

Life often falls into a repetitive rhythm, where each day mirrors the last. Some find solace in this routine, while others long for change, seeking a respite from the relentless cycle of existence.

For teenagers, this sentiment is magnified, especially for those who navigate life without companions. Building romantic connections, though laden with its challenges, remains one of the most cherished diversions.

Damian's existence conforms to the archetype of a loner: meager social interaction, scarce friendships, and a glaring dearth of interpersonal skills. One might reasonably assume that someone with these attributes would struggle to find success in the realm of dating.

Yet, Damian's story takes an unexpected twist when a girl approaches him out of the blue, disrupting the tranquil cadence of his life.

"Hi, my name is Melissa. I just thought you were really cute. Would you consider going out with me sometime?" she inquires.

What he failed to realize due to his despairation and loneliness is that he isn't exactly the handsome type. Although he does have a seemingly athletic build

Due to the countless number of rejections he has faced his desperation was at an all time hight thus he didn't notice anything out of place.

"Huh... me?" Damian stammers, genuinely taken aback.

"No, the guy behind you," she teases.

"...uh, there's no one behind me."

"You don't say. Anyway, give me your number"

His limited social skills become conspicuously apparent. Nevertheless, he manages to secure a date, marking a modest triumph in his otherwise uneventful life.

As they part ways after their initial encounter, Damian summons the courage to ask, "When would you like to meet again?"

"Hmm... you're not occupied at the moment, are you?"

"N-no, not at all. I know a great boba spot," Damian replies anxiously.

"Lead the way."

They arrive at the renowned boba shop, place their orders, and wait. During this time, Damian excuses himself to use the restroom. Upon his return, he notices the drinks have already arrived, and the straw is already in his, a detail that strikes him as slightly suspicious, yet he thinks little of it.

As they part ways after their first meeting, Damian finds the courage to inquire, "Thank you for today; I had a wonderful time. Would you be interested in a second date?"

A sly grin appears on Melissa's face. "No, there's no need for that," she responds, her tone oddly mischievous.

"Huh? What do you mean? Didn't you enjoy today?" Damian inquires, perplexed.

"Oh, I had a fantastic time, but I'm working right now. Unfortunate, isn't it?" Melissa quips.

"What does that me..." Damian's question is abruptly interrupted as his head meets the table, and he slips into unconsciousness.

It appears to be a ruthless business model, boasting a 100% profit margin.

He was the perfect candidate since he was a loner who simultaneously had a fit body.

Not many people would notice his absence since he was practically invisible to the eyes of others.

Thus he was targeted by an organization known for human trafficking.

Desperation can lead to perilous circumstances, where personal safety teeters on the edge. It serves as a stark reminder that the pursuit of connection can sometimes take a dark and sinister turn.

These are the events that lead to Damian's untimely demise.

Hi author Here I'm pretty new to writing any criticism would be appreciated

also let me know if I should write longer chapters

this is the first chapter I've ever written \( ○_○)/

Zweidercreators' thoughts