
COTE : Everything about power (R-18)

Hello ShirooYuki here~~ I am looking for new experiences and challenges by publishing my second novel. So give it a try and Please give me a review because I always read and follow the advice from the reviews you give!!! I will try to upload 7k-9k Character / Chapter in this novel so Cheer me up!!!! ================================================================================ This is a Classroom of the elite fan fiction that have a Harem and R-18 elements in this novel. Why? because why not?? . Just try to read first, if you dont like it just drop it and if you love it, Make sure to add this to your library!. See ya! ~~ =============================================================================== Theres an additional genre tags that i will add it in the future. ( If you know what genre i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) if you have read my last novel, you should know what tags lol :). ================================= Want to read advanced chapter? Give me your stone to this novel to reach the milestone that will give you bonus chapter per day!!! 200-300 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapters / Day 301-400 Power Stones = 2 Bonus Chapter / day 401-500 Power Stones = 3 Bonus Chapter / day Want to support me? You can join as member in my P4TR30N p4treon.com/ShirooYuki ( Change 4 to a) See ya!!

ShirooYuki · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Chapter 28: The Fun Begins Now (R-18)

It's snowing outside, and it's Christmas on the 25th. Matsushita invited me today, so I was about to get ready when I got a phone call.

"Oh, hello."

"Hello, Jin. Can I come to your room now?"

"Why? What for?"

"I'm going out with Sato now."

"Really? That's a coincidence. I'm also heading out with Matsushita."

"Oh, is that so? Well then, since we're both going out, I might as well come to your place. I'm not sure how I should dress, so I want you to tell me."

"Sure, sure. Got it. Room 304, okay?"

"304? Where on earth is that..." *click*

That's right, I hung up the phone with Kiyotaka . It's too bad, I don't like long phone calls. I was thinking that, but about 3 minutes later, a chime rang. Apparently, Kiyotaka had arrived.

"Jin, can I come in?"

"Okay, come in."

Even Kiyotaka seemed a little surprised the moment he entered my room. Come to think of it, this is the first time I've let Kiyotaka into my room. Has it been 8 months since I bought this room at the end of April?

"Amazing... I'm sorry, is it strange for me to be dressed like this?"

So spoke Kiyotaka, dressed in a white shirt, a khaki vest, and a gray wool coat on top. Below, he wore light blue pants, and at the entrance were white work boots. It was quite a stylish outfit.

"It looks really cool, not strange at all. But maybe fix your hair? After all, you're going on a date with a girl, right?"

"Oh, right. What should I do?"

"Well, sit down."

I urged him, and Kiyotaka sat in front of the mirror. I took out wax and began to style his hair from behind.

"Is it okay?"


In this way, in a few minutes, Kiyotaka's hairstyle was complete. I changed his usual straight center-parted hair to a 7:3 up bang. Seeing it, Kiyotaka's eyes widened, and he spoke.

"Wow... this is really good!"

I'm glad he liked it. Now, I should change into different clothes too.

"Now, Jin, aren't you going to style yours too?"

"No, I don't need to do anything..."

"But you're going on a date with a girl, right?"

Damn, it feels like hanging out with Horikita has made him into an annoying guy. With that said, I find myself seized by Kiyotaka, his grip on my shoulder tight to prevent any escape.

"Alright, I get it. I'll do my hair."

Saying so, I took out wax and styled it. I braided the hair on the right side and let the rest flow to the left. Seeing it, Kiyotaka muttered, "Is the material different...," but hey, you're quite handsome, aren't you?

As for my outfit, I wore a black long T-shirt, a black long coat on top, wrapped a red and gray monochrome scarf, and wore black pants. Since time was ticking, I closed the window, put on black tactical boots, and left the entrance with Kiyotaka.

"Jin, you're... stylish."


Having such a conversation, we descended in the elevator to the lobby. I remembered we were going to watch a movie, so I hastened my steps to arrive quickly.

"Huh, Kiyotaka is here too?"

"Oh, yeah. So, Jin, you're also here."

I was surprised that Kiyotaka and I had the same meeting place. Sato and Matsushita were there, looking uneasy as they searched for us. Soon, our eyes met, and the two of them closed the distance. Wait, both of them are here – was this planned?

"Good morning, Horagasaki-kun. You look cool..."

"Thanks... but it's a coincidence that Sato is here too. Well, this meeting spot is perfect, so it works out."

"Yeah, Sato happened to be here too. Heard that she was meeting with Ayanokoji-kun."

