

today on CNN new at school we hear about the corona virus we thought this will pass in a couple of weeks no biggy.Then we heard it hit America and that was scary we was like omg this is the opoculipce were all gonna die we were freaking out.After a couple weeks past by of learning more about it we begin to see its kinda similar to the clue before it got its cure now its a seasonal thing because the flue killed thousands of millions.But come to find out it was a man made virus made to kill off chinas old people because in china old people seem to live longer than in the US.The government of china was getting tired of paying medicare and checks once a month and all that so they needed to eliminate some of there elder people but the virus got out of control began to spread rapidly killing many old people more than they intended.So they sent out a state of emergency and once it got into America trump began putting us on lock down but the plus side no school lol.But this world is getting crazier by the minute people killing rapping so much crazy stuff but we live on this planet we make it like this not god not animal's not object you me and every one else does something to help and something bad but we can always fix it.So let's work together in this world to make it better stay inside as much as possible wear a mask and gloves when going out try not to bring small children or older people out unless they have a death wish.I know younger people ain't taking this serious including me but I'm working on myself y'all need to help yourselfs.stay safe..