
Flames Of War

"That's it!" 

Qiao Xuan abruptly stood up after that realization. There were two to three months remaining until the ceremony was ready, but they were in a desperate need for support now and that could be a great solution for their problems. If they were to acquire the Demonic Shadow Royal Clan backup, they could storm their way to those other two Higher Ground doorsteps and recover what was stolen from them. 

Truth be told, Qiao Xuan wasn't bothered by the loss of one of his Lion Guardian, what mattered the most for him were those purple Skystones. They were a fortune that could only be acquired once in a lifetime. Being robbed of such a quantity of resources has left him distressed. 

"I want you to prepare the Sound Transmit Formation and connect it with the Demonic Shadow Royal Clan for me, right now. I will personally ask Velgor to speed up the marriage process." 


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