
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Sin Points

"You begging on his behalf, But If I were the one lying here instead of him would you begged on my behalf" asked Feng Zhen.

When the Alpha Queen Crimson Tiger Wolf heard what Feng Zhen said, she fell silent.

Looking at the quiet Alpha Queen Crimson Tiger Wolf, Although Feng Zhen couldn't feel any emotion, he still knew what is right and what isn't.

Then he said "If the case was reversed, you won't even look at me much less beg"

She hastily said "What the Might One said is Indeed true. But I can promise if you let us go, we would free all the captived humans and I, No, we will promise never to won't hunt any human again"

"Human captives"

"Yes Might One, we currently have some humans we caught. So would the Might One accept my proposal"

"I would, but you have to first, make him agree to our proposal" said Fen Zhen as he pointed at the wounded Alpha King Crimson Tiger Wolf.

Unexpectedly, the Alpha King Crimson Tiger Wolf said "There's no need to asked if I agree". The Alpha King Crimson Tiger Wolf felt really ashamed he had his wife begging for mercy for his sake.

"I agree" said the Alpha Queen Crimson Tiger Wolf.

"Alright them, but before that, there is something I need to do" said Feng Zhen as he withdrew he spear.

"Might One, is there anyway we could help"

"Stop calling me that, I have a name you know, also it's not something you two could help me with but if you feel like coming, you can" said Feng Zhen, without waiting for them to reply Feng Zhen dashed in to the forest.

"Might One -----" said the Alpha Queen Crimson Tiger Wolf , but before she could finish her words, Feng Zhen was already far ahead.

Looking at the disappearing silhouette figure, the Alpha Queen Crimson Tiger Wolf helped the Alpha King Crimson Tiger Wolf to quickly addressed the wounds.

After addressing the wounds, the Alpha King Crimson Tiger Wolf and the Alpha Queen Crimson Tiger Wolf both dashed like a bolt of lightning into the forest, so they could catch up with Feng Zhen.


Deep in the Forest, Inside a cave....

'System, are you sure today is the day' Feng Zhen asked nervously.

[ Ding! According to the system's calculations, the Mystery egg would hatch today]

Feng Zhen sat crossed-legged, lying on his lap was a multicolored black and white striped egg.

'Ever since I left the Imperial City, I haven't done anything other than killing demonic beasts. Infact if not for the system, I might have forget I got a mystery egg back at the EvilWood Forest'

'hah! Alright'

'System, show my status'


Name: Feng Zhen

Age: 17

Sin Point (sp):

Humans killed = 2

Point: 20sp

Cosmos Points(CS points) : 520,000

Cultivation: King Stage Level 9 (500,000/500,000)

(Conserved Exp = 17,560,000)

Cosmos Dao Comprehension:

{Fire Dao Level 1 (0/100)}

{Water Dao Level 1 (0/100)}

{Earth Dao Level 2 (1/200)}

{Wind Dao Level 2 (1/200)}

{Metal Dao Level 1 (0/100

{Light Dao Level 1 (0/100)}

{Darkness Dao Level 1 (0/100)}

{Space Dao Level 1 (10/100)}


{Grandmist Force Technique Level 5 = (1/700)}

{World Creation Body Origin Technique Level 4 = (1/400)}

{Indestructible Qi Body Refining Method Level 3 = (150/650)}

{Glowing Flash Art Level 3 = (200/300}

Martial Skill:

{Almighty Pull Level 2 = (1/200)(Grade=?)}

{Almighty Push Level 2 = (1/200)(Grade=?)}

Innate Skill:

{Unyeilding Will Level 2 = (?) (Grade=?)(Time Limit: ?)}

Soul Skill:

{EVIL GOD RAGE SECRET TECHNIQUE Level 1 = (1/1,000,000) (Cool-down time: 30 days)(Time Limit: 30 minutes)}


{Evil God Golden Spear - King Rank(Supreme subgrade)(50%)}


{Demon God [Darkness - Power x2 ]}:

{Demon God Transformation - Level 1 [Technique level increases as host comprehension of darkness dao increase]}:

{Shadow Movement - Level 1 [Technique level increases as host comprehension of darkness dao increase]}

Martial Spirit: None



(-) Get a thousand Level 6 or higher demonic beasts cores (1000/1000) - Completed(✓)

(-) Obtain 1 litre of water from the Spring of Life (0/1)

(-) Obtain the Devil-Devil-Sealing Chain (Rare-Item).


(-) 3 Years, 5 months, 28 days remaining


(-) {Demon God Transformation} Control.


(-) Permanent form as a Demon. :

'System, what with this Sin points' asked Feng Zhen.

[ Ding! Responding to host, While Cosmos points are used to purchase things from the System Shop, Sin points are points that could gain evil titles]

'What the---'

'Who the hell would want to gain an evil title'

[ Ding! Responding to host, they are. Like the Evil God Title]

'Alright, So can you tell me more about the kind of evil titles, I can gain with the sin point]

[ Ding!


(-) God Slayer:

Description: Slaying a thousand gods and drinking their blood, without cause (No relationship whether good or bad).

God Slayer Title Ability:

(-) Impose Fear upon gods just by name

(-) Grim Reaper:

Description: Killing more than ten thousand beings, by collecting their souls.



'Stop! Stop!! Stop!!!'

'What! How could there be such evil titles'

'And what with the God Slayer title. Killing a gods, is already bad much less killing a gods without cause and drinking its blood. What's more insane, is that the killer shouldn't have anything to do with the gods, does the system mean I should just go about looking for gods and killing them. Does the system think gods are chickens'

'Am starting to think the system might not be normal'

'System are you sure your not some demon guiding me into an evil path'

[ Ding! System isn't a demon, the system is a system]

'Then why haven't I seen any good thing from the System'

'First was the Evil God, Then the Shadow Monarch, then the Sin points. Am really suspecting the system'

[ Ding! Responding to host, System is just assisting host in finding his path on challenging the heavens]

'Hah! Alright fine. Now erase the sin point'

[Ding! Responding to host, am afraid the system can't do that with it's currently level]

'Now, it the current level problem, hah!'

'Just forget about it' thought Feng Zhen.