
Horikita's Special Exam Training Proposal

Ayanokoji watched her silently, his gaze devoid of emotion but his eyes taking in every detail. He couldn't deny the visual appeal, the way the fabric strained against her ample assets.


Without a word, Airi settled herself comfortably between his legs, her back pressed against his chest. Ayanokoji wrapped his arms around her waist, his touch surprisingly gentle. He brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face, a gesture that sent a jolt through her.


On the screen of the laptop, a movie flickered to life, a lighthearted comedy Airi had chosen specifically for this occasion.


As the movie played, Ayanokoji found himself focused less on the plot and more on the warmth of Airi pressed against him, the intoxicating scent of her perfume filling his senses.


His hand, initially resting on her shoulder, began to explore. It traced the delicate curve of her collarbone, lingered at the swell of her hip, sent shivers down her spine with a light touch on her bare lower back. Airi, her breath catching in her throat, leaned further into his touch, a silent plea for more.


Ayanokoji's movements were deliberate, devoid of any urgency. He cupped one of her breasts, the soft flesh yielding to his touch. A gasp escaped Airi's lips, her eyes fluttering closed as a wave of pleasure washed over her. He grazed a finger across the valley between them, sending a jolt of heat through her core.


The kiss that followed was a slow, deliberate exploration. Ayanokoji's lips brushed against hers, his tongue tracing the contours of her mouth with a practiced ease. It was a searing touch, igniting a fire within her that threatened to consume her whole. Airi melted against him, her moans muffled against his chest.


In that moment, all thoughts of the movie, of the outside world, evaporated. There was only the exquisite press of his body against hers, the intoxicating heat radiating from his touch. A primal urge surged through her, a desperate need for a deeper connection.


She reached out, her fingers tangled in his hair, urging him closer. Her moans escalated, a desperate plea disguised as a seductive sigh. Ayanokoji wasn't immune to her pleas. A flicker of something akin to desire flickered in his eyes, a spark in the usually emotionless depths.


With a gentle push, he laid her back on the bed, the cool sheets a stark contrast to the burning heat of their passion. He hovered above her, his gaze intense, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Airi reveled in his attention, her body a willing vessel for his desires.


At this moment, for Ayanokoji, a sense of control and dominance washed over him. He watched her body, taking in every curve and contour as he stripped off her sexy two-piece bikini. Her curvaceous figure was even more stunning without the fabric covering it, leaving nothing to the imagination.


Ayanokoji's eyes lingered on her breasts for a moment before moving down to her flat stomach and finally settling on her perfectly shaved pussy. He couldn't help but feel aroused by the sight of it, his cock already beginning to harden at the thought of penetrating that soft flesh.


Without further ado, he began stripping off his own casual clothing – a simple t-shirt and jeans – revealing his toned physique beneath.


His cock stood erect in anticipation as he moved between Airi's legs, positioning himself at her entrance. With one swift thrust, he buried himself deep inside of her wet pussy with an audible groan escaping from his lips.


The feeling of being filled by him sent waves of pleasure coursing through Airi's body as she arched upwards into him instinctively seeking more contact with his hardness inside herself while moaning out loudly in ecstasy from how good it feels having sex with Ayanokoji.


Ayanokoji's hands gripped Airi's hips tightly as he began to move inside of her, his thrusts deep and powerful. He varied the pace and intensity, knowing exactly how to push her buttons and elicit the most pleasure from her body.


As they moved together in this position, Ayanokoji reached up to fondle one of Airi's massive breasts while smacking her curvy hips with his other hand. The combination of sensations sent shivers down her spine as she moaned out loud in ecstasy.


He then rolled them over so that she was on top, allowing him to admire the view of his cock buried deep inside her pussy from a new angle.


With each thrust upwards, he grabbed hold of one breast while using his free hand to squeeze and massage the other one – an act that sent waves upon waves of pleasure coursing through Airi's body once again as she let out another loud moan filled with lustful desire for more!


Next came doggy style – a position which allowed him full access to both breasts without having any restrictions whatsoever!


As he pounded into her from behind, pinching nipples between thumb and forefinger while slapping ass cheeks hard enough make them sting slightly but not enough so as not cause pain; all these combined actions resulted in, yet another round intense orgasmic bliss experienced by both parties involved here tonight.


During this night, Ayanokoji took Airi in every position imaginable – missionary, doggy style, cowgirl – each one more intense than the last. His hands roamed freely over her body, squeezing and pinching her nipples while his cock pounded relentlessly inside of her.


The smack of their hips together echoed through the room as they moved together in perfect sync. Airi's moans filled the air with each thrust that sent shockwaves of pleasure through her core.


She could feel herself getting closer to climax with every passing moment but knew that she couldn't give in just yet; not until she had pleased him completely first.


With renewed determination fueling her actions, Airi wrapped one leg around his waist and used it to pull him deeper into her as she ground against him rhythmically.


Her other hand reached down between them to stroke his cock faster and harder than before while moaning out loudly from how good it feels having sex with Ayanokoji.

