
Cosmic Cultivation

Year 2033 The time the game came out, the world was taken by storm. 'Realm of Immortals' changed things for everyone. It was a game where anyone can be anything, a villain, a prince in shining armor, or a blacksmith. It was the first full-dive game, a revolution to technology. But... the world of that game favours the strong, so all players are pumped up to play it with it's realistic feature; calling it a second world would not be far off. Silas, an extraordinary 19 year old man who works at a bank and buys the game to pass away time and have fun, finds himself as the weakest player inside the realistic cultivation MMO. He was mad, he was angry, he just wanted to have fun, even the NPCs in the game harass and make fun of him. What led to this... He couldn't use Qi... The energy which all cultivators use to grow stronger... He was about to quit the game, when a glitch happened, a dark force was able to infiltrate the system, and Silas found himself in a forbidden place which was hated by the heavens. There, he found his purpose, using an energy that was the opposite of Qi. He gave himself a mission, to change how things were in this so called heavens, and create a better world where everyone isn't always fighting for power. _____ TAGS:- Assasin, reincarnation, gods, cultivation, martial arts, smart MC, Weak to overpowered, villain, virtual reality, video games. ___ My other books; Vampire god in the apocalypse, Lord MMORPG: The demon progenitor, The Ninth Wonder. Join my discord server for illustrations and updates, and group discussions. Link in my profile.

Dexter_Sled_1111 · Games
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33 Chs

6. Chi (2): Hell's sanctuary

In the skies above Jade empire, three red lights flew towards the gates of the empire at amazing speeds.

The long line of people waiting to enter looked up as they saw the three lights zoom past.

Followed by that a while later two blue lights flew passed, all heading towards the wilderness.

The three red lights landed to reveal three people in similar clothing.

One was a beautiful woman who wore a white robe laced with a red lines which weaved all around the robe. She gave off a powerful aura and the air around her body trembled as she walked forward.

The two people behind her wore similar outfits. With red clothing inside and pure white robes. They all had the symbol of a red lotus flower on their robes.

"This is where the light came from, sect master." The young man behind her said.

He was tall with a slim build. He had black hair which was slick and his hair was made into a braid, looking like a ponytail.

"Yes, sect master. The light came from around here." The girl beside the boy said as she looked at the sect master in front of her.

She had long dark blue hair and she wore a headband, making her hair flow backwards. Her body was slim and and had the perfect shape for a model. With a very nice shape and modest breasts.

The inner white combat uniform hugged her body tightly, making her a feast to ordinary people's eyes.

Two people landed behind them and the white haired woman turned around as she noticed the aura behind her.

Her ruby red eyes went forwards and saw the elderly man with a long beard who had a golden hairpin holding his long black hair. On the right side of his robe was the symbol of a full moon with a star which touched every edge.

"Altras." She called his name and he nodded towards her.

"Melina." He also bowed a bit and then they all made their way to the area where the pillar of light and massive wave of energy came from.

The got there and then saw the grass were already in ashes. They saw a circle, within the circle was a portion of charred grass.

"What do you think it is?" Altras asked Melina and the three disciples stayed behind.

"I don't know. The energy wave and that huge light, it could be the appearance of a mystical item." Melina said as her red eyes darted towards the surrounding.

"Sect leader."

"We have company."

The disciples said and the sect leaders turned around and saw a lot of lights flying towards them.

"Well, they won't find anything here either." Altras said as he looked at them sharply and Melina only shook her head as she gazed at the small batch of the grassland where ashes stayed instead of grass.


Silas found himself in front of a half destroyed castle. It was large and tall with mainly destroyed windows. The building itself was great but everything apart from the main building was destroyed; the windows, the sign on top of the castle, and even the doors.

"Inside?" Silas asked as he analyzed the castle.

"Yes, master. And it won't collapse. Envoys from third heaven weren't able to destroy Hell's sanctuary." Juliet said and Silas sighed before he walked forward towards the doors which were broken.

"I'm still confused about the power system of this world, but first things first..." Silas stretched his hand towards Juliet and she nodded as she brought a small pouch from underneath her dress.

'For some reason I don't want to know where she keeps that.' Silas thought as he took the pouch from her.

Inside the pouch was a small, blue ring which had multiple mystical engravings on it's body.

[Item - Dimensional storage ring]

[Grade - Celestial]

[Having nearly infinite storage within, the ring is a very handy companion for cultivators who wants to begin their cultivation journey.]

Silas wore the ring on his middle finger and then he walked into the sanctuary.

Indeed, just like Juliet said, almost everything was destroyed. There was a throne at the end of the large room and he stood in the large hall and looked around.

'One of the ten powers granted by the nether, temporal manipulation. It let's me manipulate time to an extent, let's fix this place up.' Silas thought before looking at the floor.

The nether entered into his body and his eyes glowed a bright purple colour before he raised his fist up and punched the ground.


A loud sound resounded and the force caused dust to clear a bit.

Silas stood up and from the ground, glowing purple lines began to spread all over the sanctuary.

On the outside, the lines crawled up on the walls, soon covering the entire sanctuary. The broken glasses and engravings were coming back together.

The hall they were in was gradually being fixed and Silas looked at all this with a tranquil expression.

The sanctuary was ash in colour from the outside. All dust was gone and the giant, red doors which had golden inscriptions on it looked beautiful and majestic.

One side of the hall lead to a stairs, the other side led to a grand kitchen and Silas nodded in satisfaction as the Aether floated out of the ground again and entered his body.

Silas harnessed the dimensional storage ring and then a few books appeared on the floor like manuals.

"So where do I start?" Silas asked Juliet and she selected a particular book which had twenty pages at most and Silas sat on the ground as he opened it.

{The concept of chi}


'According to the book, those who side with hell can't use spirit qi and instead use an energy known as chi which is also life energy.

Spirit qi, life chi.

'Chi can be enhanced within one's body and can be cultivated in four ways. Now which method do I use?' Silas was thinking as he focused on drawing out the life energy within him.

'Strong emotions, celestial bodies, hopes and dreams, and actual dreams.' He focused as he closed his eyes, moving his palms while they were close to each other.

"Why is it so hard to choose one method?" Silas grew frustrated.