
Cosmic Tale

This is my first story, so hehe mind my lack of correct grammar and dialogue. This novel in summary is about the story of Kiyan and Lumiere(twins) in Fahrune with them not knowing their heritage or origins went to attend the royal academy called Nova corps which teaches the pupils the world of mystic arts and how to use the power of the stars. This marks the beginning of their journey.

m0ck1ngb1rd · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Lumiere and Kiyan

Seven years have swiftly flown by, and the once childish Kiyan and Lumiere now stand at the threshold of their teenage years, both having reached the age of fourteen.

As time has marched on, though they look so much alike but their personalities have flourished and solidified, revealing distinct traits that set them apart.

Kiyan, vibrant and spirited, radiates an air of outgoing charisma. His demeanor is one of unabashed courage, his steps marked by a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. His quick wit and cunning mind lend themselves to a resourcefulness that's both captivating and endearing. The years have only heightened his natural curiosity, leaving no stone unturned in his quest for excitement.

Lumiere, on the other hand, has blossomed into an enigma wrapped in quietude. Her sassy retorts and a sarcastic edge have become her trademark, concealing a depth of thought and insight that for her age though it can be annoying at times. For some reason her head is never empty of ideas, and her tongue holds the wisdom of one who's seen both the bright and the shadowed corners of existence. A stormy sea hides beneath her calm exterior, basically a bratty girl with a halo.

Despite the passage of time, their unique hair remains—a striking shade of silver that sets them apart from the crowd.

Presently, they reside in Boisson. A village that is far out from Suncrest the capital of the Sun Empire. The villager of Boisson lived a simple life with no access to most of technology and trends is unheard there.

Kiyan and Lumiere lived with the old man. He seems to be about 40 years old with a bit of wrinkles covering his face and bit of grey hair mixing with his black hair. Despite looking mature and old, he still has a vigor of a young man.

"Hey, gramps, you've got to see this!" Kiyan's exuberant voice rings out, disrupting the peace that often graces the old man's solitude.

A weary sigh escapes the old man as he looks up from his book. "What is it this time?" he queries, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of his lips.

Kiyan's whispered something then snaps his fingers as his fingertips has a weak fireball floating above it, a glimmering orb of warmth and light cradled within his palm. "Check out this flame of death!" he exclaims with boundless enthusiasm.

Before the old man could reply, a sudden splash of water douses Kiyan's fire leaving him wet in the process. The trickling drops cling to him, leaving a trail of dampness in their wake.

Lumiere stands nearby, unrepentant and dry, her expression as cool as the water she's wielded. "Fire of death? Well in a sense you are right as your fire is incredibly dead to be call a fire" Her words are softly spoken, but they carry an unassailable weight.

A moment of tension hangs in the air before Kiyan's voice erupts, laced with an irate indignation.

"Lumiere, what the hell is wrong with you?" His frustration echoes through the courtyard.

Her response, though, is gentle and measured, as if she's more a guardian of caution than an instigator of turmoil. "Your flame of death should remain dead."

The old man shook his, sighing loudly. "I swear, the both of you will be the death of me."

An indignant snort escapes him as he grumbles, "Well, let see how you like this rock bolt."

Kiyan now uses both of his palm as rock particles begin to come together, forming a rock with a jagged edge that met the world with a knowing smile.

"Don't blame me if it hurts," he mused aloud.

With this declaration hanging in the air, Kiyan's hands moved again, shaping another manifestation of his power—a rock suspended in the currents of magic before descending with a gentle thud to the earth.

"Ouch, it hurts, I'm in pain" Lumiere chimed in, her tone dripping with an artful layer of sarcasm.

Kiyan felt a clenching in his gut, teeth grinding in frustration as his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Just you wait," he muttered under his breath, his determination unshaken.

Before Lumiere could retort with another stinging remark, the distant notes of trumpets pierced the air, their resounding call slicing through the tranquility of the moment. The deafening fanfare bore the unmistakable signal of a royal envoy's approach.

"Gramps, what's happening?" Kiyan's curiosity carried a note of genuine intrigue, seeking to unravel the mystery at hand.

