
COTE: I have a life simulator

【Life Restart Simulator】 [Enter the chapter "Ichinose Honami's Summer Reappearance"] [Five talents have been randomly selected: a promise of a thousand pieces of gold, a handsome guy from Tokyo, a flower protector, a child from a famous family, and is under the control of the year] 【Simulation starts】 [Day 14: On the night of the fireworks display, you blocked the blade of Honami Ichinose that stabbed Megumi Karuizawa. Under the sad and shocked eyes of the two people, you died] [This simulation has ended, please choose a talent to keep and bring it to the next simulation] ………… [Achieve the ending: Bystander - human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. We often ignore many causes, and all we can see are the effects] [Achieve the ending: Symbiosis - The strongest relationship in the world is accomplices] [Achieve the ending: Rescue——Then we agree here to go a long way together in the future] On the day of real time travel, Kitagawa Ryo, who came to Tokyo Advanced Education Middle School, looked at the series of golden talents on his body and scratched his head and said: "Um, but I have completed all CG and all endings."

DaoistjQtMkq · Anime & Comics
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239 Chs


If we break away from the shackles of four classes and one grade, the entire first grade is essentially playing a low-level fight that is not even a zero-sum game.

The reason why Tokyo Advanced Education Middle School sets the starting class points of all four classes to one thousand points is to indicate the upper limit of class points for the entire grade and individual points.

If Kitagawa Ryo ruthlessly defeats Class A this time, it will appear that Class A has been deprived of 450 class points, but in fact it has also lowered the upper limit of the entire first grade by 450 points. Ten o'clock.

The class points of Class D in the first year are already zero points. If Class A is also at zero points, the class points of all four classes in the first grade will change from the initial four thousand points to an embarrassing five or six hundred points.

If there is no interference from other external objects, this kind of crazy internal friction does not seem so bad.

But Ayanokouji Kiyotaka could vaguely see through Kitagawa Ryo's thoughts. In fact, he also noticed something strange in his contact with Nagumo Ya.

That is the [grade confrontation] that may appear in the future.

By that time, the gap in the entire first-year point limit will be completely torn open.


After taking on Kitagawa Ryo's perspective and sorting out all his thoughts, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka took the initiative to walk forward. Because the whole class was following Katsuragi Kohei towards Chabashira Sae, he was not very obvious among the crowd.

Kitagawa Ryo will definitely propose a contract regarding personal points.

He would spend his entire first grade transfusing blood for his class.

After confirming his answer, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, with the idea of ​​​​verification, relied on his extraordinary skill and agility to easily squeeze next to Katsuragi Kohei in the crowd.

Sae Chabashira had already handed her cell phone to Katsuragi Kohei. She looked quite dazed and could barely stand still while holding her hands on the podium.

Katsuragi Kohei, who had read the information, was also confused. He touched the back of Zhengliang's head and looked over it several times as if unsure. Seeing that more and more students were surrounding him, he also quickly shouted:

"Go back to your position first. I'll read Beichuan's conditions over and we can discuss them."

Taking advantage of the opportunity just now, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Furui Muha, who had seen all the information, had obvious fluctuations in their eyes for the first time:

"how come..."

"Is this the aspect?"


"So, what conditions did Ryo impose on Class A?"

Karuizawa Megumi asked with a bit of resentment. She finally slipped out of Class B of the first year and was listening in the corner. However, Kitagawa Ryo seemed to be deliberately trying to scare her and started walking. There was no sound at all, and she walked around behind her like a ghost and patted her shoulder. If Karuizawa Megumi hadn't been very skilled at managing expressions and emotions due to her years of stage experience, she would probably have shocked the entire first grade with her scream. .

"If I said that I was mercifully letting Class A go without any conditions, would Hui believe it?"

"Believe it."

Karuizawa Megumi stepped on Kitagawa Ryo's shadow angrily and replied casually:

"Because if Class A falls, our Class B will be directly promoted to Class A. According to our agreement at the beginning of school, Ryo will have to transfer to our Class B at that time."

"But it doesn't matter. I don't like this kind of victory that is given to me. Anyway, it will definitely be our Class B who will be promoted to Class A in the end. Ryo just be honest and prepare 20 million points to transfer to another class."

"Why do I have to prepare the points for transferring classes myself?"

Knowing that Karuizawa Megumi was joking, Kitagawa Ryo teased in a relaxed tone.

"At that time, our Class B will be Class A, Class A."

"The admission rate and employment rate are almost 100%. Class A can help students realize their dreams!"

She was even amused by her own words, and Karuizawa Megumi's honey-colored hair swayed slightly. The weather at the end of May was already a bit hot, so Karuizawa Megumi simply took off her coat, and she moved She skillfully tied her coat around her waist and felt her hot girl index rise a lot in an instant.

