

Nishihara Akira.

That was the name i was given by my family. It's meaning was bright, clear and ideal in Japanese and graceful strength in Sanskrit.

But, my name in reality held no value like that. Names were not given much thought in my family.

Anyway , i always held a question.

"Did fate exist?" It was a question which plagued me from my childhood.

The whole concept of fate is that everything is pre-determined. If a person becomes evil that was also pre-determined. If a person changes that was also pre-determined.

It was a concept i held no believe in. After all, if everything was pre-determined then, wasn't my whole life just a play which held no meaning except for what the fate had for me.

If my whole rational was pre-determined, every single action i took was pre-determined then that meant i had no freedom over my own future.

It was a concept that truly scared me. If everyone was following the pre-determined path of theirs, then what was the difference between an outstanding citizen and a criminal?

That fact that the difference in both person is due to something that they held no control over meant that there was no difference between them.

I am not saying the condition that these two people grew up in is the same but, that should also be the part of their fate, no?

It meant that the decision that they took was already set in stone before they were even born. What kind of entity would be interested in watching the whole world following his own direction.

The concept of fate also invalidates the concept of benevolent gods, i think so at least with the limited information i had regarding religions.

If a person were to read my thoughts, they might think 'what kind of nonsensical things is this guy thinking about?'. But, the concept of fate was something that i wholeheartedly denied.

If me coming to this high school named Advanced Nurturing High school was pre-determined that would be pretty ironic. After all i was here in this school trying to run away from my "destiny" even if it was for a short time. My destiny was inevitable.


The prologue is just something i used to think about in the past. I incorporated little bit about what was Akira's reason for joining ANHS. I hope this prologue also showed that Akira hates being manipulated(as a person rightfully should). The "destiny", he talked about in the last is not destiny (decided by some godly being) but his responsibility that is required for him to fulfill.

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