
Core Extinction

"Damn those bastard giving speeches of saving mankind but can't even create good spaceships." This is the story of an astronaut who got drifted away in space and then entered the world of core.

Balkaran_Uchiha · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Ch 1 - The Crashing

"Can't breathe my oxygen in tank can only last for 5 min and for more time I have decreased oxygen tank input," said Karan.

"I still remember the faces of those bastards sending me to mars to find some god knows water source and giving us all speeches that this for our human civilization big step and after all these speeches they can't even make durable spaceships." said Karan angrily.

"I still remember if I haven't had gone for space walk outside of space shuttle to check other platform then I wouldn't have been alive, and all of my dear comrades also died as it was a sudden explosion," said Karan.

Then after some time pondering on the loss, he tried to focus on his surrounding wherever he saw there was just darkness and not even sun could be clearly seen, because he got drifted to opposite side of sun far away with shockwave of spaceship getting blast.

He had given up all hope like who will be able to safe him in this dark place without knowing his coordinates, he just felt like asteroids drifting in space without stopping.

At the last moments of his life, he started remembering that he was the youngest astronaut of age 17 years who was able to go in space and with some years of experience at age 22 year he was selected for Mars water mission.

Then he started remembering his parents stopping him saying that he was quite young and from age of 17 he rarely came home and kept spending his time in space agency and regrets started getting piled up in him.

"I regret it a little because I haven't even landed on Mars and before that this all happened and also because of the silly mistake of the agency technicians they for some reason used less gold covering on space shuttle and the spaceship started getting heated constantly and at final it blasted, such a stupid way to die".

Then he closed his eyes and started waiting for oxygen to run out and he also know that this would be one of the brutal deaths known to mankind like dying in dark place with nothing in site and dying with suffocation slowly -slowly and no one is even going to collect your body and can't even see your loved ones one last time before dying.

But suddenly before closing his eyes Karan saw something that he knew if he wasn't suffocating with lack of oxygen, he would have thought it was his hallucination or something before his death.

"What the hell is this", he saw a colossal entity with wingspan which covered whole darkness and he saw some other thing fighting it which was glowing like the brightest thing he has ever seen even sun couldn't compare it.

Karan never felt this astonished in his life it was like he is in some sci -fi movie or some fairytale but seeing his approaching death he wasn't able to keep being astonished for long time and he also was able to see some ripples coming from their sides as it should be impossible to generate ripples due to vacuum but they were generating.

Karan knew they must have been fighting due to which ripples are being caused and they must be far away if they were fighting near him, he would have been obliterated till now with shockwave and radiation alone but suddenly they seem to come close with every second.

"It seems I can die without being alone while seeing things which couldn't be described and also in peace without getting suffocated of lack of oxygen with painless death of shockwave that would take milliseconds to obliterate me."

In the shining aura Son solar spoke angrily "Altura we had pact not to come to zero zones as they can't handle our might while fighting"

The huge, colossal entity which looked like Kun Peng spoke" Son solar don't tell us about rules your Solar race are the biggest backstabbers and today I shall put an end to you and your treacherous race ".

The fight started getting out of hand and the space ripples started spreading out destroying barren planets and after some time they started moving to different areas bringing destruction with them destroying many solar systems.

"I think mine time has finally come "said Karan while seeing two entities approaching at speed of light it seems.

Suddenly Solar son saw something and said, "What is that strange object floating can't even sense any core power from it", but when he looked closer, he saw a human in it which looks to be dying.

After sensing human life aura dissipating quickly, Solar son shot a beam of ray to save him from dying of radiation and shockwave of their battle.

Watching Solar son saving some unknown thing Altura said "What are you doing not focusing on battle and saving some unknown ant, you know that I will not hold back even if you are the most justifiable figure of Solars because you alone can't change other Solar's backstabbing habit".

Listening to Altura saying Solar Son responded, "Even if some people are bad, we can't blame the whole race same is with solar race, the day I was given Son of Solar title I was destined to save every living being that comes under mine area of protection from colossal entities of upper dimension. "

With saying that Son solar opened a portal simultaneously to some other galaxy or starfield in some languages and sent Karan through it with some of his aura so he can at least survive in new environment.

"What is this I thought I was going to die then why am I glowing? " said Karan after opening his eyes little bit he saw a strange ray was enveloping him which was coming from shining entity he saw earlier fighting but firstly he was scared and then he was relaxed after seeing that light wasn't burning or hurting him instead saving him.

But before he could even thank that entity Karan saw a blue colored portal like a crack opening in front of him and he was shot inside the portal with light covering him.