
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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138 Chs

{Shadow Teleportation}


Feng Zhen stared at the cat-like beast, in check of it's gender, suddenly he heard a soft aspiring voice calling him

"huh!" Feng Zhen exclaimed in confusion.


'how-how could a baby beast talk'

Before Feng Zhen could think of any possibility to the scene that just occurred, something drew his attention, he saw the space around the cat-like beast acting slightly unusual, then the cat-like beast disappeared.

As soon as the Cat-like beast disappeared, Feng Zhen jerked backwards in surprise. He didn't perceive the cat-like beast disappearance, as though it vanished.

'Where did it go'. Immediately, he started looking around.

After the cat-like beasts disappeared, the Alpha King Crimson Tiger Wolf got its freedom, immediately the Alpha Queen Crimson Tiger Wolf hastily ran and groomed the Alpha King Crimson Tiger Wolf.

Suddenly, Feng Zhen felt something on his left shoulder. Then he turned his neck, lo and behold he saw the cat-like beast sitting on his left shoulder.

'How did she -'

'Did she teleport or she --'

Feng Zhen got his words stucked, because he had some thoughts about how the cat-like beast moved, but he wasn't certain.

'System, If my guess is correct. Then I would assume, she just used {Shadow Movement}' (Note: He's referring 'she' as to the Cat-like beast)

[ Ding! host is incorrect and correct, the host is incorrect, because the cat-like beast didn't use {Shadow Movement} but an Innate skill known as {Shadow Teleportation}]

'Then how am I correct'

[ Ding! Responding to host, host is correct, because the cat-like beast used a spatial {Shadow Movement}]

'I don't understand'

[ Ding! Assisting the host, with {Shadow Movement} the host could move from shadow to shadow instantaneously in a specific circumference, but with the {Shadow Teleportation} one could open spatial channel and instantaneously move from shadow to shadow through dimensions.]

'I still don't get it'

[ Ding! Loading more information..]

[ Ding! Information retrieved...]

[ Ding! Assisting host, host should just know that the difference between {Shadow Movement} and {Shadow Teleportation} is their limitations. Using {Shadow Teleportation} one could open spatial portal and travel to and flow and through dimensions with shadow, but with {Shadow Movement} one could only move within that dimension with shadow...]

'Huh! That all. Then there isn't that much difference between {Shadow Movement} and {Shadow Teleportation}' thought Feng Zhen.

[ Ding! host is indeed wrong, with shadow teleportation one could travel through thousands of kilometers in a blink of an eye, as long as there is shadow within the present vicinity and the vicinity the host wants to move to, but with {Shadow Movement} the maximum distance the host could move is within hundred kilometers]


Feng Zhen finally understood what the system meant.

'So the {Shadow Teleportation} is kind of the higher version of the {Shadow Movement}. System, If I were to learn the {Shadow Teleportation}, what are the requirements'

[ Ding! Responding to host, System recommends host not to asked.]

'Okay, but I still want to know'

[ Ding! Responding to host, If the host wants to know the requirements. Then....

Requirements for {Shadow Teleportation}:

Darkness Dao: Level 10

Space Dao: Level 10

Wind Dao: Level 5

Cultivation: False God Realm



'Darkness Dao Level 10, Space Dao Level 10, Wind Dao Level 5'

'You shouldn't have told me. I could barely comprehend Level 1 Darkness Dao, and it requires Level 10. What kind of concept is that.'

'Also I need to be at the False God Realm'

'Hah! When I think of Cultivational Stages, I always feel ---'

'hah!' Feng Zhen sighed.

'I still have a long way to go'

(Note: 'words inside a single quotes refers to thoughts ' ', while words on double quotes refers to spoken words " ")

Looking at the cat-like beast, Feng Zhen smiled and said "So cute, what should I name you"

"Papa! name"

"Oh! So you want me to give you a name"

"Emm" she nodded.

"It would be a pleasure to name you" said Feng Zhen, then he smiled.

"Your cute" said Feng Zhen while looking at the cute harmless cat-like beast.

"and you looks so innocent, so harmless"

As soon as Feng Zhen spoke the word "so harmless", He felt a dense murderous intent directed towards him. He couldn't help but shiver, upon look at who had the murderous intent. Feng Zhen gulped a mouthful of saliva. Afterwards, Feng Zhen deeply inhaled.

"Alright, Fine, your not harmless"

Immediately, after he said the words. The dense murderous intent disappeared.

'What the hell, how could a new born beast have such killing intent, how many people, beasts, do a person need to kill to have such murderous intent. Even after I had killed more than a thousand Demonic beasts, I still don't have such killing intent, Yet this-this'

'When, how, did this new born beast have such kill intent or has it being killing while it was in the egg, that impossible or it is'

'or maybe, it's it nature'

Then Feng Zhen frowned 'Getting a God beast is a trouble, but getting a God beast that has such murderous intent is another trouble added to the other trouble. What troubles me the most, is the reason it previously directly it's murderous intent towards me. If, just by calling her harmless, could make her produce such murderous intent, what would happen if she is exposed to the public, won't it be like am inviting chaos. Or should I just abandon the beast'

'If having such beast, who invite chaos before I become strong enough to protect it. It would be better, If I abandon it or probably eliminate it'

'There is a saying: If your left hand or your right hand would put you into eternal damnation, it's better you cut it off' Feng Zhen pondered.

'I could use Escape Talisman to escape when I find myself in any unfortunately situation. But it's not possible for a beast to use Escape Talisman or it is possible. But what would she do if I escape, she might die or she might luckily be rescued by another person. That's the problem, if she is rescued by another person, she might think I abandoned her and decides to pursue my life in the future when she becomes strong.' Feng Zhen pondered more.

'There is a saying: Your worst enemy is your household enemy's' Feng Zhen pondered more and more.

'Hah! Instead of thinking too much, I should just leave the decision for later'

'Hah! This world principles are driving me crazy'

"Alright" Feng Zhen calmed himself.

"As I was saying"

"Your very cute but also are very dangerous. Also I have a feeling that you would put me in a very unfavorable situation in the future." Feng Zhen said with caution.

"So, I think I should name you "