Stretching leisurely, Karuizawa Megumi lowered his head and looked at his current outfit:

"It feels like a student."

"Because we are high school students."

Kitagawa Ryoya hadn't seen Karuizawa Megumi dressed up like this for quite some time, but as she said, the way of casually tying the coat around the waist was very much like what students do. The thing is, most of the images of Karuizawa Kei that he saw in the past few years were in formal dresses and costumes. This kind of dress reminded him of the scene when he first met him in the simulation.

But at that time, Megumi Karuizawa was just trying to create his own personality, which was completely different from the free and easy way he is now.

Megumi Karuizawa was leaning on the railing in the corridor, holding her hands and looking at the vegetation in the atrium. The midday wind blew the coat tied around her waist, and her slightly bent posture outlined the perfect waist and hip curve. The girl turned her head and gently stroked the hair beside her ear and said with a smile:

"I'm looking forward to the special exam this summer."

The girl's smile was like a budding rose.

But it is not the rose that only blooms for the little prince on the planet and only dies for the other. It is beautiful because it is unique.

She grew out of the soil on her own, and despite the wind and rain, she still walked up to you beautifully——

Red rose.


Karuizawa Megumi enjoys the atmosphere of Tokyo's highly nurturing high school, perhaps because she has been there once in her memory. She is looking forward to the next island, cruise and even the sports festival later.

Kitagawa Ryo knew her thoughts very well, because in a sense, they were the same type of people, hoping to make up for the shortcomings of the past and then better focus on the future.

However, this also reminded Kitagawa Ryo of his last deeds in the simulation. At that time, he led the students of Class C on an uninhabited island and had fun for two days, really like a vacation, and then relied on With advance planning, he achieved the final victory. Even from the current perspective, that action can be regarded as a very proud act of his own.

Only one year, Class C won, and the other three classes all failed.

It seemed that Suzune, who was already sick, was angered again.

With a sense of nostalgia, Kitagawa Ryo turned through the memories in his simulation page by page. He and Shiina Hiyori took a tandem parachute on the sea, ran to Ichinose Honami's camp to borrow a hammock, and secretly chatted with him in the middle of the night. Karuizawa Megumi met and watched the stars together under the tree...

Even after many years, these pearl-like memories will remain the most unforgettable chapters in Kitagawa Ryo's life.

However, there are always absentees.

Let the consciousness sink into your head.

Kitagawa Ryo was back in the ocean of chaos, looking directly at the shimmering page in front of him.

[Life Restart Simulator]

[Every time you perform a life simulation, five talents will be randomly selected. The talent levels are divided into five levels: white, green, blue, purple, and gold. After each simulation, players can choose a talent to solidify and keep it until the next time. During a simulation. ]

[Chapter: Sakayanagi Arisu's Long-cherished Spring Wishes]

Since the end of Horikita Suzune's simulation two years ago, Kitagawa Ryo has not been here for a long time. The talent he solidified last time has disrupted his life again, and he himself cannot judge the next simulation without authorization. What changes will it bring.

Just in the past few days, Kitagawa Ryo got long-lost information from here.

[Sakayanagi Yusu's state of mind has changed, and his life trajectory has deviated. ]

[It is recommended that players clear the fourth chapter as soon as possible in the near future]

Kitagawa Ryo clearly remembered that the opening of the Horikita Suzune simulation was also triggered by this sentence. At that time, Horikita Suzune had the idea of ​​​​changing in advance because of her appearance, which ultimately led to the restart of the simulation.

However, thanks to his understanding of Horikita Suzune, Kitagawa Ryo directly passed the level in just one simulation opportunity.


Kitagawa Ryo turned his attention to the last of the four main chapters.

Sakayanagi Arisu's long-cherished wish for spring.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Sakayanagi Yusu is the most mysterious and special one among the heroines in the four main chapters. Even though he has interacted with her in two simulations, Kitagawa Ryo cannot claim that he fully understands her. other side.

Whether it is Honami Ichinose, Megumi Karuizawa or Suzune Horikita, their character changes have an important node, some are people, some are events.

However, in the two simulations in which Ryo Kitagawa and Arisu Sakayanagi came into contact, she could not find a node belonging to her.

Every time I see Sakayanagi Yusu, she is already the aloof genius with a bad personality.

Kitagawa Ryo has not been exposed to Sakayanagi Arisu's childhood in any simulation.

The same is true in reality.


"Considering Sakayanagi's physical condition, the school does not recommend that you participate in this summer special examination."

