
COTE: I have a life simulator

【Life Restart Simulator】 [Enter the chapter "Ichinose Honami's Summer Reappearance"] [Five talents have been randomly selected: a promise of a thousand pieces of gold, a handsome guy from Tokyo, a flower protector, a child from a famous family, and is under the control of the year] 【Simulation starts】 [Day 14: On the night of the fireworks display, you blocked the blade of Honami Ichinose that stabbed Megumi Karuizawa. Under the sad and shocked eyes of the two people, you died] [This simulation has ended, please choose a talent to keep and bring it to the next simulation] ………… [Achieve the ending: Bystander - human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. We often ignore many causes, and all we can see are the effects] [Achieve the ending: Symbiosis - The strongest relationship in the world is accomplices] [Achieve the ending: Rescue——Then we agree here to go a long way together in the future] On the day of real time travel, Kitagawa Ryo, who came to Tokyo Advanced Education Middle School, looked at the series of golden talents on his body and scratched his head and said: "Um, but I have completed all CG and all endings."

DaoistjQtMkq · Anime & Comics
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239 Chs


Perhaps she still felt some but extremely complicated negative emotions about her father's busyness these days. It was obvious that the other person was already the one who loved her most in the world. He had exhausted all his energy to heal the grief of losing his wife, even with her. Together with the other person's love.

But it's also possible that just realizing this makes you feel even sadder.

"Alice doesn't look like a child at all."

Beichuan Liang shook his head:

"Even if a rabbit with a pocket watch does appear now, Alice probably won't follow it and jump into the rabbit hole."

"Alice should first wonder if this is someone's prank. Maybe a movie is being filmed somewhere?"

"As for that seemingly bottomless hole, Alice would be even less likely to jump into it."

Sakayanagi Yusu spent two hours last night reading the fairy tale, which was not that thick. She was quite disdainful of Kitagawa Ryo's words:

"If someone really believed in the fairy tale, then she would definitely not fall into some underground world, but would be smashed into some abandoned sewer pipe or something like that."

"I think Liang should be more concerned about the various metaphors in the story, such as the women's rights and education issues reflected in the Victorian era, social trends, the prototype of the Queen of Hearts, etc. Maybe in that case, I would be more willing to go with Liang discuss."

"Alice is not a child at all, and she is actually called Alice."

Kitagawa Ryo sniffed, as if the faith in his heart had been provoked.

"It's just that the names sound the same."

"And I also feel that the Alice in the book is not comparable to me at all, and is just messing around."

Sakayanagi Arisu raised his chin confidently:

"Genius is genetically determined from birth. My parents are the best people, so I am completely different from that reckless little girl."


Kitagawa Ryo Asakasaka Yanagi Arisu made a face:

"Do you mean the genius who can't even win a game of backgammon?"

"Gobang... Gobang is a game only played by children, and it cannot be used as a judgment at all."

Sakayanagi Arisu blushed in embarrassment. She stood up and took down the chess box:

"This is the game that geniuses should play."

Then, Sakayanagi Arisu lost the two men's first game of chess faster than he lost a game of backgammon.


In addition to regular checkups every morning, Sakayanagi Arisu also undergoes special rehabilitation training every three days. She is cared for by someone specially invited by her father, who transports her to the building like a fragile porcelain doll. The atrium below.

She followed the other person's instructions and made some soft, stretching movements, but in fact she was not soft. Mentally, she was like a puppet being instructed, and physically, she was like an old-fashioned wind-up toy that was not lubricated. .

The only thing that makes Sakayanagi Yusu feel a little fresh is that only at this time can she truly feel the existence of her heart. As long as the intensity of exercise increases a little, the heart is like an old-fashioned engine in her chest. There was a buzzing sound inside.

If the heartbeat is the sound of life, then this time should be the most real time to live.

Excluding the pale complexion, the thin sweat on his forehead, and the black and sore throat that flashed before his eyes, as if he was being choked... well, there was a bit too much to eliminate.

This process may be repeated several times, as if testing a certain upper limit, or suppressing a certain potential, and then the day's training ends with the encouragement of the rehabilitation teacher. Sakayanagi Yusu is no stranger to this routine. .