Matsushita's hair seemed more groomed than usual; perhaps she went to a salon. She wore a light pink one-piece dress over a long T-shirt, a gray coat, and a matching scarf and beret. Yeah, cute.

"Good morning both of you."

Immediately after, I heard a voice from behind me, and when I turned around, there was a D-class prince. It was Yosuke Hirata. Wow, he's a good-looking guy. He's refreshing even in winter, but if it's spring, it'll be a problem. By the way, Karuizawa, Kiyotaka's pawn and Hirata's girlfriend, can also be seen. 

Matsushita and Sato also run up to Karuizawa, and naturally Karuizawa starts talking with a smile on her face.

And here Karuizawa calls out to me. 

"Horagasaki-kun, are you dating Matsushita-san?"

To this, Matsushita replies, "Hawawa" with a red face.

"Um...we're not dating."

Karuizawa playfully says, "Let's go out together.'' The same goes for the Ayanokoji and Sato pair. 

Hirata saw this and thought it would be a bad idea to interfere, so she took Karuizawa and tried to back out, but he suggested a triple date.

"Triple date?"

Myself, Kiyotaka, and Hirata exchanged surprised glances at the unexpected suggestion. Double dates are a thing, but a triple date?

"Yeah, Hirata and I. Matsushita-san and Horagasaki-kun, and Sato-san and Ayanokoji-kun are going on a date together."

Confusion was evident on the faces of Hirata, Kiyotaka, and me. Just having Kiyotaka there was surprising enough, but now it's turning into a triple date?

"Hirata-kun, are you against it?"

"I'm fine personally, but it depends on Ayanokoji-kun and Horagasaki-kun, right?"

Karuizawa glanced at Matsushita and Sato, perhaps worried if it was inconvenient. But Matsushita sent an uneasy look, saying, "But since we're all here, why not?"

That's what Matsushita says. We planned to go to a movie today, and it seems the two pairs intended to watch the same movie. It's fine that the seats are separate, and in the end, we all head there. Matsushita clings to my arm. Hmm, she smells nice.

"Hey, Jin-kun, are you okay with spending Christmas with me?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Then, in a voice not audible to others, Matsushita whispered,

"You know, like with Kamuro-san..."

"I don't have any specific plans, and since we hung out recently, it should be fine, right?"

"T-That's right."

Seems like she understood the meaning of my response. Well done, Matsushita, but my response is quite scummy, even for me. Come to think of it, I remembered that I've been involved with Asahina-senpai, Ichinose, and Shiina in secret... Well, let's keep that a secret for now.

"Horagasaki-kun and Ayanokoji-kun have amazing athleticism."

Matsushita brings up such topics.

"Okay, but isn't Kiyotaka faster?"

"That last burst was amazing, Ayanokoji-kun, did you play in any club activities?"

At this point, Matsushita calls out to Ayanokoji, 

it's a rare duo.

"No, I've never had any club activities."

"Really!? And that speed is amazing! Isn't it faster than the student council president?"

Sato's fascination is visible, she really likes Ayanokoji…

Karuizawa rushes into such excitement.

"Isn't it possible that the student council president was just late?"

"No, of course that's not true..."

I responded to Karuizawa with a wry smile on my face.

"Hmm, I can't believe it all of a sudden. Ayanokoji-kun gives off this dry impression, you know?"

Oh, Karuizawa-san is jealous, huh? That's some strong sarcasm.

"I don't see him like that at all. I think Ayanokoji-kun is definitely kind."

Where the heck is that coming from? This guy is scary.

"Oh, really?"

"I also think Ayanokoji-kun is kind."

"Wow, now it seems like I'm the bad guy."

"Kiyotaka isn't kind at all."

When I said that, Kiyotaka interjected with a "Hey," and Karuizawa chuckled lightly.

"Horagasaki-kun is siding with me. So kind."

As we were getting excited about this, Hirata commented,

"By the way, Ayanokoji-kun is quite fashionable."

"Really? Isn't Hirata and others more stylish?"

"No way, I used to think Ayanokoji-kun was really scary at first, but I'm happy to be able to talk like this now."

"You get told that quite often. Well, there's no helping it..."

Saying that, I scratched my cheek, and Hirata said, "Ahaha," and then Sato threw a question at Ayanokoji.

"What's Ayanokoji-kun's type of girl?"

"It's kinda hard to answer..."

Sato with sparkling eyes, Karuizawa with a scrutinizing gaze, Matsushita and Hirata looking adorable as they smile at each other, Ayanokoji, come on, answer.

"Energetic types... maybe?"

