
COTE:Oreki Houtarou's Strength-Supreme Classroom

[For advanced chapters join my Patreon for only $2 or 5$! https://www.p@treon.com/Sol_Pendragon Just change @ to a It already has 25+ chapters more than WebNovel. Discord: https:// discord. com /invite/ mWw5zmrn Just remove all the spaces in between the words. Tell me if it's not working.] Oreki was admitted to an elite educational institution and placed in Class A. With his keen sense, he quickly understood what was different about this school. Just when he feels it might be troublesome, he awakens a system and he can get superpower rewards by completing tasks. Teleportation can allow him to go home and fall in love at any time, and transparency can eliminate his sense of existence. This life seems good and very energy efficient. Then he got telepathy. Sakayanagi Arisu: This school is so boring, but Oreki-san is very interesting. You can [play] with him. Horikita Suzune: Oreki, who doesn’t study at all, got higher scores than me. Sure enough, I didn’t work hard enough! I studied for 16 hours today. Karuizawa Kei: Houtarou, thank you for saving me when I was in junior high school. Please date me on the condition of marriage! Kushida Kikyo (regret): Clothes can’t retain fingerprints at all, so I just gave them away for free? ! (angry) “……” So even though you usually act serious, in the end, you are thinking about this? [T/N: I'm just translating it, not the real author.]

Sol_Pendragon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
110 Chs

65.1 Honey Trap

Kushida-san made a move.

She glanced at Horikita Suzune's back and then turned around.

She started using her own weapons.


She began to look at Oreki-san's face with pitiful eyes as if she wanted to make contact with his eyes.

This is Kushida-san's skill.

She probably knows that she is cute, and then she also knows how to use her cuteness to attack people.

But it's a pity, Kushida-san, when he went to see Horikita-san on the day of Ryuen, he heard your true words.

You described him as a lustful person.

Although Oreki-san doesn't hold grudges, he will remember them first.

So he took half a step back.

However, when he stepped back and stood firm, his left hand was held up by someone.


Is this possible?


Oreki found that his left hand was being held by someone, and the other person's slender fingers were gently squeezing it, and then her body temperature suddenly spread over him.

Is it another scene about holding his hand?

And this kind of thing.


The pitch of Kushida-san's voice also seemed to have changed.

Staring at him with expectant eyes.


Although he hasn't seen her for several days.

But Kushida-san really knows how to use her own weapons.

Having a girl hold his hand is stressful for Oreki-san.

Although Kushida-san and Sakayanagi-san are different from Horikita-san and Ichinose-san.

Not a top beautiful girl.

But she is quite cute and smiles like a little angel.

So she also has considerable destructive power.


Kushida-san, something is wrong with you.

Only then did Oreki realize that the bow of Kushida-san's shirt uniform had gone somewhere, and the first button of the shirt was open?

It seemed that an incredible scenery came into view.


Is this just taking out the trash in front of Horikita-san and calling him a lustful boy, and then immediately prescribing the right medicine?

Oreki-san quickly looked away.

"What do you want to ask?" Oreki said. "I'll tell you."

Little Kushida then made a cute expression.

"Horikita-san's score for each subject is 51 points. Was it Oreki-san's suggestion to control the points?" Kushida asked.

This is what she wanted to ask.

"I asked her to do this," Oreki said. "Class D knew the school rules on the first day just like my Class A."

"However, under such circumstances, you can still be deducted 1,000 points a month."

"It shows that many people have very poor executive ability and self-discipline."

"So even if you give them the test paper at the beginning of the month, I think there may be some people who feel like delaying reading the test paper for a few more days and memorizing it on the last day or something like that.

So it may be the case that some people are cramming. "

"And everyone has test papers, so some students with average grades can get high scores."

"In this way, the passing score for the class will definitely be higher than usual."

"Then Horikita-san lowering her score may help others," Oreki said.

"Oh." Kushida nodded lightly.

"But why didn't you inform me to do this?" Kushida-san seemed a little sad, "I also want to help everyone."

"If my scores are controlled so that they are all 51 points, then the average score may be lowered by one or two points, so Sudou-san doesn't have to spend money to buy points and almost drop out of school."

I see.

She originally hoped to help her friends.

"That would be a pity," Oreki said.

"I'm not thinking about who in your class is going to drop out."

"You have been in contact with the third grade, so you know how many students are left in Class D of the third grade now?"

"32 people," Kushida-san answered quickly.

And Oreki nodded.

"It is common in this school to fail exams and be expelled."

"But after getting the test paper, it has become an open-book test, and then failing, it is very reasonable for such students to be expelled."

"So I asked Horikita-san to control points just to create an image.

