
Cosmic Ascendancy: Rise of the Overlord

In a secluded village, Evan discovers a mysterious knife that unlocks his dormant cultivation potential. Rising from Mortal Seedling to Mortal Crown, Evan undergoes a transformation from a frail boy to a young cultivator. He later joins an academy, gaining allies and mastering new techniques. During his cultivation and transformation, he will lead his village to the focal point of the universe using all his legendary encounters and objects.

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77 Chs

Soul weapon grade list

Evan glanced at the Artisan Golem, realization dawning. "So, when we ask it to perform a task, we're essentially commissioning it with both the material and the energy to carry it out?""Exactly," Eldris affirmed. "And the more complex the task, the higher the energy requirement. Crafting a simple dagger might only need a small amount of basic qi. But if you were to request a weapon imbued with intricate soul patterns or enchantments, it would require a more potent energy source."Evan considered this, "So it's a balance then? Between what I want the AI to craft and the energy I provide?"Eldris nodded, "Indeed. And while the AI can extract energy from almost anything, you'll find that some energy sources are more efficient than others. For example, using soul qi will yield faster and potentially more refined results than using common qi. But, it's also more precious. The decisions on what energy to use and for what tasks will be yours to make."Evan rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "I see. So, in essence, every command, every crafting request, becomes a strategic decision."Eldris smiled, impressed by Evan's grasp of the situation. "You're quick to understand. Yes, managing resources, especially energy, will be crucial as you use the AI to aid in your cultivation journey. It's a tool, a powerful one, but like any tool, its effectiveness depends on the hand that wields it."

Eldris continued, "There are times when you might have an abundance of rare materials but are still constrained by the energy needed to utilize them. Eldrake was a visionary; he foresaw such situations where cultivators might be hampered by this very imbalance."

Walking towards a section of the workshop, Eldris pointed to a panel with glowing symbols. "See this? This represents the 'Free Use' feature Eldrake integrated into the AI. It's a special override that bypasses the energy requirement, allowing the AI to craft or refine without drawing on external energy sources."

Evan looked at the panel, realizing its significance. "So, if I have this 'Free Use', I can make anything I want as long as I have the materials?"

Eldris nodded, "Precisely. But as you can imagine, such a feature is not something to be handed out lightly. Eldrake was wise. He ensured that these Free Uses would be hard to come by."

Seeing Evan's curious expression, Eldris elaborated, "Becoming a direct disciple or student of Eldrake grants two Free Uses as a mark of the significant honor. But beyond that, the primary way to earn more is through the trials. The initial four trials will grant you one Free Use for each successful completion. As the trials increase in difficulty, the rewards also scale up. Some of the later trials might offer more than one Free Use upon completion."

Evan took a moment to process this. "It's a way to ensure only the worthy can fully harness the AI's capabilities without restrictions."

Eldris smiled, "Eldrake always believed in meritocracy. While he provided tools and opportunities, he wanted cultivators to prove their worth, to earn their rewards. The Free Use feature is a testament to that philosophy. It's an incentive, a challenge, and a reward, all rolled into one."

Evan nodded, understanding dawning. The balance of resource management, strategic decisions, and the promise of incredible rewards made the journey ahead seem even more intriguing. He was eager to dive deeper into the challenges and unlock the vast potential that awaited him.

Evan's curiosity was piqued as he inquired further about soul weapons. "Eldris, you mentioned that as Eldrake's student, I will have two free uses. But before I utilize them, I'd like to understand more about soul weapons. Specifically, the grades and subgrades you mentioned."

Eldris nodded, signaling for the AI to provide the detailed breakdown. The air shimmered for a moment before a holographic interface emerged, displaying intricate diagrams and descriptions of soul weapons.

The AI began, its voice calm and clear, "Soul weapons are artifacts imbued with a cultivator's essence, allowing them to extend their power and will. They are categorized into eight primary grades, and each grade further subdivides into five subgrades. Let's delve deeper."

**1. Novice Grade:**

- Subgrades: Initial, Early, Middle, Late, Peak.

- Features: These weapons are often the first step for cultivators. While not exceptionally powerful, they provide a foundation and grow along with the user.

**2. Adept Grade:**

- Subgrades: Initial, Early, Middle, Late, Peak.

- Features: Suited for cultivators who've surpassed the novice stages. These weapons can channel more intricate techniques and resonate better with their user's soul.

**3. Expert Grade:**

- Subgrades: Initial, Early, Middle, Late, Peak.

- Features: Forged with superior materials, these weapons can often house more complex inscriptions and amplify the wielder's capabilities.

**4. Master Grade:**

- Subgrades: Initial, Early, Middle, Late, Peak.

- Features: Often sought by high-level cultivators, these weapons start to display semi-sentient traits and can synchronize deeply with the wielder.

**5. Grandmaster Grade:**

- Subgrades: Initial, Early, Middle, Late, Peak.

- Features: Rare and treasured, these weapons possess the capacity to store vast amounts of energy and can perform feats that defy the laws of nature.

**6. Celestial Grade:**

- Subgrades: Initial, Early, Middle, Late, Peak.

- Features: Crafted using heavenly materials, these weapons resonate with cosmic energies. They can manipulate spatial and temporal dimensions to a certain extent.

**7. Divine Grade:**

- Subgrades: Initial, Early, Middle, Late, Peak.

- Features: Legend says that these weapons are blessed by deities. They can channel divine powers and are often seen as relics, sought by emperors and gods.

**8. Primordial Grade:**

- Subgrades: Initial, Early, Middle, Late, Peak.

- Features: The pinnacle of soul weapons, these are believed to be created at the dawn of time, containing the essence of the universe. Their true potential remains a mystery, as few have ever been found.

The AI concluded, "Each grade of soul weapon corresponds to a cultivator's journey, representing their growth, challenges, and aspirations. While the weapon's grade provides a general indication of its power, the subgrades further refine this classification, offering granularity in understanding a weapon's true potential."

Evan absorbed the information, understanding the intricate hierarchy of soul weapons and their significance in a cultivator's journey. "This is enlightening. With such a profound system in place, I can better strategize my path forward," he mused, feeling more prepared for the challenges ahead.