

Advanced Nurturing High School(ANHS) a Japanese institution funded by the government and is a top class institution as many students seek to go here to gain success in life. Amongst those many students is one Yuta Takeru,a “country bumpkin” is placed among Class D. Can he navigate through this unique school which tries to shape its students into people of society? I don’t own any pic.

EvilDragon69 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Ch 2

Dorm room



Stirring around in his bed,Yuta slowly woke up whilst under the covers of his sheets.

"*Yawn*" He stretched one arm out.

The light passed through the windows to illuminating the room.Unlike most other students Yuta decided to not pointlessly decorate his room,the room being what most would consider bland.

"How long has it been since I slept in this late.." He murmured, sitting in his bed in a still position.

'Gramps would probably throw me out the window if he found about it.'Yuta thought as he stepped out of his bed and put on his glasses and started doing some minor stretching exercises.

Yuta having stepped out of his bed immediately started his morning routine.

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Yuta POV

After changing in my Sports Uniform provided by the school, I left the dormitory and started jogging towards the local park.

'Not a lot of students,Huh?Then again not everyone starts their morning workout at this time.'I thought as I looked at the clock in the park which displayed 5:15 AM.I started to do some pushups, pull ups ,jumping jacks , etc.After completing the exercises I took a 3 min break to to let my body rest a bit.

'If I remember correctly the circumference of the park is supposed to be 4 Km, So 5 laps should be enough for now.' I immediately got in a running position.

I began to run.Since I was in no hurry I maintained a "steady" pace as I ran.As I completed my forth lap I started to notice more and more students arriving,though one student caught my eyes.

'The posture is completely messed up.Judging by how much she is struggling and her bad posture,she probably hasn't trained her body much.' I thought as I looked at the teenage girl of average height with purple hair that is tied in two buns with bangs hanging over her eyebrows and peach-brown eyes just like other girl who arrived she too wore the Sports Uniform.She seemed to be doing push ups or at least trying to.' Well that none of my problem.'

I ignored the girl and continued to run.The park started get more and more crowded.Just as I completed my fifth I saw the same girl just doing another exercise or at least trying to.

'It's the same again,just a different exercise.'I thought as I headed towards the Dorm room.'At least she is more dedicated than most who came here,that's already half the journey completed.'

POV end

While most were lost in their own thoughts,some focused on their exercise while some didn't notice but those who did noticed were shocked at what happened.

"Hey who was he?…"

"He must have been one of the first years.."A second year said looking at the figure of Yuta headed towards his dorm.

"He ran around the park more than three times from what I saw that's beside the fact he might have been running even before I arrived…."

"That's crazy,he didn't even seem tired…"

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"At 5 pm Japan Standard Time today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium. I repeat at-"

A girl with a sweet voice spoke through the speakers, announcing the club fair that was scheduled to be held later today.

'Can't they just let a guy get a nice nap?'Yuta thought as he slowly woke up from his nap.'Though a club fair?Wonder what's that about?'

"Hey Horikita-"

"I'm not interested in joining a club." Before Ayanokōji could even complete his sentence Horikita shut him up.

"I didn't even ask you anything yet."

"Well, what is it?"

"Are you interested in joining a club?"

"Ayanokoji-kun, do you have dementia, or are you just an idiot? Didn't I just tell you that I'm not interested in joining clubs?And could you stop staring Takeru-kun?"

"Um,I have a question?"Yuta said nervously scratching his cheeks.

"Let's hear it."

"What's a club fair?"Hearing the question both Ayanokoji and Horikita looked at him incredulously.

"Your School didn't have Clubs or Club fair?"Ayanokoji asked curiously.

"Well..Today was my first experience of getting a formal education from any sort of school."Yuta said nervously rubbing his neck.

"You were homeschooled till now?"

"You could say that."Yuta answered Horikita who was staring at him.

*Sigh*"Club fair in simpler word is a chance to give students the opportunity to join extracurricular activities that they may be interested in."Horikita said proudly.

"Do you two want to tag along with me?" Ayanokoji asked.

"Sure.I guess."Yuta mumbled while Horikita just ignored Ayanokoji.

"Have you ever joined a club, Horikita?" Ayanokoji asked.

"No, I've never been in one."

"Then, do you have any experience? You know, doing this or that?"Ayanokoji said.