Someone like Kushida or Ichinose? From the way he answered,it seems Ayanokoji prefers someone outgoing, as he's generally quiet. Horikita... she must be intimidating.

Looking at it this way, Sato is all over Ayanokoji.

Kiyopon is quite popular, huh.

"But you know, there are those who keep girls just because they can't get their crush to notice them, even if they have someone they really like, right?"

Ugh... Karuizawa's words struck me. I don't really have a crush on anyone, but it's true that I've been playing around a lot. Look at Matsushita, she's looking at me and giggling, not at Kiyotaka. Hirata noticed that and asked Matsushita,

"Matsushita-san, why are you looking at Horagasaki-kun and giggling?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just thought Horagasaki-kun is quite skillful."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Saying that, Hirata looks at me. Well, Matsushita-san, you're not wrong. But indeed, there's probably no one in this class who knows that Ayanokoji and I have crossed certain boundaries. Just as I thought that, Kiyotaka got attacked.

"But isn't Ayanokoji-kun and Kushida-san good friends?"

"Huh? Is that so!?"

Kiyotaka asks Hirata for help in order to somehow escape the question.

"I do think Kushida-san is popular, but I don't think everyone is like that. And I don't think Ayanokoji-kun has feelings for anyone in particular yet."

Look at Kiyotaka's face, he's smiling after being helped by Hirata. Well, it's expressionless though.

"Hey, you six, mind if I have a word?"

When we approached the side of the movie theater, a voice called out from behind.

Turning around, we saw Nagumo-senpai , Vice President Kiriyama, and other secretaries, including Asahina-Senpai. And there's Ichinose too.

They seemed to have noticed us, waving their hands towards me, and I responded with a small wave.

"Yo, Horagasaki, it's been a while."

"Yeah, it has. Do you need something?"

"No, what I want to ask is about this guy. You're Ayanokoji, right?"

Nagumo said so, directing a sharp gaze at Ayanokoji, and the atmosphere around us became tense and frozen.

"... Yes, I am."

However, except for Ichinose, everyone continued chatting without paying attention to Ayanokoji. Quite a tense atmosphere. But the combination of Senior Nangou and Ayanokoji is remarkable.

Watching this, Hirata stepped forward.

"Good morning, Nagumo-senpai."

"Hey Hirata, how's your soccer game going?"

Nagumo-senpai was a member of the soccer club before becoming the student council president, Hirata asks worriedly.

"Everyone is working hard. Did that senior, Ayanokoji-kun, do something?"

"Huh? Oh no, that's not it. There's no way I would bully a junior, right? It's just out of curiosity."

Nagumo smiled, but his eyes weren't smiling at all. 

It was scary, scary, and if they found out that I had eaten Asahina-senpai, something terrible would happen. And here Ayanokoji begins.

"Do you need something?"

"Concerned about a student that Horikita-senpai is interested in... I was just swayed by such rumors."

"Senpai, is that about the relay?"

Hirata smoothly chimed in, following Kiyotaka.

"Yeah, you guys saw it too, right?"

"Yes, but besides being fast, Ayanokoji-kun doesn't seem to catch the attention of senpais."

"Indeed, he appears like an ordinary student. Apart from his speed... well."

Nagumo-senpai grabbed Ayanokoji's arm with a stern expression.

It seemed like a powder keg, as if a fight was about to break out, causing even Hirata to freeze in his movements. Senpai, that won't work on Ayanokoji.

"Ah, ahaha, Nagumo-senpai , your face is scary."

Karuizawa intervened to stop it, attempting to mediate.

"My bad. I didn't mean it that way."

It seems Ayanokoji, who is favored by Horikita-senpai, doesn't sit well with Nagumo-Senpai. There seems to be some history between Horikita's brother and Nagumo-senpai , but if that sparks a conflict with Kiyotaka...

Poor guy. Kiyotaka seemed interested in something Senior Nangou mentioned when he took office, and he asked about it. In response,Nagumo senpai released Ayanokoji's arm he had grabbed, answering with a smile, though his eyes didn't share that smile. He then left, and soon after, silence fell.

"Whew, that was a bit of an accident."

Hirata pats his chest as if nothing happened.

In response, Sato, who was intimidated by this, shows interest in Ayanokoji.

"I can't quite accept it. Yosuke-kun is way more amazing than Ayanokoji-kun—his speed is like Mach, and he excels in studies too. Wouldn't it be more appropriate for Yosuke-kun to be the center of attention?"

"Hirata-kun is indeed impressive, but I think Ayanokoji-kun is not lagging behind!"