Lumiere, her thoughts mirroring Kiyan's, echoed the sentiment. "That sound like the royal envoy?" Her question sought confirmation, her eyes narrowed in focus. "But why are they here?"

"I don't know," the old man replied, his voice carrying a note of uncertainty.

Kiyan rushed out of the cottage.

"Look everyone is going to see what is going on"

He can see people of all age and size rushing towards the village center. He then spots a familiar face before grabbing on his arms.

"Eric what's going on?" Kiyan looking at the boy about his age in front of him. He has brown like most of the children in Boisson and has a very impatient look

"It's the people from the Capital, the Royal envoy and it must be something important".

Kiyan raise one of his brow "Capital?" Then he turns to the old man and Lumiere "I'll go see what the commotion is about, come Eric lead the way".

Before Lumiere, the old man and even Eric have the chance to say anything, Kiyan pushed Eric into the crowd and the two of them already blend in the with the restless mob of villagers rushing towards the Village center.




Reaching the center, Eric and Kiyan being kids, tried pushing their way in the crowd of villagers to get a closer look as to see what is going on. After several minutes of pushing and villagers scolding them, they manage to get in front.

From about 200 meters from the village, they can see approximately two hundred soldiers cladded in silver armor, equipped with spears marched in formation, their banners displaying the emblem of the sun billowing in the wind.

Right in the center was a carriage. The carriage exterior was dazzling, with gemstones attached on the sides. Two stallion, neighing and looking proud was towing the carriage. The stallion was huge and covered in plate mail with their rider sitting, gently tugging the reins to control the stallion.

"Woooowww, look at that" Eric was impressed as his eyes was not blinking for second "Look at those armor and even the horse is dashing".

Soon the carriage came to a halt right in the village center. One of the guards opens the door and four people got out. They dressed neatly in their purple courtly attire. The village chief Tavish, a frail looking old man walking with a cane accompanied with several of the villager's elder went to greet and welcome them.

Such scene immediately caused the people to have a lot of question about why they are here and not long the entirety of the villagers erupted, speaking and whispering amongst themselves.

"Hey it's the royal army"

"What are they doing here"

"You think they want more taxes?"

"Look chief Tavish is smilimg"

"Mommy I'm scared"

Within a few minutes, chief Tavish can be seen exchanging handshake while leading the four to the place where all the people were watching from. Two guards accompany them by carrying a podium and set it up in front of the villagers.

Several mud and sludge can be see stained onto their clothes but no sign of discomfort on their faces.

Chief Tavis cleared his throat before speaking "Here we have people of the royal court and they come to do an important announcement so I urge and beg all the good people of Boisson to be silence and hear what they have to say".

Chief Tavish then moved aside from the podium that was set up and one of the four official stepped forward while hold a scroll in with both of his arm.

As soon as he raised the scroll, the chaotic muttering and whispering quickly died down as he open his mouth and speak in a loud voice.

"The current king, Maverick Luminus the II, has issued a decree," His tone was that of those who had high authorities. "All children possessing the aptitude to use Stellar Essence are to be granted free entry to the royal academy and officially becomes an astrologer."

"What is this true?"

"Then my son can be enrolled too"

"No way this real"

The crowd once again burst into chaos as they could not believe what they heard. The messenger despite the noise raised his voice and spoke once more.

"A series of test is to be issued tomorrow"

"All children ranging from the age of 9 to 16 years can attend this test"

"Only those who pass can be granted permission to attend the royal academy, Nova corps"

He then closes the scroll he was reading from and took a step back while another of the four stood forward.

"That will be all. If anyone want their children to join" He point to an empty spot close to village hall "We will set up a hut here, you can register them there".

Not too soon later, several guards begin setting up the hut while some carry a table and other accessories needed. 6 minutes barely passes and the hut was already done.

One of the officials wearing a monocle was looking at his pocket watch "Ye can now register" He solemnly declared.


The entire village rush to the hut, pushing each other. Some even fall on top of each other. They were all agitated because those attended the Royal academy is said to live a prosperous life and they too wanted the benefitted of it. With such opportunity on the line, they began arguing and thrashing themselves to see who can go first.