'Though I don't understand the context,that sounded a bit weird.'Yuta thought thinking about Ayanokoji's word.'Wonder what he meant by that?'

"What exactly do you mean by 'that'? I can't help but feel like that's a mean-spirited question."

"Mean-spirited? Did I say something wrong?"

In one quick motion, Horikita karate-chopped Ayanokoji's side. He coughed after being struck.

"Wh-what was that for?!" He cried out.

"Ayanokoji-kun. I've warned you thoroughly, but it would appear that you haven't been listening. I think I may have to dole out a rather merciless punishment to you later."

"Absolutely not! Violence doesn't solve anything." He said.

"Oh really? Violence has existed since the dawn of time. Violence has historically proven to be the human race's most effective means of achieving resolution. Violence is the most reliable method to make others listen or safely deny their demands." Horikita declared.

"You sure talk a lot..." Ayanokoji said

"I think I will employ violence to rehabilitate you, Ayanokoji-kun.I will purge you of those impure thoughts."

"Okay then, what if I said the same thing to you, Horikita? What about that?"

"I wouldn't particularly mind because I don't think the both of you will get a chance."

"Both? Why am I being dragged into this?" Yuta asked her.

"Because you are friends with him.Besides, if I never say anything wrong, then you'll never be able to reproach me."Horikita said pointing at Ayanokoji.

"Okay, I get it, I get it. I'll be careful from now on." Ayanokoji said in a defeated tone. Ayanokoji started to stare out the window.

"Club activities, hmm. I see..."Horikita mumbled to herself as she pondered something.

"Well, if it's only for a little while after school, I'll accompany the both of you,"

——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———

At Gymnasium

Yuta POV

"Big."I murmured as I looked around.

"Yeah, it sure is big." Ayanokoji said as he looked at the building.

After today's school ended, Ayanokoji, Horikita and I went to the gymnasium together. I could see almost a 100 students here and I'm sure that all of them were first years judging from their shocked expression.

Pamplets were given to us when we entered the gymnasium which gave many details about the various "clubs".

"I wonder if this school has a particularly famous club. For example... something like a karate club?" Ayanokoji said as he looked around.

"A lot of clubs here seem to be high-leveled. There are a lot of members in a lot of clubs that are nationally known." Horikita said as she looked at the club members.

'Known Nationally?I haven't heard of them.' I continued to look at the pamphlet.'Then again I did basically live up in the mountains.'

"The facilities are also high quality. Look, they even have oxygen capsules. All the equipment put pro's equipment to shame. Ah, but it looks like they don't have a karate club." Ayanokoji said as he looked at the equipment and I have to agree that it is high quality equipment.

"... I see. Why, are you interested in karate?" Horikita asked Ayanokoji after she heard him.

"No, not particularly." Ayanokoji said to her in response.

"I guess you're just a bit interested huh." I said to him to which he nodded.

"But you know, it looks like an inexperienced person will have a hard time joining a sports club. Even if someone made their high school debut, they would be a substitute for an eternity. I don' think it would be fun." Horikita said to Ayanokoji sharply.

"Isn't that dependent on the effort they put in? After 1 to 2 years of training, anyone can become good." Ayanokoji said to her in response to her words.

"Doesn't it also depend upon the desire of the person?" I said catching the attention of the two.

"What does that mean?" Ayanokoji asked me as he and Horikita looked at me.

"Would just putting in effort matter when you don't have the desire for it,desire to be better than everyone else and improve themselves.I agree putting necessary effort is a must but If you don't have that desire won't you just be stagnant?"

"Quite an interesting thought." Horikita said turning towards me.

"Am I wrong?"

"I don't think so." Horikita said before turning towards Ayanokoji."And, I don't think that the word training' existed for people who avoid trouble like you"

"What does avoiding trouble have to do anything with this?"

"Doesn't someone who avoids trouble also avoid any sort of manual labor? If you've declared that you avoid trouble, you should stick to your word until the very end." Horikita said to him in her usual tone.

"She is not wrong you know." I said to Ayanokoji

"I don't take it that far." Ayanokoji said to us.

"If you're always noncommittal like that, you're never going to make friends." Horikita said sharply.

"Your words wound my heart." Ayanokoji said keeping the same face.

