
Just Someone Else's Saved File.

Lying in bed for several minutes, Lucas hurriedly browsed through the new set of memories that surged into his mind earlier. They weren't Lucas's memories, rather they were the memories of the original person who inhabited this body!

He had spent about an hour, just laying there, trying to recall as much information as possible.

Knowing that he couldn't walk for the time being, halfway through his recollection, a servant brought warm breakfast into his room before taking his leave gracefully, so that he would have something to fill his stomach.

After finishing his breakfast, he recounted the crucial information that he was able to gather through his memories.

'Montague Beaumont… 48 years old… Lives in Clockwork Heights, located in the western parts of Eldoria City… Extremely wealthy… A successful business man, the CEO of Beaumont Pharmaceuticals… Loves collecting rare artifacts, fine arts, and books… Born to a family of doctors, started a clinic at age 18… Started his business ventures around his mid-twenties… Was almost bankrupt TWO times, but he managed to turn his business around nearly a decade later…'

"Shit, rather than a new game+, aren't I just taking over someone else's already completed saved file?" he sighed.

What kind of a transmigration is this? Isn't he supposed to be put on a newborn's body? Or maybe a young teenager? That's what happened in every isekai/reincarnation/transmigration story that he'd read before.

He's supposed to use his advance knowledge to his advantage to completely demolish the competition which comprised of a bunch of immature brats who can't even multiply two 3-digit numbers together. Maybe he'd start young and raise romantic flags with as much female characters as possible, essentially earning himself a harem of childhood friends later on at life. Isn't that what happens?

'Why am I so old!? I was only 20 in my previous life! Rather than getting ahead, I became even more disadvantaged!' Lucas, no Montague, grumbled.

"Wait… what if I'm the villain of some story, or maybe, even the dad of the villain? There's some stories like that right?" Hit with a flash of inspiration, Lucas tried to recall the stories that he had read if there were any characters named 'Montague Beaumont' in them.

But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't remember anything. There wasn't even anyone slightly related to a 'Beaumont' in the stories that he had read.

"Maybe I'm doing this wrong" realizing that he had read far too many novels, Lucas decided to take on another approach.

Using the Montague Beaumont's memories, he tried to get a grasp of this world's history or setting. Maybe then, he'd know if he'd transmigrated into a story or into a completely unknown world altogether.

Thankfully, Montague is a well-educated man with vast knowledge when it comes to the history of this world. It didn't take long for Lucas to be able to get a general idea of the world he will be living in.

* * *

In the late 15th century, during this world's age of exploration, a brave and ambitious expeditionary force embarked on a perilous journey across the vast ocean that stretched beyond the known world. This daring group of explorers sought to discover new lands, riches, and opportunities for their nations, much like Christopher Columbus had done when he stumbled upon the Americas. Little did they know that their journey would forever alter the course of history and shape the destiny of an entire continent.

After months of treacherous voyaging through unforgiving waters, battling storms and the unknown, the explorers finally caught sight of land on the distant horizon. They had discovered a breathtaking and bountiful continent, teeming with untamed beauty and untapped resources. News of this newfound land spread like wildfire across the empires and kingdoms of the Old World, sparking a wave of exploration and colonization unlike anything before.

Nations raced to claim their stake in this newly discovered continent, pouring vast resources, manpower, and ambitions into building colonies along its coasts. The continent offered abundant reserves of precious metals, fertile lands for cultivation, and a wealth of unique flora and fauna. It quickly became the focal point of global trade, fueling the economies of the colonial powers and creating unimaginable prosperity for those who ruled.

For a century, the colonies flourished under the watchful eyes of their mother nations. They grew in size, established bustling cities, and developed their own distinct cultures, blending the traditions of the Old World with the opportunities of the new. But then, something inexplicable occurred, an event that severed the connection between the colonized continent and the rest of the world.

The vast ocean that had once served as a gateway to riches and trade suddenly transformed into a deadly and unnavigable abyss. Violent storms perpetually raged, obscuring any path that might have once existed. The waters became plagued by vicious sea creatures and unpredictable whirlpools, making it impossible for ships to venture forth or return to their homelands. The continent, once the pride and joy of its colonial masters, was now cut off from the outside world.

From thereon, the period is now known as 'The Great Silence', emphasizing the profound absence of communication, trade, and connection, and the sense of hopelessness and despair that engulfed the continent after it was cut off from the rest of the world.

During the Great Silence, rabid and vicious beasts, not just in the sea, also started to appear on land. It made further exploration difficult, and the establishment of new settlements virtually impossible.