"Get out of the way, I was here first"

"Idiot are you blind, I was here first"

Two of the villager were trying to push themselves to be first in line before feeling someone grabbing the hem of their tunic. They turn to see two knights with their grip set on them, they were frightened and could only gulped and could not say anything back while being dragged away.

The fourth official then make an announcement.

"Please do not cause a scene as everyone will have their turn" He paused and talk again "Do not try to cut in or push your way in otherwise…"

Before he could finish speaking, the people can hear wailing from behind the hut. It was those two who tried to cut in first.

"Well there's your answer"

The entire villagers gulped as their body trembled in fear as they can't imagine what horrors they did to that 2 adults that they ended up crying. Everyone heads drooped and form two lines in an orderly and respectfully manner.

"Much better" The official smiled and clasping his hand "Now the registration officially begins"


After the declaration, Kiyan left Eric and rushes home to tell the old man on what is happening.

"Gramps can you sign me up please" Barely resting as he flung the door open.

"Easy young man" The old man was startled "And sign you up for what exactly?"

Kiyan catching his breath "The King declares that anyone can join the Nova corps if they can use the stellar essence" He then

"Nova corp? As in the royal academy?" Lumiere who was also startled asked as she was sitting in the corner of the house reading a book titled Guide to be an Alchemist.

Kiyan nodded at her question before turning at the old man, "So will you gramps?" His eye was shining while looking like a puppy begging for attention.

The old man the bridge of his nose before speaking "No it will be too dangerous".

"Isn't that why you kept training us for all this years?" Kiyan argued while snapping his fingertips to show the mini fire ball. "I can do it so please sign me up".

"It's not about how you can use it son." the old man firmly said "The world is dangerous and if anything happens to you I can't forgive myself."

"Please gramps!" Kiyan grabbed the end of the old man's tunic and falling on his knees.

"Gramps it could be beneficial for us" Lumiere calmly add in while closing her book.

"Not you too Lumiere" The old man looked at her, ignoring the crying Kiyan grabbing the end of his tunic.

"Gramps, it's dangerous but if we don't face such challenge then how do you expect us to grow" Lumiere stretched and put her arms behind her back "Besides, it's a test so if we fail, it shows we are incapable and aren't ready to face the world yet".

The old man listens to Lumiere's statement and it does sound logical. Seeing the old man going silent while thinking, Kiyan turn around to Lumiere, smiling and giving her a thumbs up.

Seeing the old man still in silentness, Lumiere then added "We also promise that if we ever fail, we will never ask or banter to you if ever such similar situation arises."

Hearing that declaration, Kiyan hurriedly replied "What do you mean we?"

"Oh shut the hell up!" Lumiere snapped back at him with her inner thoughts screaming at him "You idiot, are you trying to mess my effort up"

The old man broke his silence with a huge sigh. "To think that you are mature to this level" He then laugh while giving his answer "Since you are this determined, I will register the both of you".

Kiyan let go of the old man shirt jumping up and down out of joy. Lumiere then hold her chest and gave a relief sigh as her persuasion works.

"But under one condition" The old man's friendly demeanor change into a serious one.

"What is gramps?" Both Kiyan and Lumiere replied in unison.

"Under no circumstances should you reveal who taught you the mystic arts" The old man tone transitioned into a very scary tone while speaking slowly so he would not be misheard. "And under no circumstance should your last name be revealed."

Lumiere and Kiyan look at each other before turning to the old man and nodding.

"Understood gramps" both said in an obedience tone.

Not long after, Kiyan took a rusty looking spear beside the kitchen and rushes out the door.

"Where the hell are you going!" Lumiere voice yelled in a high pitch.

"I'm going hunting" Kiyan shouted back as he took off. "This calls for celebration" His voice getting smaller as he was getting far.

Meat was expensive and usually villagers and commoners hunt can't afford it so they hunt but rarely do so. Most adult even rarely do so as most beast are dangerous and they do not want to risk getting injured as getting aid and medical treatment was even more expensive.

"Be safe" The old man yelled but Kiyan has already disappeared to who knows where.