
Chapter 14

After waking up, I headed to the student council room to convince Manabu that I wasn't needed in the trial today. If he thinks I'm wasting another 3 hours of my time in that room, he must be insane. The school was empty since it was a weekend, and more importantly, no one was following me. I seriously can't believe that girl followed me for a week straight.

After reaching the student council. I saw Manabu there alone, so I walked up and asked. 

"Am I needed for the trial today?"

"Don't worry about it, they withdrew it"

Ah, not surprising. Either Class D bribed/threatened them or Class C realized that the trial would be useless no matter what they said. Most likely the first as they withdrew it way too early. Breaking me out of my thoughts, Manabu asked.

"So what are you planning to do about Class D"

This guy puts on a serious face and everything, but in reality, he's still worried about his sister. Maybe, I could get the 20 million private points from him if I agreed to cancel the contract, but the president could also take it as me blackmailing him. Ignoring those thoughts, I decided to answer honestly.

"Probably let them get expelled if I don't receive 20 million private points from anyone. I mean if I really need them for something, then I'll lower the price a bit, but I doubt they'll be able to reach the goal even then."

" *sigh* I'll discuss it with my class and see what I can do"

"...? ah, your sister"

This guy is a true rule model. He's willing to sacrifice 20 million private points and his standing in Class A for his sister. I aspire to be as good as an old brother as him.

Seeing that my business was done, I left Manabu alone and headed towards the library for my appointment with Hyori. I was kinda curious as to what Class D did to get Class C to withdraw their report, but in the end, none of it affected me.

I headed inside the library and sat down in my usual reading spot, the bean bag. I pulled out my phone and my curiosity got the best of me, so I checked my messages. It's just to get rid of that red thing on top of the app, it annoys me. 

I saw a message from Kamuro. What the hell does the stalker want now?

[Kamuro: Do not go to your dorm room today.]

The hell? What the hell is going on in my room? The read receipt from me reading it popped up and her message was deleted. Well guess that means, I'm not getting any more information about that from her. I'm more curious as to why she would disobey her boss by sending that. Clearly, the message indicated that her boss or someone else planned to come to my dorm room tonight to discuss something, but she "saved" me by telling me not to come which means she defied her boss. Anyway, that means I'm sleeping on the streets tonight. That's fire...

I saw Hyori arrive at the library, and I waved towards her. She sat down next to me on the bean bag, and we began discussing the book.

"Don't you think this book is a little too romantic?"

"w-w-what, did you not like it?"

This girl is too innocent. First, she tried to spy on me, then she wanted to exchange book recommendations to discuss them, and now she's getting sad over me not liking her book. She was pouting and I was getting looks from other people saying "What did you do to that poor girl," so I quickly responded.

"no no no, it was interesting and I enjoyed the mystery part, but the romance was a bit much"

I recalled my Romeo imitation from yesterday and almost threw up. Yeah, never again. Her expression immediately changed when I mentioned that I liked it, and she responded.

"ah, try this one, it's a little less romantic"

"Alright, I'll read it later. We'll meet in a week? I'll go get some lunch."

"Ah, I just about to go to. Would you like to go together?"

I didn't lose anything from going with her except my quiet time, so I agreed and we left the library. She brought me to the cafe I purposely avoided since entering this school. This cafeteria gave a vibe that no boys could enter, and I could tell why. The cafe was filled with girls except for one table with a group of Class D boys and girls. 

Great, guess where the only table was. Next to them. Hyori and I ordered our food and sat on the table beside them. I glanced and saw a familiar brown-haired student, a student wearing glasses, a student with long blue hair, and a student with pink hair.

There were also probably some other Class D girls spread across the cafe as I could feel some glares on my back. Hyori, noticing my uncomfortableness, looked around and saw the girls glaring at me. Curiously, she asked.

"What's your relationship with Class D"

"It's like an owner and it's dogs"


Maybe, I was being a bit too cocky by saying that, but it was still true, I could do whatever I wanted with them.

Hyori and I waited for our food in quietness until she broke the silence by asking.

"Do you want to exchange book recommendation lists? I'm curious as to what books you read."

This girl, seriously, anything book-related, and she'll go crazy. Also, we were opponents as she was Class C while I was Class B, but it seemed like she didn't care at all.

"Ah, I don't have a list, but I can make one. I mostly enjoy light novels and mystery books though."

Her expression turned cheerful, and she exclaimed.

"Please! I want to read the books that Hikigaya likes"

I could feel my heart racing at her words. I mean what guy's heart wouldn't? A cute girl straight out of a romance manga with silver hair sitting across you and saying that she wants to read what you read. This was too much, even for me, who swore off nice girls. I looked down at my food to hide my expression while Hyori continued eating happily. When I was about to excuse myself, Hyori once again broke the silence.

