
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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138 Chs


'Your Highness, whose his highness, What's going on' thought Zhao Xuan.

Zhao Xuan wasn't the only one who had such thought, Zhao cha, Shen guan mei, Zhou Xun, Zhou Ren, Chen fan yu, Uncle Liao, They all had the same thought.

"Rise" said Feng Zhen. When they heard Feng Zhen, they all stood up.

When the Rider of the carriage saw the situation, he called out to his Mistress, hoping she could help him.

"Mistress, his highness is here" said the Rider of the carriage.

A voice from within the carriage impolitely said "Which highness, Cao hou ze what's with the delay. Hurry up, I have things to do"

When Cao hou ze heard how impolite his Mistress was towards Feng Zhen, he felt chills down his spine. Then he called out again, hoping to pass a message to his Mistress not to act disrespectful.

"Mistress, Prince Zhen is here" said Cao hou ze.

The Voice from within the carriage angrily said "Which Prince Zhen, Prince Zhen is already dead, so stop speaking rubbish. Now hurry up".

When the people heard what she said, they shivered.

'Daring to proclaim that the prince or the king is dead while he's still alive. If such act is caught, Quick dead would only be a redemption' thought Cao hou ze, he wasn't the one who had such thought, even the people had the same thought.

Cao hou ze knew he was finished, The only way out of this predicament was to plead for forgiveness. But would his Mistress plead for forgiveness, he sighed.

When Feng Zhen heard all that was said, He became even more angry.

"Wei Jie, how dare you act arrogant before me, daring to proclaim that am dead before my face. I wonder who gave you such courage" shouted Feng Zhen.

When Wei Jie heard the voice, she immediately opened the carriage door and walked out.

Looking at the Celestial maiden walking out of the carriage, everyone heart skipped a beat.

'Wow, she's really beautiful as the rumors states' thought some people.

The moment she saw Feng Zhen's face, she jerked backwards. Immediately, she feel on her kneels.

"Yo-yo-your h-h-highness" stammered Wie Jie.

"Answer me, who gave you the courage to be arrogant before me" Feng Zhen asked again.

"Yo-your h-highness, I-I-I, Your highness please have mercy" pleaded Wie Jie.


Suddenly, Sounds of trumpet could be heard from above.


"Look up!" exclaimed Shen guan mei.

"Isn't that the royal Pegasus" exclaimed someone within the crowd.


"Such Magnificent wings" exclaimed Zhao Xuan.

At that moment, more than 50 Pegasus with different colors were flying towards the City gate.

"Wow, I wish I could have one" said Zhao Xuan, as she stared at the Pegasus with affection.

"I wish I could have one too" said Shen Xuan, as he stared at the Pegasus just like Zhao Xuan in affection.

After some few minutes, the Pegasus landed. When the people saw the Pegasus, they looked at the rider in envy, jealousy and admiration.

At that moment a dazzling, sexy, enchanting figure starting running towards Feng Zhen. The figure had prefect sculpted face, dark silky hair with pair of golden eyes and jade-white skin.

Looking at the figure who looked just like Feng Zhen with the difference of gender. Some could mistake the figure to be Feng Zhen's elder sister.

Staring at the figure, Feng Zhen felt all his rage, pains, regrets disappeared, all he felt at that moment was love, not just some relational love, but a deep love from the depths of his soul. He felt like crying, he wanted nothing more than to run and embrace that figure while pouring all his emotions into his eyes, but he couldn't bring himself to, He just stood there with his Misty eyes, as tears drip from his eyes.

Be it the The people, The City gate guards, Cao hou ze, Wie Jie who was currently on her kneels, Uncle Liao, Zhao Cha, Zhao Xuan, Shen guan mei, Chen fan yu, Zhou Ren, Zhou Xun, They all felt pain. This was there first time seeing Feng Zhen's tears. For the people, this was their first time seeing a prince tears.

"Zhen'er" exclaimed the figure.

When Feng Zhen heard the voice, he trembled.


["Thanks for reading my novel, I wouldn't be able to release two chapters tomorrow, Cause I have test to write tomorrow]

["So am releasing this chapter today to appease your taste"]

["Thanks to all those who commented"]

["Draken_Phenix, hahahaha!! You really love draining my brain power, always asking for More, Anyway Thanks for all your comments]
