
Chapter 4 - Truce


I know some of these chapters are short, but this allows me to upload the story consistently because as I said right now this is just a fun side project to get my mind away from the L fic. So please excuse the short chapters and enjoy the story if possible.

If it helps the next chapter will be longer by about ~1000 words

Any support means a lot, and can hopefully get this story out there if you like it.


"So much depends on reputation – guard it with your life." ~Robert Greene

"For a school that originally seemed so intriguing, that opening ceremony was the worst I've ever had to sit through," Ryuk commented as soon as we exited the auditorium. There were no classes for the day, so we were free to explore.

As soon as I distanced myself from the crowd, I responded, "Some things never change, Ryuk."

Ryuk nodded, "So, Light, where are we headed now?" he asked, floating in front of me.

"There are all sorts of stores here. If I want to save up points, I'll need to buy my own groceries and prepare my own meals. Plus, I'm sure you'll want some apples," I said, continuing to walk.

"Oh, you'll really buy me apples? I thought you'd be more stingy with your points," Ryuk responded.

"Of course not; you know I'm not that bad, Ryuk. Plus, you helped me today. However, I do have a condition. I want you to search the entire school for cameras, every inch," I responded.

"That seems boring," Ryuk responded.

"It may be, but it's necessary. I'll be walking around with a ghost all day, and you should know where all the cameras are in case you ever decide to interact with anything. I won't lie; I'm also asking because I want the information myself. But you should definitely know where all the cameras are, Ryuk."

"Fine, I suppose that's reasonable. I'll look around tonight."

"Good, it seems we're in agreement," I said, entering one of the larger convenience stores on campus.

I quickly went around the store, grabbing various ingredients and necessities.

"The groceries are even priced quite accurately," I said, thinking out loud.

"Hey, Light," Ryuk said to capture my attention, "that girl over there with the strawberry blonde hair, she was one of the ones in Class B I was telling you about."

"Oh?" I said quietly, eyeing the girl. She seemed to be just going about her grocery shopping, same as me.

"What will you do? Will you go up to her?" Ryuk asked.

"No, there's no need for that. All I'd get out of it is a meaningless conversation. If she's good enough to lead a class, I'll meet her more naturally soon enough," I said, turning around to pay for my groceries.

Quickly enough, I paid and exited the convenience store. 6,500 points, it was a fair amount, given I bought many things like soaps, seasonings, and tea that I wouldn't have to purchase every week. I should have a bit over 80,000 points left by the end of this month if I spend carefully.

"Notice all the stuff in the store?" Ryuk asked.

"Yes, I did. I grabbed some free items. It just backs the idea that monthly point allotment can change," I respond casually. It wasn't surprising that the school provided free essentials like feminine products and food. Given the nature of the students, it was only logical. Many would waste their points early on.

As I reached the dormitory, I spotted someone in the hall—Ryuen.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show," Ryuen remarked, a slight grin on his face. Aware of the numerous cameras on school grounds, I continued forward as if everything was normal.

Approaching him, I noticed his bandaged appearance and messy clothes. "Are you alright? What happened to you?" I asked, injecting a fake concern into my tone.

"I had a little scuffle with a couple of our classmates. Don't worry; I wasn't the instigator. Well, not entirely. One tried to surprise me and actually attacked first. Can you believe that?" Ryuen laughed, shrugging off the seriousness. "It doesn't really matter now. She'll be in the hospital for a while after that stunt, but wow, that kick was something."

"You could have been more restrained, even if she attacked you first," I commented, sighing. This incident would likely cause complications for our class. The attacker would miss important lessons upon return, even with a medical note excusing her absence. "But your injuries seem worse than what a kick would do."

"Yeah, that was thanks to Albert. He really gave me a hell of a time, strong puncher even if he has no clue how to fight," Ryuen admitted, rubbing his neck.

"So, are you planning to give up then?" I prodded, curiosity laced in my voice. Like a ruler losing grip on his kingdom, any sign of weakness could diminish his respect among peers.

"Give up? No, of course not," he said, glancing at the nearest camera, a smirk playing on his lips. "You don't need the details, but as you might understand, I'm not one to back down. I'm quite persistent."

"I see. So, waiting here for me, am I your next challenge?" I asked, keeping my expression neutral yet attentive.

"No, I believe you. Even if I did resort to violence, I don't think you'd align with me completely. Plus, you've already agreed to my leadership of the class. I just wanted to talk to you. I'm not naive enough to think I'll gain the class's trust. Their fear and obedience, yes, but if they were to trust someone, it's more likely to be you. That's why I'm here. If you're going to gain influence in my class, then I'm curious to know what you'll do with it," Ryuen said, his tone casual.

"The same things as you, aim for Class A. We may differ in methods, but I think we're both aiming for the same thing, Ryuen. Plus, I don't think the idea of Class C being ruled by a tyrant is that bad," I responded, keeping my tone neutral.

"Oh, that's surprising," Ryuen said, seemingly reassessing me. He probably saw me as the more idealistic type.

"I understand that there are some things and people our classmates won't be capable of dealing with alone in the future. Having one or two people willing to take responsibility for them isn't a bad idea, even if it's at a cost. I just hope you won't go overboard," I added, trying to keep the conversation civil.

"That simple, huh? I expected this to go differently. It seems you aren't as simple as you look," Ryuen said, standing up.

"How did you have enough time to fight two people and meet me here?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Hmm?" Ryuen asked, looking confused as he stood up. "Ah, I see you actually went to that opening ceremony. I didn't waste my time with that like some others didn't."

"I see; well, if that's all, I should get going to my dorm. Try to stop yourself from needlessly assaulting people, especially our classmates," I said, pressing the button to the elevator and heading up.

Before long, I reached my dorm and stepped inside.

"I'm surprised you didn't act as idealistic as you usually pretend to be in front of him," Ryuk commented as I locked the door.

"I can't be exactly like the old Light in here. Being idealistic here would just limit my future options in this school. If classes are in competition, then that means there will probably be events in the future where I'll have to fight for my class against other classes," I explained to Ryuk.

"Of course, Light Yagami is still a caring student loved by his peers. But if I'm completely idealistic, that would mean I would have to place all my focus on caring for my peers over caring about winning. And Ryuk, you know I hate losing. I'm not completely heartless, I still care about my peers, just within reason. And I had to make that clear to Ryuen if I'll be working for him, that I care about my classmates. But if it's for the greater good, I understand some sacrifices must be made," I said, looking out onto my dorm porch.

"Hehehe, things are getting interesting. I rarely get to see you take off that mask of yours," Ryuk responded.

"I don't think it's a mask, Ryuk. I'm just as bored as you, and there are some things I prioritize in life. That doesn't mean I don't care about other things. In the end, I will do what I think is right," I replied.

"So what now, then?"

"That's simple. I'll study, and you'll look for the cameras as we agreed," I said, moving from the porch to put away the groceries I had bought.

Ryuk sighed but left the apartment complex, leaving me with some peace to study.


how do you like the story so far? i feel like light is more difficult to write then L in terms of how different there characters are, its harder to write a socially intelligent character without it seeming like BS but I'm trying.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MilkywayAndromedacreators' thoughts
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