It feels like we are moving towards a distant goal. We know that we can't reach it, but we still have to walk there step by step, as if we are playing a boring game with others for many years.

Then Kitagawa Ryo suddenly appeared in the atrium, and it could be said that Sakayanagi Yusu finally discovered him.

He was squatting in the flowers. Sakayanagi Yusu didn't recognize the flowers, as if he was watching ants move.


Sakayanagi Yusu shouted, she had already planned to go back to the ward.


He waved here, and Sakayanagi Arisu didn't know whether the other person wanted to call Alice or Arisu, after all, the pronunciation was the same.

"Want to come and see it?"

So Sakayanagi Yusu walked to Kitagawa Ryo and squatted down. She had been sweating just now, and the rehabilitation doctor wanted her to go back and take a shower and change clothes quickly, so she didn't see what Kitagawa Ryo was looking at. Sakayanagi Yusu was called back.

When Sakayanagi Yusu took a shower and changed clothes before returning to the atrium, Kitagawa Ryo was no longer there. When she walked to the edge of the flowers, it seemed that the ants had also moved away, leaving only empty soil.

She waited for a while, and then really waited for Kitagawa Ryo, who seemed to have just taken a shower. Neither of them were wearing hospital gowns. Kitagawa Ryo was wearing a hooded children's clothes, while Sakayanagi Arisu wears a dress with a skirt that reaches all the way to her ankles.

"Want to see Hotaru?"

Kitagawa Ryo said to Sakayanagi Yusu. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and waved it gently towards the other party.


Sakayanagi Yusu blinked his dark purple pupils, and the child's eyes were as round as a cat's.

So the two of them squatted there together and watched the video sent from Kitagawa Ryo's house. Obviously this was something they could do while sitting indoors, but they only realized this after their legs became numb.

"It will be a sweet dream tonight."

Kitagawa Ryo turned off his cell phone, and he made such a confident declaration.

"What's good about sweet dreams?"

Sakayanagi Yusu whispered.

"Are you going to have a nightmare?"

"I'll wake up if I have a nightmare."

Yusu Sakayanagi said:

"It's better than having a sweet dream and waking up in the morning trying to escape from a nightmare."

"This is the first time I've heard this."

Beichuan Liang shook his head and said:

"In this case, the goblins who send sweet dreams to good children are bad guys."

Sakayanagi Yusu lowered his head:

"That's what my father comforted me when I had nightmares. Don't worry too much about it."

"After all, no one would wish someone else a nightmare."

Kitagawa Ryo said softly.

"Dreaming about dead people, is it a nightmare or a good dream?"

"Depends on whether that's the person you want to meet."

"The people you want to meet can never be dreamed of."

"That's because I don't dare to think too much about it, so I don't dream about it."


"Because it's a sweet dream when you sleep, but a nightmare that makes you want to cry when you wake up."

Sakayanagi Yusu seemed very satisfied with Kitagawa Ryo's answer. She turned back and said with a smile:

"Then I hope Ryo has a nightmare tonight."

"A good boy like me would have Miss Goblin make me only have sweet dreams."

Sakayanagi Yusu smiled again, her eyebrows curved like the crescent moon looming in the sky:

"Anyone who would say such a thing is not a good boy."


"That kid next door?"

The father was slightly stunned, then he smiled:

"It seems Arisu has indeed made friends."

"He is the child of a good friend of mine. His fate may be quite bizarre, just like what is written in the novel. Due to various reasons, he was abandoned when he was born. He was finally found not long ago. go back.",

"But it's a pity."

Sakayanagi Arisu knew what her father meant. After all, he was suffering from a disease for which there was no reliable cure so far. Compared with this terminal disease also known as [ALS], the congenital heart disease she suffered from seemed to be even worse. It's nothing.

The reason why Kitagawa Ryo seems to be fine now is partly because of the complete medical facilities, and partly because the symptoms are only in the early stages, and only one right hand is currently affected.

Just like the name of the disease, as the symptoms deepen, Beichuan Liang will be "frozen" bit by bit, from the hands to the body, from the outside to the inside of the body, until finally.

Sakayanagi Arisu had searched for this disease, and the related picture showed a man with his head tilted and drooling. He had lost almost all control over his body and could not even swallow or even smile normally.

"For you."

