
Twilight Orb

Howls can be heard as the darkness cloaks the very walls of the abyss canyon. The presence of anger and sorrow could be felt everywhere.

Suddenly, a very loud voice thundered across the canyon, "Where are they?"

A slender body walked slowly towards the origin of the voice, face covered by the night's darkness, body enlightened by the moonlight's touch.

"They are coming soon, my lord." The voice was of a woman, young but very wild.

"They better hurry, she is gonna wake up soon."

Red eyes suddenly appeared as if it just woke up, full of anger and death.

"Very soon."


Not far away from the abyss canyon is the Magic Academy, Known far and wide of its outstanding mentors and alumni.

It holds the great secrets and scriptures of the old magic world.

This institution stood independently among the other kingdoms and they have their own king, and their own councils.

Meanwhile, on the far north of the magic Academy,

Metal sounds clattered as piles of sand and gravel were dumped on a small hill.

Sedaron, one of the miners struck something hard from a part of the hill.

As he struck it once more, bright light and dark light glowed from it. A mixture of black and white.

"Master, I think I struck the heart of the hill!"

Mister Grailey hurried to the location of Sedaron.

"Report this to his majesty, now!"


Gord rushed to the mining site and inspected.

"His majesty sent me in his behalf."

He touched the orb once, careful of what it might cost him.

He touched it the second time, but this time he held it.

"It's safe to hold." He thought.

Upon holding the orb safely, he flew speedily back to the magic academy.


"Various tests were applied and research was vigorously done to identify the properties of the orb your majesty." Gord brought the orb in front of the king, encased in a glass frame.

"And?" His majesty asked.

"All discoveries lead to one thing. It's the twilight orb." Gord finally said as he unlocked the opening of the frame and handed it to the king.

"If this matter is to be known by the surrounding kingdoms, then this is not safe from theft, and our lands are not safe from infiltration."

"Then what do you want to do with that orb, my leige?" Gord asked.

"Tomorrow, send all kingdoms and heroes far and wide a letter of invitation by the magic council of the Magic Academy.

"Put urgency on the letter." The king said his last words as he turned around facing the castle window.

He still held the twilight orb in his hands. He bent his back and whispered to it.

"You'll make me the most powerful king. And I will make you my very special gem."