
COTE : A Man On A Mission

" You are being admitted to Class-D, the worst Class of your year. " " If you successfully reach Class-A, you will get freedom for your lifetime " " Don't disappoint me.. Masterpiece. " What if Kiyotaka, instead of using ANHS as a means to experience freedom for a temporary period, goes to ANHS as a stepping stone to get the freedom he always wanted on a permanent basis? What changes will this one choice bring in the story?

AnkitFTW · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 : Authority

Amidst all the chatter revolving around the class, the handsome dude from earlier slowly clapped his hands, gaining their attention. As all eyes darted towards him, he gave them a bright smile.

It seems it was incredibly effective as most of the girls immediately gained a pink tint around their cheeks.

I slightly gave my seatmate a small glance, just because I was curious to notice if she was smitten by his charms as well, but looks like she was not. She just kept her face as stoic as possible while reading her book. Sensing my glance, her eyes darted towards me curiously.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all.I was just looking at your book. Quite an interesting find, I must say."

Immediately her eyes gleamed a little in excitement, though she still kept her stern face.

"Judging from your words, it seems you have already read it, I assume?"

"Yeah...you can say that. Ever since I was little, I did not have many friends, so I mainly spent my free time reading books all by myself."

Her eyes softened a little as she sighed to herself.

"I know what you feel like.But hey, being alone is not that bad of a feeling you know? You can still enjoy many things by yourself that you can't infront of a crowd."

Her attempt to try to cheer me up didn't work but I felt a little gratitude for her words.

"Thank you Horikita.I appreciate your kindness."

The black haired girl looked back towards her book while shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't deserve your gratitude. After all, I just spoke the truth."

Right as we finished our conversation we heard a lot of approval from the girls of the class towards the handsome boy's request of introducing ourselves.

'Okay...Class Introduction it is… If I want to lead this class from the ruins straight to the top, then I have to make a good impression as well as display a small level of authority over them.'

"My name is Hirata Yousuke. Because I was often called by my first name, Yousuke, in middle school, feel free to use my first name. Although I like all sports, I like soccer in particular, and also plan to play soccer at this school. Please take care of me."

He ended his introduction with a small pleasant smile, causing many of the girls to blush at him. Maybe if I was a girl, then maybe I would've blushed as well… Let's not think about cursed things like that.

Hirata introduced himself in front of the class smoothly, without any hints of nervousness. He displayed a small level of confidence, though it was not to be mistaken with arrogance. And as soon as he mentioned that he played football, yes football, not soccer… His popularity among the class increased four times.

He would be a useful ally to have…

Seeing that his introduction was well received, Hirata looked pleased with himself as his eyes went towards the next person.

"Well, if that was satisfactory... then, can we start self introductions from the beginning?"

After him, was a girl with a shy demeanour. She looked perplexed and nervous that she might mess up her introduction and make things socially awkward . As she introduced herself, her words stopped in her mouth as her face got pale in embarrassment. But soon, after some help from her neighbours, she gained a little confidence and introduced herself as Inogashira Kokoro.

'Sewing and Knitting…. It's not that useful on the surface but maybe I could find her of some use later in the future.'

After she sat down, with a small smile of delight on her face, the person behind her stood up. He wore a dumb grin on his face, as his eyes went towards the opposite sex.

"Hello ladies...I'm Yamauchi Haruki. In elementary school, I played table tennis at the national level, then was the baseball club's ace in middle school—I had uniform number 4. But since I got an injury during Inter High recently, so I am currently in rehab. Nice to meet ya."

' Well… I can use him to gain some extra points. Hopefully the school will allow clowns to do trickery in the middle of the street. I can't find any other use of him as of now…'

The girls looked at him repulsively and some were straight up glaring at the poor boy, who was still grinning to himself, oblivious to his surroundings.

After the disaster of an introduction, the next person stood up.

"Then I'm next, right?"

It was the cheerful girl with that high pitched voice of hers. She was definitely cute and had a decent figure, causing most of the guy's eyes to direct at her.

