
Cosmic Cultivation

Year 2033 The time the game came out, the world was taken by storm. 'Realm of Immortals' changed things for everyone. It was a game where anyone can be anything, a villain, a prince in shining armor, or a blacksmith. It was the first full-dive game, a revolution to technology. But... the world of that game favours the strong, so all players are pumped up to play it with it's realistic feature; calling it a second world would not be far off. Silas, an extraordinary 19 year old man who works at a bank and buys the game to pass away time and have fun, finds himself as the weakest player inside the realistic cultivation MMO. He was mad, he was angry, he just wanted to have fun, even the NPCs in the game harass and make fun of him. What led to this... He couldn't use Qi... The energy which all cultivators use to grow stronger... He was about to quit the game, when a glitch happened, a dark force was able to infiltrate the system, and Silas found himself in a forbidden place which was hated by the heavens. There, he found his purpose, using an energy that was the opposite of Qi. He gave himself a mission, to change how things were in this so called heavens, and create a better world where everyone isn't always fighting for power. _____ TAGS:- Assasin, reincarnation, gods, cultivation, martial arts, smart MC, Weak to overpowered, villain, virtual reality, video games. ___ My other books; Vampire god in the apocalypse, Lord MMORPG: The demon progenitor, The Ninth Wonder. Join my discord server for illustrations and updates, and group discussions. Link in my profile.

Dexter_Sled_1111 · Games
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33 Chs

5. Chi (1): Hell's gate summoning

A young man wearing a black cloak appeared in the market area in 3rd land. He has a scar on his left cheek and his purple eyes darted around the environment as he searched for someone.


Silas heard a voice behind him and he turned around to see Juliet standing there and looking at him with her fiery yellow eyes.

"Good, let's find somewhere private to go to." Silas said as he looked around.

"You can use the gate." Juliet said and Silas nodded at her words and then he smiled towards her.

"You're right. Let's find somewhere private to... Let's just leave the empire." Silas decided and they began making their way towards the city gates.

As they walked there, the guards at the gate saw Silas walking with Juliet towards the gate and then a guard whispered in a blonde man's ears.

The blonde man looked forward and saw Silas there and he frowned as Silas still showed his face to him.

The gates were open as there was a long line of people at the entrance and Silas raised a brow.

He looked around, there were people with health bars over their heads and people without. He walked over to a man at an item store who had a health bar.

"Hello. Please can you tell me what's going on there?" Silas said and the man looked at was from head to toe and then sighed.

"You probably didn't see the notification." The man said and then Silas brought up his status screen. Before he could even start reading he saw men in silver armours walking towards him.

'Ah fuck. Not these guys again.' Silas gritted his teeth as he frowned upon seeing them coming.

"You, the captain wants to see you." One of the knights said and then they pointed at the blonde man.

"Don't do anything okay, I'll deal with this." Silas said to Juliet and the guards frowned at his words.

What did he want to deal with?

Silas walked towards the gate and then he saw the blonde knight there counting up red metallic coins.

"You, mortal. I told you I didn't want to see your face again." The knight said as he counted the coins slowly.

Silas bowed 90 degrees to the man which shocked the knights there.

"I'm sorry about that mister. I and my friend are leaving third land, so you won't see me again." Silas said and Juliet who was outside balled her fists as she gritted her teeth in anger.

An emperor, being polite to these weak scum.

"Okay. Now get out. You disgust me." The knight said and then they escorted him out of the gates before pushing him to the ground beside a long line of people waiting to enter.

"That's a player."

"Why was he kicked out?"

"Look at his clothes."

The people in the line began to discuss and then Juliet helped Silas up and the people lost it.

"Th... This bastard is a lolicon."

"He's with an NPC girl."

"I just wanna smack his face in."

"Go do it, you'll make everyone satisfied."

"I'm not a fool. I'm close to entering the gates, do you know how many people are in this line."

"Just forget the bastard. We can do anything in the game anyway."

Silas, upon hearing all that just shook his head.

Juliet who helped him get up looked up to him.

"Master, what's a lolicon?" She asked innocently.

"I don't know either. But I know they can call people that, I'll check it when I get back home." Silas said and they began to walk towards the wilderness that was a bit far away.


"Master, I have a question?" Juliet said as she folded her arms.

"Ask away." Silas said as he looked around warily.

"Why did you have to act like their inferior? If I saw you were in danger I would kill them instantly." Juliet said as she looked at him with a frown and Silas looked at her with a raised brow.

He then smiled before shaking his head.

"There's a saying where I come from. He who runs away, lives to fight another day." Silas grinned a wicked grin.

"And I would really come to fight another day." Silas smiled.


They took up to 15 minutes, moving from the city gate to the wilderness and Silas then looked towards Juliet.

"I forgot to check my notifications." Silas said as he brought up his screen and he navigated to the bell Icon on the upper right of the screen.

[Player 'Silverfang' is the first player to ever obtain a Demon grade weapon. The leather boards have been updated.]

'Hmm. Players have ranks here. I wouldn't even be in top 10,000.' Silas smiled bitterly as he read it.

His expression turned into a frown as he read the next message.

[The Harmony Ascension challenge is scheduled!!!

Dear cultivators, the competition for the number one sect in 1st heaven is being held in a month's time. We encourage players to join sects as there are special rewards and resources to be earned.

Cultivators from all around the world would be there and some might even get selected to challenge the ascension tower.

Good luck players!]

"This... Sects, I remember what they are." Silas thought as he put his hand in his jaw.

'Those three individuals that beat me up the first time, they were from a sect called the moonlight sect which is at the middle of Jade empire. They say the sect is as a big as half of a city.' Silas recalled in his mind and then his eyes widened and then an idea came to him...

"That's it. I know how to announce my presence! The great devil's presence." Silas clenched his fists and Juliet who was busy sharpening her claws on a tree walked back towards him.

"Master?" She called him with a raised brow.

"Juliet, I have big plans for this world. Playing as a villain is so exciting. First, open the gates, let's see the condition Hell was left in. And after that we cultivate." He said and Juliet nodded before bringing out a ring from her armpits and then gave it to Silas.

"Oh, uhh... I'll do it then." Silas said as he took the ring she offered him.

[Item: Hell's gate summoning ring]

[Grade: Forbidden]

[He who wears the ring is able to summon the gates of hell, whether to enter inside, or to unleash a deadly creature. Summon the gate with a thought.

Can be used twice a day.]

Silas nodded and smiled as he saw the description and he closed his eyes as he mentioned a few words in his mind.

'I summon the gates of hell.'


A huge tornado of flames rose up from the ground in front of them and Silas was just stunned as the brightness hurt his eyes and he used an elbow to block his eyes.

One thing shocked him, he wasn't feeling the pain of the heat at all.

The flames reduced to reveal a large red gate which had a beam which shot upwards. There were beautiful engravings on it and Silas could feel an ominous aura around the gate.

"We have to hurry. Cultivators are coming." Juliet said and Silas nodded as they walked towards the gate.

The gate opened as they got close to it and as they entered, it shut close.

Silas may seem to be unintelligent butbear with him and jeep reading, there's an explanation for that too.

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