"At least try to change your expression before saying things like that." I said to him.

'Its hard to get a read on him with that Monotonous tone and expression.'

"Whose side are you on?" Ayanokoji asked.

"On the side of truth and fact." I said to him dully.

"Thank you for waiting, first year students. A representative from each club will explain their activities and how to join. I am Tachibana, the secretary of the student council and the chairman responsible for this club fair. Nice to meet you." A purple haired girl, the secretary said as she greeted us taking our attention.

'That's the same girl from this morning.'I looked at the girl whom I saw exercising this morning.'To think she is the Secretary of the Student Council.'

"Hey, if you ever change your mind, try joining a sports club. Doesn't that judo club look good? That senpai looks nice and encouraging."Horikita said to Ayanokoji.

"What part of him looks nice and encouraging? That gorilla looks like he could kill someone at any time." Ayanokoji said immediately.

"What about you Takeru-kun?"Horikita asked turning towards me.

"I am the guy who would run from the first sight of violence,So yeah."

"As expected from someone like you."

"He'd probably preach to you that judo is an easy sport." Ayanokoji said .

"There's nothing easy about anything combat related "I said to him interrupting him.

"I couldn't agree more." Horikita said agreeing with me.

"I give up." Ayanokoji said in a dejected tone?

"You should have done so sooner." Horikita said to him.

"You should get used to it,she won't be changing any time soon." I said to him receiving a glare from the girl in question.

"You're right." Ayanokoji said with a sigh before he looked at the stage.

"My name is Hashigaki, and I'm the captain of the archery club. I think there are a lot of students who find it old-fashioned and simple, but it is a really fun and fulfilling sport. We give all new students a warm welcome, so if you're interested, please join." A girl wearing archer clo the stage.

"Not gonna say anything about it?" Horikita asked as she looked at Ayanokoji.

"No thanks,I have had my fill." Ayanokoji said with his usual face.

Suddenly Horikita tensed up as she looked at the stage.I looked at her and saw her face turning pale.

"Horikita, what's wrong?" Ayanokoji asked again to which she stayed silent.

Following her gaze I saw a upperclassman about 170cm in height, a slender body, sleek black hair, sharp glasses, and a calculating gaze.

'Does she know him?Probably.'I saw Horikita looking at him with an intense gaze.The senpai didn't say anything and kept his calm gaze.

"Who is that Guy?"

"Is he too nervous?

"He must have forgotten how to speak.

"My name is Horikita Manabu, and I am the student council president."

As soon as he spoke the entire gymnasium be silent. His presence most likely being too overwhelming to most in the gymnasium.

"The student council is also looking for first-years to replace the graduating third-years. There are no strict requirements to apply for the position, but those who are interested should not be affiliated with any other clubs. Generally, we do not accept any candidate involved in other clubs." Horikita Manabu said with the same gaze as he looked at the students his tone carrying authority needed for a person of his status.

"Also, we, the student council,is not looking for anyone that has a naive way of thinking. Not only will that kind of person fail to get elected, they will inevitably become a stain to this school. The student council is responsible for regulating the students and enforce the school laws, but the school expects more. Those of you that understand can become potential candidates."President Horikita said as he finished his speech.

He then got off the stage and left the gym. No student had the guts to utter anything as he was in the building. After he left I heard some students let out a breath of relief. Then again I couldn't blame them.

"Everyone, thank you for coming. With that, the club fair is over. We will now open the reception area for anyone interested in joining. The reception area will only be open until the end of April, so anyone interested after then can bring applications directly to the club." The Tachibane Akane said to us before she also got off the stage following the Student Council President.

As the duo left the Gymnasium started to get livelier, the other first year started to talk and whisper more.

"He was an interesting guy,wasn't he?"I said to Ayanokoji who was beside me or was supposed to be,I looked around to find myself alone, well not really there is the still dazed Horikita.

"Hey, What's wrong?"I didn't receive an answer.

I decided to poke her cheeks which finally snapped her out of her thoughts,even getting a cute shriek from her.


'Maybe poking her cheeks might not have been the best idea.'I looked at Horikita who seemed to me mad.

"To regret in suffering or to regret in despair..Which one would you choose?"

"Eh,none of the above."

Horikita in a swift motion karate-chopped at my sides.