The father seemed to want to skip this topic. He took out an exquisite cane and a white sun hat from the bag he brought.

"I heard that Arisu has been spending more time outdoors recently, so he should be able to use it."

The cane can support the body and the hat can block the sun. They are two very practical gifts.

And also very beautiful.

But when Sakayanagi Yusu brought the cane to Kitagawa Ryo the next day, Kitagawa Ryo didn't seem to like it.

"Walking on three legs."

Kitagawa Ryo commented after taking a glance.

"Like an old lady."

As a result, Yusu Sakayanagi chased Ryo Kitagawa with a cane for twenty minutes.

Maybe this can also be regarded as a kind of rehabilitation training.


ps: Thank you for reading and subscribing. Sakayanagi Arisu's simulation is probably the slowest I have ever written. In order to find that feeling, I went back and read Shi Tiesheng's "The Temple of Earth and Me" again.

ps2: In the original book, when Sakayanagi Arisu met Ayanokouji Kiyotaka for the first time in the white room when she was seven years old, the conversation with her father was in this little adult-like way, and even Chairman Sakayanagi himself complained that his daughter was completely inappropriate. Like a child, by the way, Alice in Alice in Wonderland is also set to be seven years old.

Main plot: Kitagawa Ryo's strength supremacy classroom: Chapter 70: Cut off your head!

It rained all day today. Different from the common showers in summer, the rain poured down for nearly eight hours and stopped around dusk.

It was gloomy when it rained, but the dusk after the rain stopped was also gloomy. The skylight, clouds and shadows together with the whole day seemed to be swallowed up by a black hole, falling rapidly into the depths of darkness. Beichuan was chilly. Looking out through the closed window, the shadows of the nearby trees began to become blurred, and there might be the sound of water drops falling in the eerie silence.

He suddenly remembered that Sakura Airi used to be afraid of the curtains being blown up by the wind in such a dark night, but from this perspective, the shadows of those trees were more terrifying. Their branches and leaves were knocked off by the heavy rain, and they looked like a shadow. The hard bones stood there upright, teeth and claws showing.

About two hours later, the moon appeared in the thick clouds. Kitagawa Ryo opened the window and let the moonlight flow in.

Along with the moonlight, there was a gentle knock on the door.

It's Sakayanagi Arisu.

Even for a good child, eight o'clock is too early a bedtime. In addition, both of them had fallen asleep in the ward for several hours during the day, so they became more energetic at night.

"I've thought about this scenario in books before."

Kitagawa Ryo brought warm milk to Sakayanagi Yusu. There were no dangerous items such as thermos bottles in their ward. Naturally, they couldn't make tea or coffee. Cold drinks were also insulators, so the only thing they could use was for entertaining. Only drinks like warm water or milk.

"Does cool mean sleeping when it rains?"

Sakayanagi Yusu took the milk, but she didn't drink it. Instead, she asked first.

Because of the rain, her rehabilitation training today was temporarily canceled. She originally planned to come to Kitagawa Ryo for a heart-to-heart talk, but she didn't expect that the other party insisted that now was a good time to go to bed and didn't even open the door for her.

"Because a long time ago, I had imagined sleeping until dark on a rainy afternoon. I didn't know what time it was when I woke up, and then I didn't need to turn on the light. I would just lean on the bed and listen to the sound of rain outside and think about all kinds of random things. , just thinking about it makes me feel that it is a very enjoyable thing."

Kitagawa Ryo then added:

"This is what I heard from another elementary school student when I was hospitalized. He had bone cancer. The first thing he said on the first night after he was admitted was 'no need to go to school'!"

"So being able to sleep without any worries is a happy thing in itself."

"Although the price is that I really can't sleep now."

Kitagawa Ryo scratched his head. His ward was much deserted than Sakayanagi Arisu's, and there were no such big bookshelves and desks. Even in Sakayanagi Arisu's memory, he had never seen the other party since he moved in. I have been visited by people who look like my parents.

Even though Sakayanagi Arisu's own father had reduced the frequency of visits due to his busy work schedule, he still came three times this week.

"Actually, I sometimes feel that the child is very pitiful."

When his father came yesterday, Sakayanagi Yusu couldn't help but talk to him about Kitagawa Ryo, and his father nodded with a complicated expression.