She said she wanted to help people, but she just wanted her to create an image of a top student who deliberately failed exams for the sake of poor students. "Oreki said.

"Is it just to boost Horikita-san's popularity and improve her image?" Kushida-san then guessed.

"Absolutely." Oreki nodded. "She is committed to collecting 20 million, but this goal is too far away, and she is still in Class D."

"Like class groups, it's been 2 months, and I haven't seen it on her phone at all."

"So I wonder if she was excluded," Oreki said.

"Actually, I invited her, but she refused, saying that since it was not a mandatory requirement of the school, she would not go in."

Kushida said quickly.

She said that she was not taking the lead in ostracizing Horikita Suzune. Not only that, but she also specifically persuaded and invited her.

In response, Oreki-san remained quiet.


In the library before, Kushida-san, you used Horikita-san as a trash can.

And even now, you still go to Horikita-san's door every day, which is not a good intention.

Oreki now wondered whether Kushida blocked the door to Horikita's every day not to have a good relationship with Horikita, but to deliberately disgust Suzune Horikita.

In revenge, the other party has always turned a blind eye to her.

So giving the other person a bad mood first every morning.

And for Kushida, it is the beginning of a good mood every day.


The relationship between girls is really complicated, and he still doesn't understand it.

The only thing that can be used as experience is the relationship between Sakayanagi-san and Kamuro-san.

It's just that this doesn't look like getting along between friends.

"But." Kushida let go of Oreki-san's hand. "Oreki-san and Horikita-san's relationship is so good that they can check each other's phones. It's really enviable."

"Obviously we are friends." She became aggrieved again.

This was the condition that Oreki hoped to agree to when she was originally arranged to brush the wool of Class B and Class C together.

She wanted to get close to Horikita but was rejected, so she got close to Oreki, which was considered a curve to save the country.


They are obviously friends.

But Oreki-san has always focused on Horikita-san.

So does she feel left out?

"We can also check each other's phones now," Oreki-san said.

Then he took out his phone as if to show his honesty.

"That's it..."

Kushida-san then showed a cute expression, "I can also exchange cell phones with Oreki-san to check."

"But there are some things on the girl's phone that are too embarrassing for others to see, so next time." She said.

Does this mean that Horikita Suzune is not a girl?

And when Oreki noticed that Kushida-san was silent, she suddenly lowered her head slightly.

"If I had been earlier——"

She pressed her left hand to her chest.

No one can see her expression.


"No, it's nothing." But she quickly raised her head, revealing a face like a little angel.

"The lunch break will be over soon, I'm going back first~"

"Goodbye, Oreki-san." Kushida-san buttoned up the first button of her clothes, took out the bow tie from her pocket, tied it, and ran away quickly.

And watching her back.

Oreki stood for a while.

He had a strange feeling just now. He felt that Kushida seemed to want to say something and that what she wanted to say might be the truth.

But she didn't say it, indicating that she rejected him.

In other words, he didn't get into her heart.

It would be better if he didn't get into her heart.

After all, she is a troublemaker.

She has a deep obsession with Horikita Suzune.

And this obsession may be able to erase all the current emotions.

That's why it becomes troublesome to get into her heart.

But Oreki-san doesn't hate her.

Kushida will give benefits.

Although this will make him feel stressed, it is undeniable that Kushida-san has been increasing his experience points with girls.

Telling him what a girl's weapon is and what her attack is.


He's sure that the next time Ichinose shows a cute expression, the experience points he gained from Kushida-san will be enough to resist her.

Moreover, there are also rewards from this lunch break.

That is because Horikita may not have arranged for all of Horikita's test scores to be 51 points.

But Horikita Suzune's choice to spend points to buy points for Sudou, and then collect the evaluation points from the class as a reward, was actually Horikita Suzune's own decision.

In other words.

Horikita-san, who was just a weak little girl at the beginning who didn't understand people's hearts and atmosphere, is also making progress.

Horikita Suzune has made progress.

This may be what her brother wants to see.

But it's also a pity.

The goal was achieved, no one dropped out of Class D, and the class evaluation score increased by 70 points.

But in the end, Suzune Horikita only got 20 points out of the 50 she proposed, which meant... that she was still not able to speak in class.

Did not receive due evaluation and treatment.

However, it is good news that Hirata from Class D will compromise and transfer the 20-point class evaluation score to Horikita Suzune.

It shows that if Hirata from Class D can control the class, then he [understands the truth] and is willing to compromise.

As long as you are willing to compromise, then everyone is easy to talk about.

This school is about strength.

Points count.

And Ryuuen of Class C, who has been leading Class C, probably doesn't want to give points this month.

So Class D may become the second point reserve package.

Oreki-san thought to himself.

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