"My name is Kushida Kikyou, and since none of my friends from middle school came to this school, I want to get to know everyone and become friends!"

Her cheerful words with her cute smile definitely caused the other sex to drive towards her. 

Although I find the motive of getting to know everyone and becoming friends with them really hectic, I won't judge. Oh it seems she is still talking.

"Then, during vacations or after school, I want to make memories with many people, so please invite me to many events. I've been talking for a while, so I'll end my self-introduction here."

She really likes to say the word 'many' a lot huh...Her motives are definitely pure and it seems she will get along with both the sexes and hold a strong social power. If my introduction  fails, then I will use her.

"Then, the next one is─"

Hirata's words died in his throat as he met a fierce glare from the red haired delinquent looking guy.

 "You guys idiots? I don't wanna introduce myself, just leave me alone."

He immediately left the room while grumbling to himself.Following him, a couple of other students left as well.

'I can understand why he did it. Maybe he is socially awkward and is putting up a tough front? Again that's just a flimsy guess of mine.

Oh? Looks like Horikita is still here.I thought she would leave the class as well.'

"Well, I'm next. I'm Ike Kanji. The things I like are girls, and the things I hate are ikemen. I'm looking for a girlfriend at any time, so nice to meet you! Of course, you better be cute or beautiful!"

His voice had an air of confidence as he blurted out his inner desires without any sense of shame.

Immediately he was met with mocking remarks from the females.

 "Wow, cool~. Ike-kun, you're so smooth"

"Can you hear him girls, he's looking for a girl?"

"What a find~"

Unfortunately Ike, who was oblivious to their sarcasm, grinned while accepting them as compliments.

'Like that Yamadead guy, Ike also doesn't have much use, but I can feel that he is at least 1 percent more useful than the former.'

"Next is you…"


It was the blonde haired guy, known as Koenji. He smiled at the girls as he put both of his feet on the desk, like a royal king.

"My name is Koenji Rokusuke. Being the only heir of the Koenji conglomerate, I am a man who will be responsible for Japanese society in the near future. Pleased to meet you, ladies."

His introduction, like the Yamadead guy was also directed at the woman, but since he was actually good looking and was rich, his introduction was well received by the gold diggers whose eyes were glistening while looking at Koenji.

  "From now on, I will relentlessly punish anything that makes me feel uncomfortable. Be careful in that respect."

 "Eh... Koenji-kun. What do you mean by 'anything' uncomfortable?" Hirata gave him a worried smile, while the boy was still combing his air, not paying him any attention.

"Exactly as I said. But if I were to give an example-I hate unattractive things. If I saw something ugly, I would do as I said." 

Koenji flipped his golden bangs with a 'pwish' as Hirata, feeling a little worried immediately averted his eyes.

His eyes then met with mine as he let out a smile.

"Next is you…"

Sigh...Ok then Here we go..

I stood up from my seat and slowly started walking towards Hirata's direction. Most of the class were giving me confused stares but decided to keep silent.

Soon, I walked past Hirata and stood over the podium where Chabashira-sensei was standing.

I looked down on all of them as they were staring at my eyes, curiously awaiting my next actions.

If I was not on a mission, I would've felt extremely uncomfortable.

I sighed to myself before steeling my will.

" My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I was homeschooled my whole life, so I'm not good at social interactions. I hope you all can pardon my awkwardness."

"Don't worry Ayanokouji-kun.. I understand how you feel.. no one will feel bothered by you."

Immediately after Hirata's positive remark, other students also spoke up, trying to get rid of my worries.

"Yeah don't worry."

"No one will blame you."

Good. Speaking out about your flaw towards a crowd of people shows them a little about your vulnerability, which would result in you getting sympathy from them.

Also I should later thank Hirata for being the catalyst to my plans .

" I appreciate all of your words. Thank you. Now as I was saying, my hobby is reading books and I'm quite good at studies. Also, before I end my introduction, I wanna say one last thing…

I aspire to be the Leader of Class-D "