
I should have stayed in bed

I'm pretty sure if I told you that nothing done in this world has no meaning, you would probably write me of as some sadistic bastard right, yeah I thought so;hi there my name is regnold,and in case you're wondering yes, my life is a complete mess I'm what normal people would describe as a broken record,a kink freak,or a maschoistic geek with a weird haircut,which ever one you prefer to address me as I don't really care;any who right now I'm on class pretending to be asleep so no one bothersme,I don't know if it's the stuffy class room messing with me,but I think I hear someone's calling out to me from time to time,maybe it's the voices in my head making fun of..OW,WHAT THE HECK ROSE,I spotted you talking to yourself again,you seriously need to drop that habit it's creepy

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