
Cosmic Ruler

Amidst an ordinary stroll home, Jake is struck on the head by a mysterious object, plunging him into unconsciousness. When he opens his eyes, the world has transformed. Now, reborn into a newborn in a magical realm, Jake grapples with the surreal fusion of past and present. Navigating the challenges of infancy, he discovers latent magical abilities tied to this extraordinary reincarnation. As the threads of his former life intertwine with his newfound existence, Jake must unravel the mysteries of his past to fulfill a destiny that spans realms and confront the enchanting and perilous journey that awaits him. ############################### What to expect 1. Cool headed Mc 2. Unique power 3. Level up system 4. Harem 5. Self interest Mc (Not hero or Villain) A. I. Generated cover -------------------------------------------- Bonus chapters Goals :- 10 Golden Ticket = 1 Bonus Chapter Gift above Dragon = 1 bonus Cahpter

Enigmatic_Dream · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
188 Chs

Blacksmithing II

Glancing at the window, he saw orange sky and decided to craft Mark Spear and Emily Bow next day.

Next day at the smithy Jake proceeded to craft Mark spear.

After placing the alloy block on the Anvil he started heating it with Inferno Forge.

With each strike of the hammer, Jake focused on shaping the alloy into the form of a spear. The Mark Spear was to be a weapon of precision, and he envisioned its design to reflect that intent. The orange light from the forge danced on the metal as Jake meticulously worked on the blade, ensuring it would be sharp and agile.

The spearhead took on a sleek and streamlined shape under Jake's skilled hands. He paid careful attention to the balance, making sure the weapon would be easy to wield and deadly in the hands of its user. The shaft of the spear, crafted from a sturdy yet lightweight material, began to take shape as well.

After what seemed like hours of meticulous work, Jake stepped back to inspect the Mark Spear. Satisfied with the outcome, he could feel the weapon's potential coursing through the carefully crafted form. The orange glow of the forge reflected in the polished surface of the spear, giving it an ethereal sheen.

[ Abyssal Frost Lance

Rank: Rare+

Length: Standard spear length

Special Features:

Frost Blaze Enchantment: The spearhead is imbued with the essence of Frost Blaze, allowing it to freeze and chill opponents upon contact. This effect not only deals damage but may also hinder the movements of those struck.

Water Affinity: The Abyssal Frost Lance has a natural affinity for water, enhancing its effectiveness when used in aquatic environments. The weapon may also draw upon water-based energies for additional effects.

Abyssal Core Affinity: The presence of the Abyssal Core essence grants the Abyssal Frost Lance an affinity for Abyssal energy.]

"That idiot I asked for his essence but he gave me his core essence" Jake cursed Mark stupidity as looked at the Spear status.

[Don't worry, the damage to his core can be easily healed after he eats your Mom cooking] Nexus said.

Jake nodded as he knows his Mom usually add Holy spring Dew to meal, to increase his natural regeneration ability.

Jake continued his craftsmanship, transitioning from the creation of the Abyssal Frost Lance to the crafting of Emily's Bow. The forge's flames danced in rhythmic patterns as he meticulously worked on the delicate components of the bow.

As he placed the raw materials on the anvil and ignited the Inferno Forge once again, he envisioned a bow that would complement the mystical properties of the Abyssal Frost Lance. The orange glow from the forge illuminated the workshop, casting shadows that seemed to dance with the promise of a new creation.

The limbs of Emily's Bow took shape under Jake's skillful hands. He paid close attention to the curvature, ensuring a balance between flexibility and strength. The bowstring, made from a special material he had acquired, promised resilience and responsiveness.

After hours of intricate work, the components of Emily's Bow were ready to be assembled. Jake carefully put the pieces together, each one fitting seamlessly into the next. The finishing touches involved adding enchantments that would enhance the bow's capabilities.

With the final piece in place, Jake stepped back to admire Emily's Bow. The bow radiated an aura of elegance and power. Its design, although not overly ornate, hinted at the mystical energies that coursed through its structure.

[Zephyr Frostcaster

Rank: Rare+

Special Features:

Zephyr Enhancement: The bow is designed to enhance the wielder's control over wind affinity, allowing for more precise and swift shots. Arrows released from the Zephyr Frostcaster seem guided by the very air itself.

Black Ice Affinity: The bow has an inherent affinity for black ice, empowering arrows to freeze and chill targets upon impact. This effect not only causes damage but may also hinder the movements of those struck.

Arrow Creation : The bow can create elemental arrows, allowing it's wielder to never run out of arrows]

Jake nodded approvingly and then placed aside the Bow, he then looked at the last piece of Alloy block and rubbed his chin, trying to find best possible creation of it.

As Jake pondered the creation for his friends, a thoughtful expression crossed his face. With a determined gleam in his eyes, he decided to craft a set of unique and personalized accessories for each member of the group. Each piece would reflect the individual characteristics and strengths of his friends.