"Let me have your contact information, so we can make appointments in the future."

This girl, seriously, first acting so interested me because I was simply reading, and now she was asking for contact information. Did she not realize that we were essentially opponents? I get that other boys our age don't read much, but she was going way too far just because I enjoyed reading from time to time.

I fumbled with my phone, and we exchanged contacts. I excused myself, not because I was in a rush, but because if she saw my flushed face, it would just be more embarrassing. I can't get the wrong idea, she simply enjoys reading.

Who would have thought though, that the first 3 contacts in my phone were all beautiful girls? Ichinose, the leader of Class B and the "flower" of the school, Hyori, the girl straight out of a romance manga with her pearly white hair, and Kamuro, a random girl who started stalking me.

The next 3 days went by normally, but I spent more time studying math and science to prepare for the upcoming midterms before the summer break. Student council business went smoothly until one day, Manabu stopped me in the office. I was curious as to whether he would go as far as paying me 20 million yen to protect his little sister. Manabu, in the same serious tone and emotionless face, said.

"Alright I've discussed with my class, and we can pay you the 10 million points right now and the other 10 million after I graduate. We are not buying the contract, so we just need you to cancel it with them"

This guy was seriously my role model. He was willing to sacrifice 10 million yen and potentially damage his class's standing just for his sister. Also, he was able to convince the rest of his classmates to agree to spend 20 million private points. What a guy! If I were in his situation, I would make the same choice, but I might have to consider it for a bit, and I couldn't even guarantee the 20 million private points. I couldn't help the admiration from leaving my mouth.

"I really admire you student council president. I wish to be like you one day"

"... what do you mean"

"I have a little sister waiting for her back at home, and the fact that you are going so far to protect your sister just warms my heart honestly."

Nagumo, who was sitting within ear distance from us, removed his head from his papers and looked at me shocked. Even the student council president who usually wore a face devoid of emotion looked at me shocked. Was it so bad to have a role model? What the hell is wrong with these people? I know what I said was embarrassing, but why is everyone so shocked? I broke the silence and awkwardly asked.

"... What's so surprising"

Nagumo, who was still wearing a shocked expression, asked.

"y-you h-have a l-little sister???"

huh? That's what they're so surprised about? What is so surprising about me having a little sister?

"What's surprising about that?"

This time it wasn't Nagumo who spoke up, but Tachibana, who was sitting behind the president.

"The person, who planned out a fight and used information about the school's point system to take control over another class. I assumed you had no morals, so you being an older brother completely unbelievable"

Alright, when you put it like that, I guess I do sound like a villain, but that's all I did. I've been completely silent after that besides a few chess club visits. I felt very uncomfortable being seen as a person with no morals, so I decided to shift the blame. I pointed at Nagumo and said.

"If I have no morals, what does that make him?"


Nagumo burst out into laughter while the Tachibana and the president stayed silent. They probably forgot that Nagumo was worse than me. 

Nagumo, being the leader of Class A, got such a class point lead over the other classes that everyone else basically gave up. After doing that, he made every student sign contracts that stated that 70% of their private points would be given to him, and in exchange, he would use the points to promote random people into Class A. The people who refused to sign the contract were subsequently excluded and expelled during special exams. It was smart, he essentially guaranteed his and the rest of Class A's graduation as no one would dare oppose him, so he was crowned the leader of the second year. He had all of them at his command, so he could be seen as scarier than the student council president.

During the silence, Manabu and I exchanged points. I immediately checked my points balance, and my mouth naturally formed a smile. I had really done it.

Nagum, seeing my expression, asked.

"Now what? Are you going to transfer to Class A or what?"

I hadn't thought about that. What was I even going to do with this many points? I was so blinded by gaining money that now that I had it, I had no idea what to do.

"No idea yet"

Nagumo took my answer and went back to doing the student council work. Before leaving the student council room, I told the president.

"I'll bring the Class D students here after school and you can be the witness for us canceling the contract."

There was no need for any contract to be signed between us as Nagumo and Tachibana were witnesses in case I decided to go back on my word. I left the student council room with the happiest expression on my face. Just looking at my points balance brightened my day. At the same time, I was curious. How rich were the third years if they could use 20 million private points on a first-year matter like nothing? Maybe, I could scam them out of more points, but definitely, I couldn't scam the president anymore.

He wasn't the type to hold grudges, so he wouldn't retaliate against me this time, but if I did something like this again, I was sure the entirety of the third year would be against me.

I headed back to my dorm room, but when I entered the building, I remembered Kamuro's message.

What the hell am I supposed to do now? It's 6, and I have nowhere to go.

[A/N: Thanks for all the power stones. 75 power stones = 3 chapters / day for a week instead of 2]

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