt despair.

And Kushida-san also heard it.

The performance is——


Kushida stopped kicking the railing and turned around at the same time.

"Oreki Houtarou, you must be here."

"You are the only person I know who would be supported by such disgusting points."

Her rhetoric was really excessive.

But she was probably in a very bad mood right now, so her words didn't make sense.

But Oreki noticed her movements.


Kushida Kikyo seemed to have taken out her mobile phone and was checking something.

In fact, you don't need to look at the screen of her phone to know that what she is looking at is the GPS.

Two people who are friends can check each other's location.

So... Kushida is now using GPS to check his location.

Is it too late to delete Kushida from the friend list now?

But suddenly deleting it, doesn't this mean that he is present at the scene?

"…" Oreki.

[Beep! ]

[Remove transparency? ]


Oreki then walked out from behind the tree.

But he had just taken two steps and noticed his figure when Kushida Kikyo walked over as fast as a marathon racer.

She was only as tall as his shoulders.

But she walked over with her head slightly lowered and then raised her eyes as she approached him.

Her eyes were ruthless.


Kushida-san walked over in a hurry.

As she approached him, she suddenly raised her head.

The clear pupils became emotionless.

And Oreki-san has been in contact with Kushida-san at this distance many times.

But Kushida-san usually touches him with her angelic and cute side, and then holds his hand several times, looking angelic and cute.

And today, she even took off the bow tie and then unbuttoned the first button of her uniform shirt.

It almost gave him an incredible view.

For Oreki-san, this was quite shocking.

However, the current Kushida-san is... a side that he has never seen before.

Cold, dark, and electric eyes.

"Oreki Houtarou, what happened just now..."

"You saw it!"

Kushida-san spoke in a very cold tone.

Although it is the same sound line, it gives people a completely different feeling.

"…" Oreki.

This is the worst time.

Just one look at the way Kushida-san is pestering Horikita-san, you can tell that Kushida is a very troublesome and obsessive person.

And he still doesn't know Kushida's reason for targeting Horikita-san.

But Oreki-san knows for sure that the other side of Kushida-san that he sees now may be directly ranked No. 1 on the negative ranking list in Kushida-san's heart.


This time Kushida-san kicked the railing and scolded Horikita.


Next time, will Kushida-san kick the railing and start scolding him?

"Would you believe me if I said I just came here and didn't hear anything?" Oreki-san said.

"..." Kushida.

"I don't believe you." But Kushida Kikyo said immediately.

So is this how she treats her friends?

What Oreki-san was thinking about was during the lunch break, Kushida-san, who was so charming, said that he didn't consider her a friend and didn't pay attention to her.


Isn't it the same for you?

"Then what are you going to do?" Oreki said. "If I say that I have no ill intentions towards you and that I am even willing to keep your secret, then you will definitely not believe it."

"..." Kushida.

The blackened Kushida-san began to think.

She also didn't expect...that her emotional side would be exposed.

And she was still exposed by the troublesome Oreki Houtarou.

As someone who came into contact with Houtarou Oreki in the first month of school, she knew very well that Oreki-san was very formidable.

So no matter what means she wants to use, she can't make the other party drop out of school.

Because the other party has some points.

It's unclear whether all 20 million has been collected, but there's definitely a good chance that it will.

And she is only a student in Class D, so she will definitely not be able to defeat the opponent.

But it's impossible just to let this side of herself be exposed. In other words, it will also be a loss if the other party drops out of school.

So she started thinking.

Thinking about how to let the other party keep the secret without targeting her plan.

And it was the way Oreki-san lowered his head and a thought made him realize... Kushida-san seemed to be... the same as usual.

His contact with Kushida was thanks to Horikita Suzune.

But Horikita Suzune felt that Kushida was annoying and that she would approach her even though she hated her, like a sick person.

But she is also very useful in interpersonal communication.

So Horikita recommended her to Oreki-san.

Oreki-san also started to use Kushida, but she was almost the type who did more work, but it was cheap and the pay was low.

In the end, she was still able to accept it.

In other words, Kushida has actually been suffering losses.

but now...

He actually really thought about it seriously.

It shows that her IQ is really not high.

So how will she handle the current situation? How to let him keep this dark side of her?

A little... curious.

And when he thinks about it.

He noticed that Kushida suddenly raised her head, and then seemed to grab his hand.

Oreki-san quickly raised his hand.


Kushida grabbed his hand again, but Oreki-san still raised his hand.

Kushida didn't catch it.

It came up empty.

"You shouldn't hide!" This development seemed to make Dark Kushida vomit blood.

"Instinct tells me that you are going to do something bad." Oreki-san said, "So this is just my instinctive avoidance."

But Kushida had already grabbed his right hand while he was speaking seriously.

Kushida held Oreki's hand many times.

Probably...because he was familiar with her, Oreki didn't really reject her for a while.

So what will she do now?

Take his hand.

While he was thinking about this, he noticed that Kushida acted differently from before.

That is.

[T/N: Join my Patreon for only $2 or 5$ to read 10 or 25 advanced chapters respectively!


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[I have also posted the third chapter of "The Incubus System: Demon King of Love and Lust" on my Patreon.

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