
Not So Fair Warning

Hai, in this im going to try and write it from the perspective of the 'Numbered' so since they were thrown in without warning, So are You, givin only what they see and think with exception to what you find here and Other auxiliaries, enjoy my Garbage story, some Numbers are real, others aren't

The skies Crack open before you and Hooded Figures stand in the Darkness

"Come Forth for you have been Chosen"

looking around you see many individuals to your left and right composing a long line each with their own Figure, but not you

"It is time for you all to embrace what's Next"

Around you people start freaking out, some pray, others cry, some even just want to talk before they pass, Then there is this one Motherfucker who just fucking Throws a Haymaker into the Hooded figure

'FUCK YOU' you hear echo through the darkness, a Yank, Sounds Northern too, though you don't recall any religion in the States about Punching a God, but to each their own

"You shouldn't be Here"

Snapping your head back to the front, a different Hooded figure stands

"You are a spectator, how did you get pulled in?"

You shrug unconsciously before realizing you had absolutely no intention on awnsering that

"Hmmm, well spectate away I guess"

Didn't sound very professional but looking around you see the idiot who thrown the punch Surrounded by a group of Hooded Figures now, some standing with others on the ground before Being pulled into the Ground by Searing chains, Straining against the pull he manages to flip them off once more before he falls

"Thank you young one"

Swiveling your head to the left you see a thinner person being blessed by golden light before being marked with a number 9

"Jeez, cool the Glare"

Back to the right you see a man with the Number 7 imprinted with a threatening Look about him

"Lotta Yankees around, wonder why I'm surrounded?"

"Coincidence, Everybody here was mostly random"


"Some were selected Because it was funny, or it Fit well"

"Humor huh? That's sad"

"No, each person has, a role, we just just took some liberties in choosing who, everyone here will be planted with a seal, As long as they're Alive, the world they come from won't be destroyed, sounds fair right?"

"Hold the fuck on, that's a lot to just Drop out of nowhere, what do you mean"

"Well, Earth and Many others are 'competing' to survive, The seal ties the person to the Fluenvium and their soul ties it back to their planet"

"Other wise the planet gets snacked on by the void"

"What the hell, why now all of a sudden"

"Cause you ran out"

"So your just gonna drop in a bunch of Hapless Idiots and Pray?"

"Close enough, but That said Humans Function in a Vast, Fundamentally different way to almost every other planet, wielding no magic of their own, Evolution had to make them pretty Resilient, They'll be fine, I think"

"Why do you Care, its not your Problem"


You notice your temperament is not your own, unsure as to what's going on you find you no longer have control

"Calm down your scaring your host"

Your body starts to sting

"Hmmm, Can you at least Unlock them"

"Free from your domain, They are already free"

"Grrmm, then shape it for them, give them weapons or SOMTHING"

Hearing and Feeling a voice not your own emerging from your throat isn't pleasant

"I am honestly expending as much as I can just to offer Earth 100 chances"

"Don't worry their souls will manifest their power on their own"

"I mean you literally witnessed one of your children Beat the snot out of my Disciples with his Bare hands"

"That's not enough and you know it"

"why do you think we are screening them here? this is where they get certain Boons, Systems, Miscellaneous stuff and Curses to augment and Realize themselves"


"No, we are labeling faults they already had"

Your Body begins to tremble

"Arrghhh" *Sigh* "what kind of Odds are they Against"

"Ehhh, Couple Trillion, Maybe more"

A sudden Pang Ripples through your body, your not sure how much more you can last

"Hold on don't get too angry, They will be able to contact you and the other gods still"

The ringing from Before lightens but dosen't subside

"Are you at least dropping them safely?"

"Ehhh, kinda, Mostly random, but some are going to end up in inhospitable places, Especially The guy in Chains Over there, He pissed a few people off"

"Their not Going to survive"

"Why so little Faith? at the very least the longer they live they can buy extra chances"

"I'm going to have to teach the rest magic, oh no"

"Not necessarily, We will be broadcasting their progress to the others so they can learn from their predecessors at least"

"At least"

Your Body starts to Fail, Muscles Lax, You fall

"Ope, I think you killed Your Host"

"Naw, They are fine I will keep Them for Comunicative Purposes"

that Dosen't sound Pleasent, But now you are literally unable to keep your eyes open, You Heart feels like it's struggling

"Well, We will speak later"

There will not be many of these

Wandomness_Rowlcreators' thoughts