
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Determination in this New World

Feng Zhen right before he died, thought "Ah, finally, mother, father I have killed all those people related to your death. Wait for me, I am coming as well"

with a smile on his face, he closed his eyes. However, he would never have thought that his end in this world was just the beginning of a legend in another.

"UGH! What is this Pain, my body feels like it's being torn apart," Grunted Feng Zhen. "Wait..., how am I feeling pain right now... aren't I suppose to be dead?" he jolted.

Suddenly, he heard a Systematic voice in his head.[Ding! Congratulations to host Feng Zhen for awakening Cosmos System! Congratulations to host Feng Zhen for transmigrating to the Clouded Greenwood World]

Hearing the voice inside his head, Feng Zhen became quiet. "Is that voice real or am I going crazy?" he thought when suddenly he heard another ding. [Ding! Congratulations to host Feng Zhen for Transmigrating. You have died in your old world and reincarnated in the body of the same name that died in the Evil Wood Forest.]

"So this is one of those Transmigrating stories with system that I love to read!, it seems that I died and fused my soul with the body, then that explains the pain."

Suddenly, Feng Zhen held his head as he received another wave of pain inside his head form no where "Damn, what happening I feel like I am going to die again, ARGH!!"

[Ding! The host memories and soul is currently fusing with this body.]

Feng Zhen cursed. "Yeah, but it still hurts as hell!" after some time he could fill some pieces of memories suddenly rushed and entered his head.

[Ding! Congratulations to host Feng Zhen for successfully merging and integrating with the body and the system! ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to host Feng Zhen for receiving the Cosmos Welcoming Gift! Open? ]

After a while, the pain subsided.

"Clouded Greenwood World, huh? A world of martial artists and Immortals! Full of treasures, beauties, and adventures! Mhm, very interesting."

At that moment, Feng Zhen thought of his old world and his parents, he couldn't help but sigh. "I couldn't do anything back in my previous world but in this world..., I swear by my name that I shall rule the heavens and conquer it inhabitants".

"Old buddy Feng Zhen, it seems we share the same name huh... Rest in peace, I'll take care of the things here in this world."

He then said "uh, system how do I open the gift"

[Ding! To give a command or a request, just think of or say the command]

he said "Okay, System open the gift"

[ Ding! Opening the gift..... 25%...50%.....75%.....100%! Opening! ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to host Feng Zhen for obtaining 500 CS points. ](note: CS means Cosmos)

[ Ding! Congratulations to host Feng Zhen for obtaining the supreme level Divine Grade martial art {Grand mist Force Technique} ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining the high-level Immortal Grade body cultivation technique {Indestructible Qi Body Refining Method} ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining a supreme level Divine Grade cultivation technique {World Creation Body Origin Technique} ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining a transcendent growth weapon {Evil God Golden Spear} ]

[ Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining a level-3 pill {Purification Qi Pill} ] (Note: Pill levels are 1 to 9. Low to high)

[Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining an {Escape Talisman} ]

Feng Zhen couldn't help but get excited when he heard all those Divine grade and Immortal grade techniques. However, he was a bit confused on what a transcendent growth weapon is.

[ Ding! The system has detected grave injuries on the host's body. The system recommends the host to automatically Cultivate the {Grandmist Force Technique} to convert nature energy into Grandmist force to improve the physique]

"Oh I forgot that am injured, System what's automatic Cultivation" he asked

[ Ding! The system has a built-in function for cultivation techniques, and the host can activate the automatic cultivate function and have the system cultivate for the host as the host's body is currently injured. ]

Feng Zhen Couldn't help but be amazed, "Wow, such a thing actually exist... System activate automatic cultivation for the {Grandmist force technique}".

[ Ding! Automatic cultivation function activating... 3....2....1... Ding! The system is now cultivating for the host. ]

At that moment, Feng Zhen felt like he was thrown from a blazing hot fire to very cold water.

[ Ding! The host's status can now be viewed by the host. Just say or think the word status to check it. ]

'Alright then, Status!' thought Feng Zhen in his thought.


Name: Feng Zhen

State: Injured (Currently Recovering)

Age: 16

Cosmos Point(CS point) : 500

Cultivation: Initialization Stage Level 3 (1/30)


{Grandmist Force Technique Level 1 = (5/100)}

{World Creation Body Origin Technique Level 1 = (1/100)}

{Indestructible Qi Body Refining Method Level 1 = (1/100)}


{Evil God Golden Spear - Earth Rank(Supreme subgrade)(0%)}(Note: The spear is always not fixed at the supreme level, Also Earth Rank is right after Spirit rank.)

'System, that numbers beside my cultivation level, is it my experience points?" he asked.

[ Ding! Yes. The host can get experience and CS point from killing both humans and demonic beasts, or by absorbing medicinal herbs and pills. ]

Feng Zhen nodded his head and asked. "I see, Then system, what does transcendent growth means?"

[Ding! Transcendent growth weapons can increase its grade by absorbing other weapons, also it grows by the host's side and has unlimited potential]

Feng Zhen thought "Wow, such a thing actually exist... it seems this my system is full of surprises"

[ Ding! The system suggests that the host take the {Purification Qi Pill} to fix the host's broken acupoints, meridians, and injured dantian. ]

Feng Zhen asked. "System, where is the pill then?"

[ Ding! The pill is in the host's inventory. It is like a storage ring, however, it has limitless space inside it, unlike a limited one that a storage ring has. The host only needs to send his consciousness inside and take the item out. ]

Feng Zhen smiled and excited thought, "Hmm, convenient indeed." Then he sent his consciousness into the inventory and inside the space, there he saw a black spear and a pill inside a jade bottle that was emitting a warm gentle atmosphere around it.

"There you are"

Feng Zhen then took it and left the inventory. He sat in a crossed-legged position and put the pill in his mouth and swallowed it. Once it entered his mouth, he could feel a great amount of energy entered his body. It was a very gentle energy, and it nourished the damaged meridians, acupoints, and dantian in his body. He could already feel his body getting better while his physique improving slowly.

After a night's rest, Feng Zhen woke up early and checked his body. He was glad that his body was already fully recovered and was brimming with excess energy.

He smiled with his lips parted, revealing his teeth, "{Purification Qi Pill} really deserved its level 3 rank. It didn't just fix my body's injuries, it also improved my physique overnight"

"System show me the techniques that I got from the gift." he said.

[Ding! {Grandmist Force Technique}: A Technique formed during the Creation of the world and has being lost for countless years. Grandmist is a form of energy that suppress all things with it pressure. It transforms energy into grandmist and was once used by the Evil God. It can be considered as an auxiliary art which improves one's strength, defense, agility, energy, etc. by a fold every level. Example: Level 1 = 1-fold (suppression of 50% on those on the same stage), Level 2 = 2-fold(suppression 100% on the same stage) and so on.]

[{Indestructible Qi Body Refining Method}: An ancient, forgotten body strengthening art by using force any of the element's (1)Fire (2) Lightning (3) Water (4) Wind (5) Earth ]

[{World Creation Body Origin Technique}: This technique has been lost for countless years and uses the heavenly/nature energy to create a world inside one's body. The energy inside the world could be used in battle or be used as a storage space for any living and non-living things. All things inside the world are nourished and improved by the energy of the user. The world expands with higher cultivation and higher mastery/level.]

"What the..." Feng Zhen was lost in shock when he read about the {World Creation Body Origin technique}.

After recovering from the shock, Feng Zhen was very excited "With this technique's, my future accomplished won't be limited ", saying that, Feng Zhen clenched his fist