1. Emily's Frostwhisper Bracelet: A sleek bracelet crafted from alloys, infused with the essence of Black Ice and Wind.

Special Features:

Frostwhisper Affinity: The bracelet enhances Emily's control over both Black Ice and Wind, allowing for precise and chilling manipulations.

Swift Frost Breeze: Wearing the bracelet grants a swift and icy breeze to accompany Emily's movements, adding an element of surprise to her actions.

2. Jimmy's Sonic Surge Bracelet: A stylish bracelet with intricate designs, resonating with Sound and Lightning Affinity.

Special Features:

Sonic Resonance: The bracelet amplifies Jimmy's control over sound waves, enhancing his auditory perception and sonic abilities.

Lightning Surge: Wearing the Sonic Surge Bracelet can channel lightning energy, providing Jimmy with extra source of electrifying power.

3. Mark's Glacial Cascade Bracelet: An elegantly designed bracelet crafted from materials with Frost Blaze and Water Affinity.

Special Features:

Glacial Affinity: The bracelet deepens Mark's connection to both Frost Blaze and Water, allowing for a harmonious blend of freezing and chilling abilities.

Soothing Cascade: Wearing the Glacial Cascade Bracelet emanates a soothing aura, providing a calming effect to Mark and those around him.

4. Jake's Luminous Harmony Bracelet: A sturdy and radiant bracelet made from alloys intertwined with Light Flame and White Lightning Affinity.

Special Features:

Luminous Affinity: The bracelet enhances Jake's control over both Light Flame and White Lightning, allowing him to harness the purity of these elements.

Harmony Radiance: Wearing the Luminous Harmony Bracelet emits a harmonious glow, symbolizing the balance between light and lightning within Jake.

"They all turned out better then I expected" Jake mumbled after inspecting each and every Bracelet.

"Master Tom will take us to Academy Day after Tomorrow, We will have enough time to perfectly understand this new weapons" Jake mumbled and then thanked Gregory, he also left all his common and uncommon crafts as a thanks to Uncle Gregory.

Returning home he jumped on his bed and slipped into peaceful slumber.

Next day in the park

"Hope you guys are ready for a surprise" Jake said as he presented the weapons he has crafted to his friends.

The group gathered around Jake, their curiosity piqued by his announcement. As Jake revealed the personalized accessories and weapons he had crafted, a sense of awe and appreciation spread among his friends.

"First, for you, Emily," Jake began, presenting the Frostwhisper Bracelet and Zephyr Frostcaster.

Emily's eyes widened with delight as she took hold of the Bow and bracelet. "Jake,thank you" although her expression said she is extremely happy but still she thanked Jake in calm and composed manner.

Next, Jake turned to Jimmy, offering the Sonic Surge Bracelet and Blade of Thunderous Echoes.

Jimmy's eyes gleamed with excitement as he inspected the beautiful sword and bracelet. "Jake, this is wicked! Thanks, man!"

Then, Mark received the Glacial Cascade Bracelet and Abyssal Frost Lance 

Mark admired the bracelet, appreciating the craftsmanship. "Jake, this is fantastic! I'll make sure to put it to good use." and then Mark marveled at the craftsmanship of the spear. "Jake, this is beyond amazing! I feel like I'm holding a piece of me."

'And I really want to smack your head for that, who asked you for your core essence' Jake thought clenching his fist in threatening manner.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked looking at Jake face.

"I am, now how about we.." As Jake was saying Mark interrupted and said " No, No Gate run"

"I was asking for a spar though" Jake looked at Mark and said.

"That can be done" Mark nodded brushing the previous talk like it was never there.

Soon the group started to battle and only after a satisfying duel they ended their sparring session.

As they were laying on the soft grass of the park they heard footsteps coming towards them , turning their heads they saw Reynold.

"Let's go at Tom place, we all decided to throw a farewell party for you all" Reynold said motioning them to follow him.

Jake and his friends nodded and enthusiastically followed after Reynold.

The spacious and beautifully decorated living room of Tom's house is adorned with colorful streamers, balloons, and twinkling fairy lights. The aroma of delicious food wafts through the air, teasing everyone's taste buds. A long table is set up with an assortment of appetizers, finger foods, and a mouthwatering spread of main courses.

As guests arrive, the atmosphere is immediately filled with laughter and chatter. Jake's parents, Sera and Reynold, are mingling with the crowd, sharing stories and engaging in animated conversations. Sera, with her warm smile, is making sure everyone feels welcome, while Reynold is showcasing his knack for entertaining with jokes and anecdotes.

Tom, the host, is busy ensuring that everyone has a drink in hand and is having a great time. Mark, now his disciple, is helping Tom in the kitchen, adding final touches to the culinary delights.

Meanwhile, Jimmy and Emily's parents, Johnny and Nina, are enjoying the music and dance floor. Johnny, known for his great taste in music, is managing the playlist, ensuring a perfect mix of tunes to keep the party vibe alive. Nina, with her infectious energy, is encouraging everyone to hit the dance floor and join in the celebration.

The party continues with laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses as friends and family come together to create lasting memories. It's a night filled with joy, friendship, and the warmth of shared moments.