Sakayanagi Yusu was in the room in a daze looking at an agreement on the table. She was not unfamiliar with such words. She tapped the tip of her pen, just like countless times in the past, she only needed to sign her name at the end.

"Considering Miss Arisu's physical condition, the hospital does not recommend that you participate in any high-intensity outdoor activities. Please also be accompanied by a dedicated person for normal rehabilitation training."

The two characters Sakayanagi, which represented the surname, had already been written on the paper, and the girl then wrote her name correctly:


It sounds the same as Alice who chased the rabbit into the underground world.

[The first simulation of this chapter will be carried out next. ]

[Talents are being randomly selected]

ps: Thank you for reading and subscribing.

ps2: I read a single-heroine fanfic "Alice's Mad Hatter" by Sakayanagi Arisu on Shuke two years ago. I liked that book very much. It just happened to write about Sakayanagi Arisu's simulation. By the way, I recommend it. Those who are interested can go and take a look.

Main plot: Kitagawa Ryo's strength supremacy classroom: Chapter 68: Heartbeat is the sound of life

The seven randomly selected talents gradually appeared in front of Kitagawa Ryo. Kitagawa Ryo looked at them and built a prototype of a plan in his mind bit by bit, and then focused on the last talent:

[Tuberculosis (green): When you are born, you will randomly carry a congenital disease, but in exchange, your intelligence level will increase slightly]

Kitagawa Ryo clicked on a certain item and chose to use its active effect. This was the reward he received after simulating Horikita Suzune.

[Hori Kita Suzune's Self: Before each simulation starts, you can actively choose a talent and upgrade its level to gold. ]

After a few seconds, the original talent completely changed:

[Heavenly Jealousy (Gold): Your body is very sick and there is a high probability that you will not live past the age of thirty, but in exchange, your intelligence level has increased significantly]

Just as expected.

Kitagawa Ryo nodded, and he quickly checked the remaining talents.

[Talent selection completed]

[Simulation starts]


Sakayanagi Yusu once saw a saying in a book:

The heartbeat is the sound of life.

And every morning, the female doctor who carefully placed the bell-shaped stethoscope on her chest seemed to be dealing with some vital treasure, lowering her eyes to listen to the beating heart.

Sakayanagi Arisu didn't know what kind of sound the doctor was hearing in her ears at this moment. She accidentally glanced at the word "noise" written on her medical record, which reminded her of a violin pulling the strings at high speed. The piano bow snapped, and then there was a stabbing sound.

"Today's examination is over, Miss Arisu."

I don't know if it was because of her father's request, but Sakayanagi Arisu's female doctor's face never showed any flaws. She herself was completely unable to capture any useful information from the other person's expression. Over time, the other person's face became... Like the snow-white walls, the pale ceiling, and the white coat, they also lost their characteristics and began to blur.

If it were the same as usual, Sakayanagi Arisu would be allowed to engage in other activities during the rest of the day, such as reading. When she looked up, she could see the amazingly large desk and bookshelf in the corner of the ward; such as reading The TV and remote control are placed in the first drawer of her bedside table; or she can go for a walk, but only in the corridor on this floor. She can see the northwest corner of the atrium from the window at the end of the corridor. As for If it was in the southeast corner, she could see it by opening the window of the ward.

But today Sakayanagi Arisu got an interesting new piece of information from the doctor.

A new patient moved into the ward next to her.

And he seems to be about the same age as her.

However, the purpose of the doctor's explanation of this point was just to warn Sakayanagi Arisu that the other party's condition and symptoms were more serious than hers. If she encountered him, the doctor paused, and it was best not to encounter him.

After adding this sentence, she left the ward, closing the door gently and almost silently.

Sakayanagi Yusu began to be curious about the patient next door whom she had never met before, because she knew that her father had arranged the best medical conditions for her, including this amazingly large ward, which was not something that ordinary families could afford. Affordable fees.

However, her curiosity only lasted less than ten minutes, because the other party had already knocked on his door first.

So, seven-year-old Yusu Sakayanagi met Ryo Kitagawa for the first time.

Like Alice chasing the magical rabbit with the pocket watch into the underworld, she stood up and held the doorknob.

Open the door to another world.


Judging from his appearance alone, Kitagawa Ryo looks like a completely healthy boy. He probably fits the age group of a girl who would have no trace of slanted eyes. Yusu Sakayanagi held her head up and looked at his neck. The number plate was hanging, and she had the same thing hanging around her neck:


"Sakayanagi - Arisu."

Just like Sakayanagi Arisu did, Kitagawa Ryo also pronounced her name.

After this session, the two children fell into an awkward silence again. Sakayanagi Yusu took a step closer in the white slippers of the ward. She was worried that her voice was too soft, and then asked:

"Hey, what disease do you have?"