
Rise and Shine, Dumbass

Sinking as though it's snow, through what is VERY clearly not Water Fifteen cracks his Eyes back open

"Wait, this isn't Water?"


Sinking quickly it gets very Dark and very, VERY cold Quickly Perforating his skin and seeping into his very Bones

"Hrrrgh, HAAAHH Fuck it's Cold"

his very bones feel like they are going to crack and shatter, his very essence feels Fleeting

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"


As he hits the ground all his joints Creak and strain, His muscles slowly twisting and Moulding like clay underneath his Cracking, Graying skin, the "Snow"? is blowing past him with strength reminding him of home

"FUCK, Okay calm your shit"

with gritted Teeth and Sheer Desire to survive He treads towards where he thought land was, For what felt like an Hour the Earth beneath his feet Starts to incline before Fifteen, But he Wasn't looking too Good, He was hearing things, Barely convincing himself to fight on


Steady Walking turns to Shuffling, Then to Crawling up, A head emerges from the false water Ghostly Pale and Cracked all up, Eyes grayed but Wild, slowly a hand emerges, Old and Busted from the froth, before clawing into the Earth, at speeds rivaling a turtle Fifteen Pulls himself from Early grave onto the Ashen Beach the Only color remaining on his Body are Scars Surrounding his Limbs, a Strange pattern of swirls and lines that encompasses his entire body and A deeply Engraved Number on the Left of his chest, he can feel it on his back as well

"Ughhh, Not even my Clothes Suvived, the Axe Rusted pretty bad, and the Waterskin looks Bleached and my Underwear is no longer fun-to-wear"

As he turns to his back to rest he sees a small boat wander Towards, 3 or so people judging by the torches, all with Brightly-colored Hair

"I don't like that, dosen't bode well for my odds of Survival"

Slowly the Color Returns to his Body, Returning it to its Former Healthy Patchwork of Colors, But the Pattern Intensified, Kicking his Feet back under him and checking his body Fifteen notices his Name sake and His Patterns

"Oh cool are these like those wierd UV patterns, Neat"

Standing with an Axe in hand and a Waterskin Bandolier, chillin in his Birthday Suit, Fifteen Wanders to the waters Edge once more looking in, He finds Faces looking Back

"...The voices weren't lies"

*Quiet muttering*

Crippled by the visions that could drive any man insane Fifteen then Stumbles In-land, after about 20 or so minutes, Trembling he makes it up the beach to some soft Ashen Flat, until a Mana Bolt flies back from the ocean, ripping clean off his Earlobe, nearly taking the whole Ear



Fifteen Dives immediately Behind an Ash Dune as another blast streaks be, turning the Ashen soil to Stone Where it landed

"Was that a Fucking Arrow? who the fuck is shooting at me?"

Rather than awnsering the Question, Fifteen starts weaving his way through the Ash Dunes, when he noticed the dust devil forming an idea cropped up, 'maybe he could let it eat his trail as he walks'

"Maybe, just Maybe, I could, but I dont think I could even run fast enough if it speeds up, welp, Better than getting shot"

Fifteen springs into the dust devil and Sprints In front of it like a guide, But we all know he's a Hapless Idiot Praying it goes the right direction

I struggle to English apparently

Wandomness_Rowlcreators' thoughts