As the night wore on, Ayanokoji and Airi found themselves lost in a haze of passion. Each orgasm they experienced seemed to fuel another, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony as they sought release after release.


Their moans filled the room, echoing off the walls as if to emphasize just how intense this connection between them had become.


They moved from position to position with ease, each one more erotic than the last. Their hands roamed freely over each other's bodies, leaving no part untouched or unexplored.


Finally, as dawn began to break through the blinds once again casting its soft glow upon them both; exhausted but satisfied beyond measure by what had transpired during those long hours spent together under these intimate circumstances.


Airi, breathless and spent, snuggled closer to him, seeking the warmth of his embrace.


Silence descended upon them at this moment.


The two of them finally made their way to the bathroom. The exhaustion from their night of passion was evident on both of their faces, but there was still a spark in their eyes that spoke volumes about what had transpired between them.


Airi took it upon herself to wash off Ayanokoji's body, using her large breasts as a makeshift sponge. She ran her hands over his robust, lean muscular frame with sensual strokes that sent shivers down his spine. Her touch was gentle yet firm; erotic yet comforting at the same time.


It was clear that she enjoyed this intimate act just as much as he did – if not more so – judging by the way she lingered on certain areas longer than necessary or how her breath hitched when she reached lower down towards his groin area...


By now it would have been easy for either one of them to succumb once again into another round of passionate lovemaking but thankfully (or perhaps unfortunately depending on how you look at it), they managed resist temptation long enough until they emerged from the bathroom and wore their clothes.




Ayanokoji slipped back into his own dorm room unnoticed, the faint scent of Airi clinging to him like a memory. He wasted no time, stripping off his damp clothes and throwing them into the hamper. With practiced ease, he donned his school uniform, the familiar stiffness replacing the lingering warmth of their encounter.


By the time the first bell chimed at 9 AM, Ayanokoji was already in class, his expression devoid of any emotion that might betray the night's events. His gaze swept across the room, landing on Airi, who was already engrossed in conversation with Haruka Hasabe. A blush stained her cheeks as their eyes met for a fleeting moment, a silent exchange that only they could understand. Haruka, oblivious to the silent communication, continued talking animatedly.


Ayanokoji took his usual seat by the window, the image of Airi's flushed face momentarily imprinted on his mind. He was unfazed, his focus already shifting to the day ahead.


The classroom door slid open, and Horikita Suzune entered, her brow furrowed in concentration. She took her seat next to him, her gaze flitting across the room before settling on the front. It took another ten minutes before the last straggler, Sudou, stumbled in, disrupting the growing tension.


With a sharp rap on the desk, Suzune silenced the chatter. Her voice, firm and assertive, filled the room. "Everyone," she began, "as you know, we are nearing the end of the school year. This most likely signifies the final special exam."


A collective groan rippled through the class. Ike, Yukimura, and Matsushita exchanged disgruntled glances. Even Sato and Sotomura wore expressions of discontent. Only Sudou, predictably, pumped his fist in the air, a lone beacon of enthusiasm in a sea of apprehension.


Suzune ignored the groans. "In light of this," she continued, "I propose a new schedule to optimize our performance. Effective today, we will begin mandatory physical training sessions every morning from 5 AM to 7 AM and study sessions every evening from 7 PM to 9 PM."


A chorus of moans erupted, this time louder and more vehement. "Five AM?" Ike exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief. "That's insane!"


"Who wants to wake up before the sun rises?" Matsushita grumbled.


"And who has the energy for studying after a whole day of classes?" Sotomura piped up.


Suzune's expression hardened in the face of their defiance. This reaction, she had anticipated. She shot Ayanokoji a sidelong glance, a silent plea for intervention.


Ayanokoji, however, remained impassive. He leaned back in his chair, one hand resting on his chin as he observed the unfolding scene with a detached amusement.


Just then, an unexpected voice broke the tension. Kikyou Kushida, the epitome of sunshine and friendliness, rose to her feet. "Actually," she chirped, her voice brimming with enthusiasm, "I think Suzune-chan's idea is great!"


The class looked towards her, surprised. Kushida's approval carried weight, especially among the male students.


"Think about it," she continued, her smile widening. "This way, we can spend more time together, get to know each other better, and of course, ace that special exam!"


A murmur of agreement rippled through the boys. The prospect of spending extra time with Kushida, especially in workout clothes, suddenly made the early mornings and late nights seem a little less daunting.


Kushida's endorsement wasn't the only one. Hirata, the resident class leader, offered his hesitant support, followed by Airi Sakura and Kei Karuizawa. One by one, the more influential members of Class C chimed in, their voices weaving a compelling narrative of unity and academic success.


By the time the last voice had spoken, the initial resistance had melted away. The prospect of studying and working out together, with the added bonus of Kushida's charming presence, outweighed the inconvenience.


Ayanokoji watched the scene unfold with a hint of satisfaction. The strategy he'd formulated, the subtle manipulation of influential students – it had all worked seamlessly.

Next chapter