"But look at Horagasaki-kun here, he seems unenthusiastic, but if he were motivated, couldn't he reach Yosuke-kun's level? Compared to these two, Ayanokoji-kun, with just his fast legs, isn't good at studies, right?"

"Well, well, Karuizawa-san, calm down."

Matshita pacified the situation. Clear, you're a mess. It's kind of amusing...

"Th-that's... but I'm smarter than her!"

Good for you, Kiyotaka. At least there's someone who backs you up. Is Sato okay with that?

Afterward, they purchased movie tickets, and unexpectedly, the movie was interesting and surprising. After the movie ended, Hirata suggested asking the questions they had for each other. Karuizawa was quick to raise her hand, and her questions were mainly directed at Ayanokoji. As time passed, they eventually disbanded.

Later, they all returned to their respective dorms, and Matsushita contacted me.

Chiaki: Can I come to Horagasaki-kun's room now?

Jin: Sure, why not?

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang, and when the door opened, there was Matsushita with the same attire as before, blushing.

"It's cold, right? Come in."


I guided her to the living room and offered to make some tea. After boiling the water and providing her with tea, she slowly drank it. She took off her hat and gray coat, then spoke.

"Hey, Horagasaki-kun, did you enjoy today?"

"Well, yeah. It was fun."

"I see, that's good."

However, looking at Matsushita's atmosphere, it seemed she wasn't completely satisfied. Without thinking, I directly asked her.

"Weren't you having fun?"

She fell silent for a moment, then shook her head.

"No, but we didn't get much time alone, I guess."

Feeling genuinely appreciated up to this point, I felt a bit apologetic towards Matsushita, so I proposed something.

"Well... How about we spend some time alone now?"

What am I saying! Clearly, I'm coming off as sketchy—probably seen as a creepy guy from the outside! Was she disgusted? I looked at Matsushita, and she blushed a bit, nodding. She then hugged me , bringing me down and stealing a kiss.


"Huh... hah... puhah... Matsushita!?"

"Sorry, do you want to go to bed with me?"

As she told me, I walked over to the bed and sat down next to her.The distance between her was quite close, and Matsushita placed her hand on top of mine and held it tightly, turning her 

 face towards me and her beautiful eyes. She grabbed me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and fell onto the bed.

"Do you want to do it?"


The dress she was wearing was exposed at the bottom of her legs, emphasizing her chest.

Matsushita put her hand inside the navy blue jinbei I was wearing and touched my body.

"You have a nice body, I would say it's muscular...Hmm, maybe Horagasaki-kun doesn't wear underwear when he wears Jinbei?"

Matsushita suddenly looks surprised, but when I go back to my room, I usually take off my jinbei, but I'm almost always wearing no panties.

Matsushita must have been horny to see me in that outfit, and while touching my body, she put her hand under her crotch and was moaning as she masturbated.


I can't help but watch her, so I put my hand on her chest and massage it.


The more I rubbed her, the more Matsushita moaned and her breasts were soft.When I rolled up her dress, her pink underwear was extremely wet.

"You're too erotic"

When I said that, Matsushita's face turned red and he said, "Don't say that," as she took off her underwear and handed it to me, which was already sticky.

"...See? It's warm, isn't it?"

My rationality exploded and I pushed Matsushita down and licked her vagina.

"Aaah...no...that's embarrassing."

"...Do you really want to make me wet and have sex with me that much?"

That makes Matsushita's vagina even wetter.

Matsushita twitches as I slowly stroke his crack. She tries to close her legs, probably because I touched a sensitive area, but I force her to open them.

"Hey /// I can't dress like this ♡"

Without thinking, I put the tip of mine at the entrance that was covered with Matsushita's love juices.

"Let's go in, Matsushita..."

I heard a popping sound as my penis entered her vagina.


I move my hips with all my heart, and it feels so good that I feel like I'm about to ejaculate.

"Matsushita, oh my..."

"I-I'm too...I-I'm cumming////No, I'm cumming, I'm cumming , Jin-kun's semen is coming into my stomach ♡"

I also cum, and a large amount was poured into my womb, causing me to cum.


Semen flows down from the vagina like a waterfall. Matsushita's body remained trembling for a while, as if she had climaxed. We continued this act about 5 times and before we knew it it was 10pm.

"...It felt good, see you again."

It seems like my face is turning bright red as well, and I wave my hand in a small gesture.

"Well, see you later..."

My first Christmas at this school ended in the best possible way.

Wow, it wasn't Christmas on Holy Night, it was Sex Night.

Wait, I'm just bored


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