The colonies, abandoned by their mother nations, were left to fend for themselves in a world that grew increasingly hostile. Without the steady flow of resources and support from the outside, the once-thriving colonies plunged into poverty and chaos. The lack of trade caused shortages of essential goods and supplies, leading to conflicts over limited resources. Violence erupted as rival factions fought for dominance, while disease and famine ravaged the desperate populations.

Separated from the advancements and progress of the rest of the world, the continent regressed into a state of societal decay. Technology stagnated, scientific knowledge dwindled, and the colonies became trapped in a perpetual struggle for survival. The inhabitants, once proud and hopeful, now lived in fear and desperation, their dreams of prosperity shattered by the cruel fate that had befallen them.

Generations passed, and the continent remained isolated. Since people cannot establish new cities and settlements, the already existing cities and population center only got bigger and bigger. More and more houses kept getting built around the city's ever-expanding borders. Causing a multitude of problem to arise: Wealth inequality, overpopulation, constant fighting over limited resources, the rise of gangs and warlords.

These were only the most obvious of many problems, and are most noticeable in the largest human settlement in the New World – Eldoria, the city where Lucas is currently at.

The memory of their previous masters became a distant echo, and tales of the Old World turned into legends and folklore. The vast ocean that had once promised riches and glory had become an impenetrable barrier, trapping the colonies in their own self-imposed exile.

* * *

Lucas had unknowingly walked over to a table near his bedside, as he picked up a pen and started writing the important details on a piece of paper. The medicine that the servants have given him had worked its wonders, allowing him to walk again without much pain.

'The Old World… The Empire of Vesuria… The Republic of Meridia… The Great Silence… The New World… The city of Eldoria… Clockwork Heights… Ironworks District… Riverside District… Montague Beaumont…' He tried to recall if any of these names were familiar but to no avail.

He kept coming empty handed.

He looked at the calendar placed at the table and saw that it was the 13th of August, 1854. Which meant that it's been four centuries since the Great Silence started. He then looked over to a clock hanging on the wall – 10:43.

He'd been seating at his bed for over three hours now, just skimming through his memories.

"From the looks of it, I haven't been reincarnated into any novel, manga, or anime." From what he could remember, Lucas found it safe to assume that this is correct.

At the same time, he heard a knocking on his door. Then considering his current identity as Montague Beaumont, Lucas panicked as he assumed a serious and mature look before answering,

"Come in"

A few seconds later, a man in his 30s came through the door and bowed slightly before him.

Having browsed Beaumont's memories, he knew that this gentleman is Reginald. Even with Lucas's uncultured eyes, he could see the air of refinement and elegance in that his valet exuded. It was to the point that he, the employer, actually felt somewhat lacking in regards to sophistication.

"Sir, considering your foot injury, I've sent letters of apologies to the people you're supposed to be meeting with today and canceled any subsequent plans"

Hearing that, Lucas found his eyes widening in realization. 'That's right, a CEO ain't just an empty title to attract girls with. I'm a businessman! I have a schedule that I have to follow!' he thought as he facepalmed.

Seeing his employer facepalming, Reginald misunderstood and thought that his employer must be angry at himself for that blunder earlier this morning. He's supposed to be meeting up with Mr. Hawthorne to discuss the purchase of a building which will be redeveloped into a clinic in Clockwork Heights.

However, he couldn't be more wrong.

With his face hidden behind his hands, Lucas finds himself grimacing. Back on Earth, he could already barely keep up with schedule of a university student. How much more stressful would the schedule be for a man that's supposed to be leading a large company?

He already stutters while ordering in McD*nald's and now he's supposed to make huge and crucial decisions that involves the livelihood of hundreds of people? He can't even correct the waitress when they get his order wrong!

Seeing that his employer is still silent, Reginald thought of something.

He had heard the rumors that Mr. Beaumont is a workaholic who can't stand idling by. Now that he had inadvertently freed up his schedule due to his injuries, Reginald decided to inform Beaumont of another matter that he might be interested in.

"Sir, your daughters' airship would be arriving at 1, later in Skyport. The servants have long prepared their rooms. If Sir wishes to meet them, then I can get things ready."

Hearing that, Lucas immediately looked up to his valet in surprise.

Originally, Beaumont was set to miss his daughters' landing since he's supposed to be meeting up with Mr. Hawthorne, discussing the details of the contract. Supposedly, it would be the butler, Mikael, who would be guiding the young misses back to the manor. However, since that was canceled, Mr. Beaumont now had time to catch his daughters at the skyport.

Reginald thought that he had done good as he looked at his employer's surprised face. However, all that is on Lucas's mind is,

'I have daughters!?'

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